

NT Escortcel
Mar 15, 2024
I go to the gym 5-6 times per week, I do full body workout every time I go. (no legs lol)

I do 7-8 sets of cable raises for side delts every set till failure
I do machine/Dumbbell/Barbbell overhead presses for 7-8 sets every set till failure
as well as Abs 6 sets every set till failure
Rows 6-7 sets every set till failure
Lat pulldowns 6-5 sets till failure
Bicep curls 5-6 sets till failure
pull ups and dips 6 sets till failure

takes me around 2 hours in the gym to complete all of this, sometimes I only do pulldowns instead of rows though.
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Bro you can’t be training to failure you just train to close to failure maybe bro the only way you can do that mush volume is if you havw good genes + gear heck even those guys with good genes and gear don’t train with that volume stop overcomplicating thing even someone who do just 1 set to true muscular failure would have better results than you simply bwcause of something calles recovery
  • +1
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Bro you can’t be training to failure you just train to close to failure maybe bro the only way you can do that mush volume is if you havw good genes + gear heck even those guys with good genes and gear don’t train with that volume stop overcomplicating thing even someone who do just 1 set to true muscular failure would have better results than you simply bwcause of something calles recovery
this mf really got his full date of birth as his user
@Gaygymmaxx use ur jewish magic to decypher what his shit is jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: MA_ascender, shia.jihadist, Gaygymmaxx and 2 others
Full body every single day is insanity, youre 100% not training right
  • +1
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this mf really got his full date of birth as his user
@Gaygymmaxx use ur jewish magic to decypher what his shit is jfl
Ain't no way

Greycel gave me free game


You are a very good looking prettyboy. And you've had a significant growth spurt and overall glow up in 2024, but

Some distinct feminine physical traits and characteristic emotional IQ, you are interpersonally manipulative and hard working with a rigid personality (leaves you unapproachable, and general evil energy unironically, stared at and evil lookz 👺)

Very non nt and high autistic despite good looks, likely some trauma in youth and moderate drug addiction

Extreme emotional nueroticsm and dopamerigic dependence, always need to be stimulated with Vidya or a video, but also high ego Despite often rotten

You have a main character syndrome, IQ is extemely high, 135ish if tested

You can exceel in school and are scoring in the top of your class as long as you're not doing drugs, academic weapon and high iq mogger but a bit autistic

2020 things went well for you as well
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1 and alurmo
Retarted split, you are never going to recover and are gonna make no gains. You are literally just wasting your time doing this
Ain't no way
View attachment 3073187
Greycel gave me free game


You are a very good looking prettyboy. And you've had a significant growth spurt and overall glow up in 2024, but

Some distinct feminine physical traits and characteristic emotional IQ, you are interpersonally manipulative and hard working with a rigid personality

Very non nt and high autistic despite good looks, likely some trauma in youth and moderate drug addiction

Extreme emotional nueroticsm and dopamerigic dependence, always need to be stimulated with Vidya or a video, but also high ego Despite often rotten

You have a main character syndrome, IQ is extemely high, 135ish if tested

You can exceel in school and are scoring in the top of your class as long as you're not doing drugs, academic weapon and high iq mogger but a bit autistic

2020 things went well for you as well
this is what he looks like
  • JFL
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1 and Gaygymmaxx
I just got in here to say I did not read a single fucking molecule of your dogshit thread nigger.
  • +1
Reactions: ey88
Retarted split, you are never going to recover and are gonna make no gains. You are literally just wasting your time doing this
well then tell me what to do
  • +1
Reactions: ey88
Do a normal push pull legs with 2 or 3 exercises of about 2 to 4 sets for each muscle group.
elaborate I don’t know what push pull legs mean

And I don’t really wanna train legs ngl, they are not really underdeveloped
  • +1
Reactions: ey88
Bro just do that :

The concept of Progressive Overload :


In Ancient greek time their was an Olympic wrester who goes by the name of milo of croton the legend tell that milo would lift a baby calf in his shoulder everyday so as the calf grew so did milo and milo become one of the strongest and biggest olympic wrestler in ancient greece

So thats what we are gonna do exept we want achieve progressive overload buy putting a Calf on our shoulder but by increasing the weight in our exercises

(Note:When you are in the limit of the rep range you add weight until you are in the beginning of the rep range also try to never train to failure you should avoid failure as mush as possible to avoid fatigue you should only train with 1-2 reps in reserve for optimal results the only time you should train to failure is your first session to know how strong you are so you could optimize your training ) .

