God and the blackpill



Jul 8, 2024
It’s so hard to believe in god when you are blackpilled, is it even possible?

I want to believe in him but Idek at this point
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either hes not real or he made all these horrible things. your choice
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It’s so hard to believe in god when you are blackpilled, is it even possible?

I want to believe in him but Idek at this point
I’ve became a practicing “devout” Catholic couple months before i took the blackpill and it’s perfectly fine for me. other then the thought of dehumanizing someone because of their looks and other things of that nature it’s simple. But the blackpill shouldn’t effect Faith so idk what your talking about.
It’s so hard to believe in god when you are blackpilled, is it even possible?

I want to believe in him but Idek at this point
When you die, if there is a God, He will not reproach you for not believing in Him. He forgives even the most reprehensible acts, so why wouldn’t He forgive you for doubting—a doubt that is neither defiant nor malicious?

It’s truly sad that God would need so much approval, isn’t it?
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i believe in both
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join the deist chad club
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I’ve became a practicing “devout” Catholic couple months before i took the blackpill and it’s perfectly fine for me. other then the thought of dehumanizing someone because of their looks and other things of that nature it’s simple. But the blackpill shouldn’t effect Faith so idk what your talking about.
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That is the point brother God created the world but human has betrayed God which that is the sin, thus since sin is all over the world.

Also Satan is in control of all the evil and unfairness of the world he is the king of the evil world.

So it is our choice to get defeated by Satan and its illuminati, Kaballah Jews and follow the world or refuse and resist against the world through believing in Jesus Christ,
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its really impossible to reconcile two things like the BP and religion
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That is the point brother God created the world but human has betrayed God which that is the sin, thus since sin is all over the world.

Also Satan is in control of all the evil and unfairness of the world he is the king of the evil world.

So it is our choice to get defeated by Satan and its illuminati, Kaballah Jews and follow the world or refuse and resist against the world through believing in Jesus Christ,
a bunch of humans in the past betrayed god so now people who had literally nothing to do with said sin are born with painstaking permanent disabilities?
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It depends on what kind of god.

Polytheism makes sense, there are several gods and each ethnic group has its own.

The gods of the Aryan Chads have nothing to do with the Cels also, and they consider them enemies.

In this way the world makes sense.

There are also people who do not have any god in their favor and depend on their own and free will if they want to put themselves under the protection of one.
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a bunch of humans in the past betrayed god so now people who had literally nothing to do with said sin are born with painstaking permanent disabilities?
The world became corrupted because we sinned thats why unfairness and suffer also came.

God was in control of the world and made a heaven like world for humans but humans destroyed themselves.

So God himself came as flesh to let all the people to salvation through believing in Jesus.

So if you believe in Christ you are no longer a person of Satan/The world.

You are children of God that will dwell in God's new Kingdom so believers should not complain about the unfairness about the world but to endure and fight for it
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The world became corrupted because we sinned thats why unfairness and suffer also came.

God was in control of the world and made a heaven like world for humans but humans destroyed themselves.
thats not a omnibenevolent god in the slightest

no loving god would subject his creations to untold suffering for something they had literally no part in

original sin always gave me the irk when i was a christian, its just not right
When you die, if there is a God, He will not reproach you for not believing in Him. He forgives even the most reprehensible acts, so why wouldn’t He forgive you for doubting—a doubt that is neither defiant nor malicious?

It’s truly sad that God would need so much approval, isn’t it?
he doesnt forgive blasphemy nor disbelief

if you disbelieve up until death you're destined for hell
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thats not a omnibenevolent god in the slightest

no loving god would subject his creations to untold suffering for something they had literally no part in

original sin always gave me the irk when i was a christian, its just not right
You have to know that even God himself suffered when he came to Jesus he sacrificed himself with all the torture, mocking and death sentence to the cross.
God was in control of the world and made a heaven like world for humans but humans destroyed themselves.

