Giving Up My Degeneracy + Looksmaxxing = Happiness?



Feb 1, 2020
For the past 12 years or so, I've been chasing $ and women hard. Constantly scheming up new ways to make a lot quickly, sometimes failing, sometimes doing ok, and once or twice hitting home runs. Always moving from city to city, meeting new people, forming new networks, running through more and more girls and figuring out the best ways to get them.

At first I just worked really hard and slept with women from bars and clubs (only had 0.3% success rate lol). This was very inefficient but relatively fulfilling. Then I banged tons of prostitutes, gold diggers, and other degenerate women that make money off their looks, especially after I had financial means. Generally speaking, they are uneducated, with narcissistic personality disorder and other nasty issues. They tend to be lazy as well. Even the classy runway models with graduate degrees generally have personality disorders. Women that gravitate towards rich guys are the most hypergamous women in the world and make your life a living hell when you date them (unless you're chad, then it's not as bad of course). It's always a bittersweet experience for me, almost never positive in the end either.

The guys in my life similarly, are often dishonest sharks and scumbags because I meet them at nightclubs or etc. Basically I've lived a lifestyle where I can't trust anyone because everyone is a piece of shit. It looks good on the outside, and when your dick is inside a gigastacy and you creampie her it all seems worth it. But maybe I'm just a drug addict hitting a dopamine button like a rat in a cage dying because it keeps snorting cocaine instead of eating... (I never did drugs regularly or much at all but its a good metaphor tbqhngl)

Now Coronavirus has forced an end to my lifestyle, at least for now. I was going insane for about 1-2 weeks and each time I'd start feeling better/accepting it, the situation got worse. Finally the market just bounced and I also got some massive tax benefits from the CARES act. I also realized I can spend way less money and still be mostly happy which was a good cope. BTW Corona lowers wealth inequality so it's good for NEETs and other broke people. As long as they can still find a way to earn $.

I lost a huge amount of wealth and also lost some relationships in business that I needed to sustain the type of income I was making. If you are familiar with finance and retirement at all, you'll understand that a huge drop in future expected cashflow and a simultaneous big drop in net worth means you can't spend shit anymore. It's now logistically impossible to meet women too, or go out and spend anything even if I wanted. Maybe this is my opportunity to be normal and fulfilled instead of endlessly jogging on a hedonic treadmill.

I'm thinking if I just spend conservatively I won't have to worry about chasing dollars anymore, just live off passive returns and some small income from an easy side hustle. On top of this, I can now go for stacylite/becky+ women that have normal personalities instead of gold diggers. It's cope, but it may be factually better for wellbeing to stop trying to climb constantly. I've been prioritizing money for so long and it has definitely hurt my enjoyment of life at times.

I'd probably be better off never betabuxxing/paying, meditating every day, focus on being GL+healthy, spend more time around family and normies that are less competitive+have values and are more honest/less degenerate. In a more normal city where everyone has a productive job that adds to society, instead of being some promoter or other useless superficial thing.

If I had low/normie standards for women, I could get what I wanted now. But the problem is I can't accept below about a 5PSL. Literally my dick just won't get hard. Also I like to be treated well by people. So the key to being able to do this is to looksmaxx. Without looks, the NT attractive PSL6 women aren't going for you. Lots of money + PSL 3 gets you the mentally unstable Stacies that ruin your life. Being PSL6 with decent money gets you access to the quality women.

It's fucked up how the bones in your face affect the quality of woman (personality wise) that you can access. But it's the truth. More neurotic women tend to care less about looks. More NT women just date their looksmatch or better. Looksmaxxing also makes picking up women fun because you can succeed 5% of the time instead of 0.5%... crucial so you don't give up and fail.
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For the past 12 years or so, I've been chasing $ and women hard. Constantly scheming up new ways to make a lot quickly, sometimes failing, sometimes doing ok, and once or twice hitting home runs. Always moving from city to city, meeting new people, forming new networks, running through more and more girls and figuring out the best ways to get them.