  1. Push : Shoulders/Neck/Chest/Triceps /Calves/

Neck curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

Incline bench press 2 set of 5-7 reps

Dips Amrap 2 sets

Shoulder press machine 2 sets of 8-15 reps

1 arm Db triceps extension 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Leg press machine Calf raise 4 sets of 10-20 reps

  1. Pull : Shoulders/Back/Arms

Wide grip Sm shrugs 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Neutral Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Inverted grip Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Rear delt Db row 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rear delt Cable fly 3 sets of 8-15 reps

(Note: Max euceda style)

Alternated Supinating Db curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

1 Arm Db Preasher curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rope hammer curl 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Wrist curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

(In my opinion i believe that strenght and size correlate you’ll never find someone benching 3 plates having a Small chest )

Strenght Standards :

120 kg Incline bench press for 5 reps

25 kg Neck curl for 10 reps

Bw Dips for 30 reps

95 kg machine shoulder press for 8 reps

35 kg Db 1 arm triceps extension for 6 reps

190 kg leg press calf raise for 20 reps

130 kg Wide grip Sm shrugs for 8 reps

100 kg Seated Cable row for 6 reps

95 kg Inverted Seated cable row for 6 reps

44 kg Db Row for 10 reps

20 kg 1 arm Cable reverse fly for 8 reps

30 kg Alternated Supinated Db Curl for 6 reps

30 kg 1 arm Db preasher curl for 6 reps

25 kg Rope hammer curl for 6 reps

25 kg Wrist curls for 30 reps

c. Hyper Plasia :

Hyperplasia or nucleus overload is a 30 day program designed to build muscle as fast as possible it involves high volume high frequency high rep moderate weight exercises for no more than 2 muscles for 4 weeks followed by a 1-2 week breack but first what is hyperplasia their are 2 type of ways that a muscle can grow hypertrophy and hyperplasia i think we are all familiar with hypertrophy who is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing size of the cells while on the other sides hyperplasia is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing the number of muscle cells that’s explain how muscle memory Works its because when your back training even tho your physique got back to where it was the number of muscle cells on your body increased .

(Note:i know you are a bit sceptical but you can see it on the sport field life like strenght athletes and their traps track cyclist and speed skatsa and their quads baseball players and their foreams Basketball plays and boxers amd thwir shoulders balerinas and their calves

Even in daily life you see plumber woth big foreams)

Hyperplasia program :

(Note : it should not take more than 5 min to complete the lateral raises after warming up)

Db lateral raise 5 sets of 8-15 reps

(So for the Lateral raise your gonna take 60% of your Max lateral raise and your gonna do it for 8 reps rest take 30 breath then repeat)

Chin ups 5 sets Amrap

(For the Chin up were gonna use a Similar program Known in Calihestenics athletes Cold

Grease the grove its the Same as Nucleus overload exept its like a strenght program so your constantly getting stronger)

Example of greese the grove :

Chin ups Strenght standard : is 30 reps with your bw

Level 1

(MAX REPS between 0 and 3)

5 Sets of 10 SECONDES NEGATIVES per day

Level 2 (MAX Reps between 3 ET 6)

5 Sets of 1 to 3 rep per day

Level 3 (MAX Reps between 6 and 12 )

7 Sets of 3 to 8 Reps per day

Level 4 (MAX Reps between 12 and 20)

7 Sets of 6 to 12 Reps per day

Level 5 (MAX Reps between 20 and 30)

7 Sets of 12 to 18 Reps per day
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
elaborate I don’t know what push pull legs mean

And I don’t really wanna train legs ngl, they are not really underdeveloped
Push day is where you do you exercise that primarily push, this is chest shoulders and triceps, pull day is back and biceps, and legs is obviously legs

A good push day I do sometimes is

4 sets of bench
3 sets incline db bench
2 sets pec dec
3 sets shoulder press
3 sets lat raises
3 sets tricep pushdown
All sets taken to or close to failure

Push pull legs is good because it gives you days To recover between each muscle group
I go to the gym 5-6 times per week, I do full body workout every time I go.
Do you know how muscles build? Ur supposed to do 2 muscle groups per sesh so you give them time to heal. Training ur whole upper body every day is just a waist of time. And train legs u will just look weird otherwise if ur upper body is ripped and u got legs that are the sice of a spagetti
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
Do you know how muscles build? Ur supposed to do 2 muscle groups per sesh so you give them time to heal. Training ur whole upper body every day is just a waist of time. And train legs u will just look weird otherwise if ur upper body is ripped and u got legs that are the sice of a spagetti
I don’t like the aesthetics of trained legs especially big calves :sick:
  • +1
Reactions: granitegroyper
I don’t like the aesthetics of trained legs especially big calves :sick:
Well just dont overtrain ur calves then but u need to train ur legs otherwise u will just look weird
I don’t like the aesthetics of trained legs especially big calves :sick:
Nigga read the shit i send you in my program is science based with no leg training
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
Bro just do that :