At first I just worked really hard and slept with women from bars and clubs (only had 0.3% success rate lol). This was very inefficient but relatively fulfilling. Then I banged tons of prostitutes, gold diggers, and other degenerate women that make money off their looks, especially after I had financial means. Generally speaking, they are uneducated, with narcissistic personality disorder and other nasty issues. They tend to be lazy as well. Even the classy runway models with graduate degrees generally have personality disorders. Women that gravitate towards rich guys are the most hypergamous women in the world and make your life a living hell when you date them (unless you're chad, then it's not as bad of course). It's always a bittersweet experience for me, almost never positive in the end either.

The guys in my life similarly, are often dishonest sharks and scumbags because I meet them at nightclubs or etc. Basically I've lived a lifestyle where I can't trust anyone because everyone is a piece of shit. It looks good on the outside, and when your dick is inside a gigastacy and you creampie her it all seems worth it. But maybe I'm just a drug addict hitting a dopamine button like a rat in a cage dying because it keeps snorting cocaine instead of eating... (I never did drugs regularly or much at all but its a good metaphor tbqhngl)

Now Coronavirus has forced an end to my lifestyle, at least for now. I was going insane for about 1-2 weeks and each time I'd start feeling better/accepting it, the situation got worse. Finally the market just bounced and I also got some massive tax benefits from the CARES act. I also realized I can spend way less money and still be mostly happy which was a good cope. BTW Corona lowers wealth inequality so it's good for NEETs and other broke people. As long as they can still find a way to earn $.

I lost a huge amount of wealth and also lost some relationships in business that I needed to sustain the type of income I was making. If you are familiar with finance and retirement at all, you'll understand that a huge drop in future expected cashflow and a simultaneous big drop in net worth means you can't spend shit anymore. It's now logistically impossible to meet women too, or go out and spend anything even if I wanted. Maybe this is my opportunity to be normal and fulfilled instead of endlessly jogging on a hedonic treadmill.

I'm thinking if I just spend conservatively I won't have to worry about chasing dollars anymore, just live off passive returns and some small income from an easy side hustle. On top of this, I can now go for stacylite/becky+ women that have normal personalities instead of gold diggers. It's cope, but it may be factually better for wellbeing to stop trying to climb constantly. I've been prioritizing money for so long and it has definitely hurt my enjoyment of life at times.

I'd probably be better off never betabuxxing/paying, meditating every day, focus on being GL+healthy, spend more time around family and normies that are less competitive+have values and are more honest/less degenerate. In a more normal city where everyone has a productive job that adds to society, instead of being some promoter or other useless superficial thing.

If I had low/normie standards for women, I could get what I wanted now. But the problem is I can't accept below about a 5PSL. Literally my dick just won't get hard. Also I like to be treated well by people. So the key to being able to do this is to looksmaxx. Without looks, the NT attractive PSL6 women aren't going for you. Lots of money + PSL 3 gets you the mentally unstable Stacies that ruin your life. Being PSL6 with decent money gets you access to the quality women.

It's fucked up how the bones in your face affect the quality of woman (personality wise) that you can access. But it's the truth. More neurotic women tend to care less about looks. More NT women just date their looksmatch or better. Looksmaxxing also makes picking up women fun because you can succeed 5% of the time instead of 0.5%... crucial so you don't give up and fail.
Your money won't mean anything now either since girls can glitch money on onlyfans.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5634, randomguy1235, Deleted member 1707 and 7 others
Women are parasites. Their only worth to me is the 2 or 3 minutes that it takes for me to ejaculate. That's all. Nothing more.
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  • JFL
Reactions: randomguy1235, FootLongDong and Deleted member 5393
Your money won't mean anything now either since girls can glitch money on onlyfans.
Society rewards alphas now more than ever in history.
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme, randomguy1235 and Deleted member 1707
its genuinely over, i feel like even looksmaxxing at this point seems so far away considering how hypergamous women are, you can be psl 6 and she will go for a psl 7, money is nothing, life is nothing, everything is cope, life is nothing but just trash
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
Your money won't mean anything now either since girls can glitch money on onlyfans.