The concept of Progressive Overload :

View attachment 3073289

In Ancient greek time their was an Olympic wrester who goes by the name of milo of croton the legend tell that milo would lift a baby calf in his shoulder everyday so as the calf grew so did milo and milo become one of the strongest and biggest olympic wrestler in ancient greece

So thats what we are gonna do exept we want achieve progressive overload buy putting a Calf on our shoulder but by increasing the weight in our exercises

(Note:When you are in the limit of the rep range you add weight until you are in the beginning of the rep range also try to never train to failure you should avoid failure as mush as possible to avoid fatigue you should only train with 1-2 reps in reserve for optimal results the only time you should train to failure is your first session to know how strong you are so you could optimize your training ) .

  1. Push : Shoulders/Neck/Chest/Triceps /Calves/

Neck curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

Incline bench press 2 set of 5-7 reps

Dips Amrap 2 sets

Shoulder press machine 2 sets of 8-15 reps

1 arm Db triceps extension 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Leg press machine Calf raise 4 sets of 10-20 reps

  1. Pull : Shoulders/Back/Arms

Wide grip Sm shrugs 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Neutral Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Inverted grip Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Rear delt Db row 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rear delt Cable fly 3 sets of 8-15 reps

(Note: Max euceda style)

Alternated Supinating Db curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

1 Arm Db Preasher curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rope hammer curl 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Wrist curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

(In my opinion i believe that strenght and size correlate you’ll never find someone benching 3 plates having a Small chest )

Strenght Standards :

120 kg Incline bench press for 5 reps

25 kg Neck curl for 10 reps

Bw Dips for 30 reps

95 kg machine shoulder press for 8 reps

35 kg Db 1 arm triceps extension for 6 reps

190 kg leg press calf raise for 20 reps

130 kg Wide grip Sm shrugs for 8 reps

100 kg Seated Cable row for 6 reps

95 kg Inverted Seated cable row for 6 reps

44 kg Db Row for 10 reps

20 kg 1 arm Cable reverse fly for 8 reps

30 kg Alternated Supinated Db Curl for 6 reps

30 kg 1 arm Db preasher curl for 6 reps

25 kg Rope hammer curl for 6 reps

25 kg Wrist curls for 30 reps

c. Hyper Plasia :

Hyperplasia or nucleus overload is a 30 day program designed to build muscle as fast as possible it involves high volume high frequency high rep moderate weight exercises for no more than 2 muscles for 4 weeks followed by a 1-2 week breack but first what is hyperplasia their are 2 type of ways that a muscle can grow hypertrophy and hyperplasia i think we are all familiar with hypertrophy who is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing size of the cells while on the other sides hyperplasia is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing the number of muscle cells that’s explain how muscle memory Works its because when your back training even tho your physique got back to where it was the number of muscle cells on your body increased .

(Note:i know you are a bit sceptical but you can see it on the sport field life like strenght athletes and their traps track cyclist and speed skatsa and their quads baseball players and their foreams Basketball plays and boxers amd thwir shoulders balerinas and their calves

Even in daily life you see plumber woth big foreams)

Hyperplasia program :

(Note : it should not take more than 5 min to complete the lateral raises after warming up)

Db lateral raise 5 sets of 8-15 reps

(So for the Lateral raise your gonna take 60% of your Max lateral raise and your gonna do it for 8 reps rest take 30 breath then repeat)

Chin ups 5 sets Amrap

(For the Chin up were gonna use a Similar program Known in Calihestenics athletes Cold

Grease the grove its the Same as Nucleus overload exept its like a strenght program so your constantly getting stronger)

Example of greese the grove :

Chin ups Strenght standard : is 30 reps with your bw

Level 1

(MAX REPS between 0 and 3)

5 Sets of 10 SECONDES NEGATIVES per day

Level 2 (MAX Reps between 3 ET 6)

5 Sets of 1 to 3 rep per day

Level 3 (MAX Reps between 6 and 12 )

7 Sets of 3 to 8 Reps per day

Level 4 (MAX Reps between 12 and 20)