Yeah it's really BS. The most fucked up thing is that all these "sexworkers" or whatever, they don't even have to provide the real thing in real life anymore, for fuck sake. Literally just sell clothed pics and make 60k a month. WHAT THE FUCK. Prostitution needs to be legalized in the US ASAP, hopefully that would put everyone sub 9/10 on onlyfans out of business, since guys would just get the real thing instead (or don't bother).

For the past 12 years or so, I've been chasing $ and women hard. Constantly scheming up new ways to make a lot quickly, sometimes failing, sometimes doing ok, and once or twice hitting home runs. Always moving from city to city, meeting new people, forming new networks, running through more and more girls and figuring out the best ways to get them.

At first I just worked really hard and slept with women from bars and clubs (only had 0.3% success rate lol). This was very inefficient but relatively fulfilling. Then I banged tons of prostitutes, gold diggers, and other degenerate women that make money off their looks, especially after I had financial means. Generally speaking, they are uneducated, with narcissistic personality disorder and other nasty issues. They tend to be lazy as well. Even the classy runway models with graduate degrees generally have personality disorders. Women that gravitate towards rich guys are the most hypergamous women in the world and make your life a living hell when you date them (unless you're chad, then it's not as bad of course). It's always a bittersweet experience for me, almost never positive in the end either.

The guys in my life similarly, are often dishonest sharks and scumbags because I meet them at nightclubs or etc. Basically I've lived a lifestyle where I can't trust anyone because everyone is a piece of shit. It looks good on the outside, and when your dick is inside a gigastacy and you creampie her it all seems worth it. But maybe I'm just a drug addict hitting a dopamine button like a rat in a cage dying because it keeps snorting cocaine instead of eating... (I never did drugs regularly or much at all but its a good metaphor tbqhngl)

Now Coronavirus has forced an end to my lifestyle, at least for now. I was going insane for about 1-2 weeks and each time I'd start feeling better/accepting it, the situation got worse. Finally the market just bounced and I also got some massive tax benefits from the CARES act. I also realized I can spend way less money and still be mostly happy which was a good cope. BTW Corona lowers wealth inequality so it's good for NEETs and other broke people. As long as they can still find a way to earn $.

I lost a huge amount of wealth and also lost some relationships in business that I needed to sustain the type of income I was making. If you are familiar with finance and retirement at all, you'll understand that a huge drop in future expected cashflow and a simultaneous big drop in net worth means you can't spend shit anymore. It's now logistically impossible to meet women too, or go out and spend anything even if I wanted. Maybe this is my opportunity to be normal and fulfilled instead of endlessly jogging on a hedonic treadmill.

I'm thinking if I just spend conservatively I won't have to worry about chasing dollars anymore, just live off passive returns and some small income from an easy side hustle. On top of this, I can now go for stacylite/becky+ women that have normal personalities instead of gold diggers. It's cope, but it may be factually better for wellbeing to stop trying to climb constantly. I've been prioritizing money for so long and it has definitely hurt my enjoyment of life at times.

I'd probably be better off never betabuxxing/paying, meditating every day, focus on being GL+healthy, spend more time around family and normies that are less competitive+have values and are more honest/less degenerate. In a more normal city where everyone has a productive job that adds to society, instead of being some promoter or other useless superficial thing.

If I had low/normie standards for women, I could get what I wanted now. But the problem is I can't accept below about a 5PSL. Literally my dick just won't get hard. Also I like to be treated well by people. So the key to being able to do this is to looksmaxx. Without looks, the NT attractive PSL6 women aren't going for you. Lots of money + PSL 3 gets you the mentally unstable Stacies that ruin your life. Being PSL6 with decent money gets you access to the quality women.

It's fucked up how the bones in your face affect the quality of woman (personality wise) that you can access. But it's the truth. More neurotic women tend to care less about looks. More NT women just date their looksmatch or better. Looksmaxxing also makes picking up women fun because you can succeed 5% of the time instead of 0.5%... crucial so you don't give up and fail.

Why not just move to a cheap country? Can abuse your money and power more effectively. Get more for your money when it comes to everything. Housing, women, food, QOL(quality of life) in general. This is my only cope atm as a baldcel, oldcel. And is the sole reason I'm moneymaxxing.
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Reactions: randomguy1235 and Deleted member 5891
Women are parasites. Their only worth to me is the 2 or 3 minutes that it takes for me to ejaculate. That's all. Nothing more.
women are sexy angels
  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel
Yeah it's really BS. The most fucked up thing is that all these "sexworkers" or whatever, they don't even have to provide the real thing in real life anymore, for fuck sake. Literally just sell clothed pics and make 60k a month. WHAT THE FUCK. Prostitution needs to be legalized in the US ASAP, hopefully that would put everyone sub 9/10 on onlyfans out of business, since guys would just get the real thing instead (or don't bother).

Why not just move to a cheap country? Can abuse your money and power more effectively. Get more for your money when it comes to everything. Housing, women, food, QOL(quality of life) in general. This is my only cope atm as a baldcel, oldcel. And is the sole reason I'm moneymaxxing.
The payers/customers, the source of the money is from guys who all want to, and eventually will kill themselves. So this exploit won't last forever. But Chico is paying for some random roasties only fans. Maybe the onlyfans customers should just kill themselves now. They're making the world worse for all of us. And I never wish death on anyone. I just want less destruction.
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme, Deleted member 5634 and Deleted member 5891
Yeah it's really BS. The most fucked up thing is that all these "sexworkers" or whatever, they don't even have to provide the real thing in real life anymore, for fuck sake. Literally just sell clothed pics and make 60k a month. WHAT THE FUCK. Prostitution needs to be legalized in the US ASAP, hopefully that would put everyone sub 9/10 on onlyfans out of business, since guys would just get the real thing instead (or don't bother).

Why not just move to a cheap country? Can abuse your money and power more effectively. Get more for your money when it comes to everything. Housing, women, food, QOL(quality of life) in general. This is my only cope atm as a baldcel, oldcel. And is the sole reason I'm moneymaxxing.
I think that people cherrypick the only fans girls that make a lot, and soon it will be overly saturated like everything else and they won't do as well. I guarantee you $60k a year is top 1-2% on that site. Also sex workers tend to be lazy as fuck and don't make even 30% of what they could if they treated it like a real job.

I have thought about moving to cheap country, but I think that just means I'm living the same life but in a downgraded way. Moving AWAY from betabuxxing in long term might be better for me.

If you're old and bald and can't looksmaxx then it may be your best option. It's not a bad one, I've done it myself on trips. I just don't like the instability of 3rd world
The payers/customers, the source of the money is from guys who all want to, and eventually will kill themselves. So this exploit won't last forever. But Chico is paying for some random roasties only fans. Maybe the onlyfans customers should just kill themselves now. They're making the world worse for all of us. And I never wish death on anyone. I just want less destruction.
Lol bro, if you unironically think this, then youre crazy. Like 0.01% of only fans customers will actually rope. Though I get what you mean by them probably being very beta and low tier men
I think that people cherrypick the only fans girls that make a lot, and soon it will be overly saturated like everything else and they won't do as well. I guarantee you $60k a year is top 1-2% on that site. Also sex workers tend to be lazy as fuck and don't make even 30% of what they could if they treated it like a real job.

I have thought about moving to cheap country, but I think that just means I'm living the same life but in a downgraded way. Moving AWAY from betabuxxing in long term might be better for me.

If you're old and bald and can't looksmaxx then it may be your best option. It's not a bad one, I've done it myself on trips. I just don't like the instability of 3rd world

Lol bro, if you unironically think this, then youre crazy. Like 0.01% of only fans customers will actually rope. Though I get what you mean by them probably being very beta and low tier men
That's what I meant yeah. I was being hyperbolic.
I have thought about moving to cheap country, but I think that just means I'm living the same life but in a downgraded way. Moving AWAY from betabuxxing in long term might be better for me.

If you're old and bald and can't looksmaxx then it may be your best option. It's not a bad one, I've done it myself on trips. I just don't like the instability of 3rd world

I'm not sure if it would be a downgrade tbh. Depends on which locations you visit I guess.