7 Sets of 6 to 12 Reps per day

Level 5 (MAX Reps between 20 and 30)

7 Sets of 12 to 18 Reps per day
thanks, where can I see it bro
Bro just do that :

The concept of Progressive Overload :


In Ancient greek time their was an Olympic wrester who goes by the name of milo of croton the legend tell that milo would lift a baby calf in his shoulder everyday so as the calf grew so did milo and milo become one of the strongest and biggest olympic wrestler in ancient greece

So thats what we are gonna do exept we want achieve progressive overload buy putting a Calf on our shoulder but by increasing the weight in our exercises

(Note:When you are in the limit of the rep range you add weight until you are in the beginning of the rep range also try to never train to failure you should avoid failure as mush as possible to avoid fatigue you should only train with 1-2 reps in reserve for optimal results the only time you should train to failure is your first session to know how strong you are so you could optimize your training ) .

  1. Push : Shoulders/Neck/Chest/Triceps /Calves/

Neck curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

Incline bench press 2 set of 5-7 reps

Dips Amrap 2 sets

Shoulder press machine 2 sets of 8-15 reps

1 arm Db triceps extension 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Leg press machine Calf raise 4 sets of 10-20 reps

  1. Pull : Shoulders/Back/Arms

Wide grip Sm shrugs 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Neutral Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Inverted grip Seated Cable row 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Rear delt Db row 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rear delt Cable fly 3 sets of 8-15 reps

(Note: Max euceda style)

Alternated Supinating Db curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

1 Arm Db Preasher curl 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Rope hammer curl 2 sets of 5-7 reps

Wrist curl 2 sets of 10-30 reps

(In my opinion i believe that strenght and size correlate you’ll never find someone benching 3 plates having a Small chest )

Strenght Standards :

120 kg Incline bench press for 5 reps

25 kg Neck curl for 10 reps

Bw Dips for 30 reps

95 kg machine shoulder press for 8 reps

35 kg Db 1 arm triceps extension for 6 reps

190 kg leg press calf raise for 20 reps

130 kg Wide grip Sm shrugs for 8 reps

100 kg Seated Cable row for 6 reps

95 kg Inverted Seated cable row for 6 reps

44 kg Db Row for 10 reps

20 kg 1 arm Cable reverse fly for 8 reps

30 kg Alternated Supinated Db Curl for 6 reps

30 kg 1 arm Db preasher curl for 6 reps

25 kg Rope hammer curl for 6 reps

25 kg Wrist curls for 30 reps

c. Hyper Plasia :

Hyperplasia or nucleus overload is a 30 day program designed to build muscle as fast as possible it involves high volume high frequency high rep moderate weight exercises for no more than 2 muscles for 4 weeks followed by a 1-2 week breack but first what is hyperplasia their are 2 type of ways that a muscle can grow hypertrophy and hyperplasia i think we are all familiar with hypertrophy who is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing size of the cells while on the other sides hyperplasia is the growth of the muscle tissue by increasing the number of muscle cells that’s explain how muscle memory Works its because when your back training even tho your physique got back to where it was the number of muscle cells on your body increased .

(Note:i know you are a bit sceptical but you can see it on the sport field life like strenght athletes and their traps track cyclist and speed skatsa and their quads baseball players and their foreams Basketball plays and boxers amd thwir shoulders balerinas and their calves

Even in daily life you see plumber woth big foreams)

Hyperplasia program :

(Note : it should not take more than 5 min to complete the lateral raises after warming up)

Db lateral raise 5 sets of 8-15 reps

(So for the Lateral raise your gonna take 60% of your Max lateral raise and your gonna do it for 8 reps rest take 30 breath then repeat)

Chin ups 5 sets Amrap

(For the Chin up were gonna use a Similar program Known in Calihestenics athletes Cold

Grease the grove its the Same as Nucleus overload exept its like a strenght program so your constantly getting stronger)

Example of greese the grove :

Chin ups Strenght standard : is 30 reps with your bw

Level 1

(MAX REPS between 0 and 3)

5 Sets of 10 SECONDES NEGATIVES per day

Level 2 (MAX Reps between 3 ET 6)

5 Sets of 1 to 3 rep per day

Level 3 (MAX Reps between 6 and 12 )

7 Sets of 3 to 8 Reps per day

Level 4 (MAX Reps between 12 and 20)

7 Sets of 6 to 12 Reps per day

Level 5 (MAX Reps between 20 and 30)

7 Sets of 12 to 18 Reps per day

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