To take an example. You can get a high tech, modern, clean condo in Bangkok that's large with a lot of space for 1/10 the price a similar one would cost in NYC. The Bangkok condo would also include a swimming pool, a gym and free maid service.

Women are 1/10 the price too. Instead of paying $300 you're essentially paying $30.

Basically you just get way more for your money. Instead of getting that 1 escort in NYC or whatever. Just start a harem in Bangkok.

Philippines, Vietnam etc is even cheaper. Obviously I understand the QOL in some of these countries might be a bit dogshit when it comes to some ascepts. eg. I've heard the food in Philippines is complete dogshit etc.

There's also obviously security concerns in a lot of South American countries etc. So I guess it depends where you go. Overall, going to a cheap country seems better, and more sustainable, unless you're giga rich (in that case it doesn't matter).
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235
I'm not sure if it would be a downgrade tbh. Depends on which locations you visit I guess.

To take an example. You can get a high tech, modern, clean condo in Bangkok that's large with a lot of space for 1/10 the price a similar one would cost in NYC. The Bangkok condo would also include a swimming pool, a gym and free maid service.

Women are 1/10 the price too. Instead of paying $300 you're essentially paying $30.

Basically you just get way more for your money. Instead of getting that 1 escort in NYC or whatever. Just start a harem in Bangkok.

Philippines, Vietnam etc is even cheaper. Obviously I understand the QOL in some of these countries might be a bit dogshit when it comes to some ascepts. eg. I've heard the food in Philippines is complete dogshit etc.

There's also obviously security concerns in a lot of South American countries etc. So I guess it depends where you go. Overall, going to a cheap country seems better, and more sustainable, unless you're giga rich (in that case it doesn't matter).
Yeah South America = security risk and also I expect 3rd world to be more racist after this corona shit. I’m asian. Also my gringo friends told me I wouldn’t like to actually live in the South American city that I visited a bunch and like the most (though I’ve only been to 2) Latin women are ok but I strongly prefer white.

I don’t like asian women that much so Bangkok is a no go for me.

If I go this route it might be Eastern Europe. They like asians more than other places though I heard in Russia or Ukraine the local guys hate foreigners for stealing their women

The issue with 3rd world is basic infrastructure and safety etc. dealing with double taxation and visas and local language can also be significant barriers
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235 and jackthenerd
Why don't u just get some surgeries to increase PSL if you have the money?
its genuinely over, i feel like even looksmaxxing at this point seems so far away considering how hypergamous women are, you can be psl 6 and she will go for a psl 7, money is nothing, life is nothing, everything is cope, life is nothing but just trash
Ok incel keep coping
i mog you to gandys eye wrinkles buddy, i was rated 6 psl by salludon himself, keep projecting
wow 6 PSL :love: you must be truly retarded if you can’t get pussy at this point
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5634
its genuinely over, i feel like even looksmaxxing at this point seems so far away considering how hypergamous women are, you can be psl 6 and she will go for a psl 7, money is nothing, life is nothing, everything is cope, life is nothing but just trash
it’s the fault of aspies like you that take all Motivation from people who have a decent base and could ASCEND big time
hey read ur large thread recently, big fan. i "aim" for the same lifestyle you described in this post, kinda like a idol, but i have a question if you dont mind:
how do you keep motivation for moneymaxxing? im a student (4th semester CS now). i do code some side projects to earn money (so far only around ~3k from crpytocurrency casinos for some minor currencies). i have trouble finishing stuff, like midway the thought of "bruh it wont work its a waste of time mate" occurs. i also tend to get addicted phases of instant gratification dopamine hits e.g. porn.
i cant keep consistency. any advice idea ?

Speaking of, once this corona thing is over, you think you wont fall back? fucking stacies and then trying to settle with becky seems hard to do honestly.
Chasing women is degeneracy. Spending money on women is degeneracy. Improving yourself is being a man. Women come and go, you are forever
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Reactions: HighIQcel, I'mme, Deleted member 5634 and 2 others
Cant imagine doing all that shit

I just want to be PSL 6 and have everyone like me, go to gym, play video games, have a loving gf, work a job where I make 6 figures and thats it

No millionare, no slaying, dont need much to be happy, just be GL theory and revieve endless validation
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Moneymaxxed
Cant imagine doing all that shit

I just want to be PSL 6 and have everyone like me, go to gym, play video games, have a loving gf, work a job where I make 6 figures and thats it

No millionare, no slaying, dont need much to be happy, just be GL theory and revieve endless validation
Can become millionaire from normal job over long time if you just save and invest
hey read ur large thread recently, big fan. i "aim" for the same lifestyle you described in this post, kinda like a idol, but i have a question if you dont mind:
how do you keep motivation for moneymaxxing? im a student (4th semester CS now). i do code some side projects to earn money (so far only around ~3k from crpytocurrency casinos for some minor currencies). i have trouble finishing stuff, like midway the thought of "bruh it wont work its a waste of time mate" occurs. i also tend to get addicted phases of instant gratification dopamine hits e.g. porn.
i cant keep consistency. any advice idea ?

Speaking of, once this corona thing is over, you think you wont fall back? fucking stacies and then trying to settle with becky seems hard to do honestly.

Code your own thing. Like if it’s legal where you live you could make your own crypto casino

create a saas. Coding is a good skill for creating scalable solutions

motivation is important but lack of it sometimes saves you a lot of time wasted on something that won’t work. Look for something scalable with a big addressable market with actual demand and then don’t give up on it

I wont need to settle for Becky if I become chadlite, become top 10% charisma, and have decent money. And won’t need to betabuxx either. In theory
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2632
Can become millionaire from normal job over long time if you just save and invest

Code your own thing. Like if it’s legal where you live you could make your own crypto casino

create a saas. Coding is a good skill for creating scalable solutions

motivation is important but lack of it sometimes saves you a lot of time wasted on something that won’t work. Look for something scalable with a big addressable market with actual demand and then don’t give up on it

I wont need to settle for Becky if I become chadlite, become top 10% charisma, and have decent money. And won’t need to betabuxx either. In theory

i probably worded it wrong, these are my own casinos. finding the the market with high demand is the insanely hard thing true true.

i hope you dont find a gold digger at the end man
i probably worded it wrong, these are my own casinos. finding the the market with high demand is the insanely hard thing true true.

i hope you dont find a gold digger at the end man
Nah I have had experiences lately that suggest I’m very close to Normal hot gf just needs to increase psl
i probably worded it wrong, these are my own casinos. finding the the market with high demand is the insanely hard thing true true.

i hope you dont find a gold digger at the end man
Sounds like you just need more customers
just cause father put p into wrong v, op is unhappy ugly asian despite being rich
Yeah South America = security risk and also I expect 3rd world to be more racist after this corona shit. I’m asian. Also my gringo friends told me I wouldn’t like to actually live in the South American city that I visited a bunch and like the most (though I’ve only been to 2) Latin women are ok but I strongly prefer white.

I don’t like asian women that much so Bangkok is a no go for me.

If I go this route it might be Eastern Europe. They like asians more than other places though I heard in Russia or Ukraine the local guys hate foreigners for stealing their women

The issue with 3rd world is basic infrastructure and safety etc. dealing with double taxation and visas and local language can also be significant barriers
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just cause father put p into wrong v, op is unhappy ugly asian despite being rich

Sort of exaggerating how unhappy I am but definitely annoyed by the things mentioned in post and have had bad experiences with gold diggers lol
just cause father put p into wrong v, op is unhappy ugly asian despite being rich

You think they don’t hate foreigners? You live there? I can’t speak Russian which I heard is a big detriment
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Sort of exaggerating how unhappy I am but definitely annoyed by the things mentioned in post and have had bad experiences with gold diggers lol

You think they don’t hate foreigners? You live there? I can’t speak Russian which I heard is a big detriment
hmm, who could expect that women who are only for you because of money will fck u over in the long-term and dont truely care about you

celebirty status/looks>anything in life
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Reactions: HighIQcel, randomguy1235 and GetThatBread
So what are you even trying to say? Don’t looksMax and don’t moneyMax?

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