But God did not want to us suffer anymore so he himself came as flesh to let all the people to salvation through believing in Jesus.

So if you believe in Christ you are no longer a person of Satan/The world.

You are children of God that will dwell in God's new Kingdom so believers should not complain about the unfairness about the world but to endure and fight the world and patiently wait for the new Kingdom

Since God fought for us since he loved us we are also fighting the world for God.
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It’s pretty funny really, if you were a chad you would def believe in a just god or don’t and go full slaya. From real life examples it seems those who cling to him are the poor, imprisoned or ignorant. Praying for an external saviour or explanation for x, y, z. Mind you it’s bizarre how humans are the only truly intelligent life form on earth
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You have to know that even God himself suffered when he came to Jesus he sacrificed himself with all the torture, mocking and death sentence to the cross.
God was in control of the world and made a heaven like world for humans but humans destroyed themselves.

But God did not want to us suffer anymore so he himself came as flesh to let all the people to salvation through believing in Jesus.

So if you believe in Christ you are no longer a person of Satan/The world.

You are children of God that will dwell in God's new Kingdom so believers should not complain about the unfairness about the world but to endure and fight for it.

Since God fought for us we are also fighting the world for God
ok answer this

why would a loving and benevolent god create an unfair world

especially for those who do not deserve it?

whats the point
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ok answer this

why would a loving and benevolent god create an unfair world

especially for those who do not deserve it?

whats the point
God did not create an unfair world bro. God created a perfect world that gives happiness to human being.

But since humanity started to reject God, humans pushed God away,

the absence of God created this chaos because originally beautiful world, but humans evil and Satan's presence on this world made world dirty
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God did not create an unfair world bro. God created a perfect world that gives happiness to human being.

But since humanity started to reject God, humans pushed God away,

the absence of God created this chaos because originally beautiful world, but humans evil and Satan's presence on this world made world dirty
ok so why doesnt god just come back into the world, defeat satan and make the world clean again?

hes obviously smarter and all powerful so why doesnt he just do this? us feeble humans had no idea what we were doing so why not just give us a second chance?

why have people be born ugly

or with disabilities?

they did nothing to be born that way, yet they were

if that makes sense
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he doesnt forgive blasphemy nor disbelief

if you disbelieve up until death you're destined for hell
So a person who is an outsider to society and who, by the vagaries of life, does not and will not know religion, is destined for hell?

It is one thing to disbelieve and hate the possibility of its existence, and another to consider that the possibility of its existence or not is open.
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God did not create an unfair world bro. God created a perfect world that gives happiness to human being.

But since humanity started to reject God, humans pushed God away,

the absence of God created this chaos because originally beautiful world, but humans evil and Satan's presence on this world made world dirty
Also what happens if you are born in a different part of the world where Christianity isn’t popular? You are sentenced to eternity in hell even though you never had the chance to believe in him?
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So a person who is an outsider to society and who, by the vagaries of life, does not and will not know religion, is destined for hell?
u never mentioned someone who doesnt know about god, u said someone who willingly does not believe in him

if you willingly choose to disbelieve yes you will go to hell according to most christian theological standards
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Also what happens if you are born in a different part of the world where Christianity isn’t popular? You are sentenced to eternity in hell even though you never had the chance to believe in him?
200 iq thinking
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ok so why doesnt god just come back into the world, defeat satan and make the world clean again?

hes obviously smarter and all powerful so why doesnt he just do this? us feeble humans had no idea what we were doing so why not just give us a second chance?

why have people be born ugly

or with disabilities?

they did nothing to be born that way, yet they were

if that makes sense
Yeah even Christians wonder why just God came and just destroy Satan and make world beautiful again.

But there is a verse on the bible explaining why

"without the shedding of blood. there is no forgiveness"
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u never mentioned someone who doesnt know about god, u said someone who willingly does not believe in him

if you willingly choose to disbelieve yes you will go to hell according to most christian theological standards
How sad then, so much approval (or maybe that's what the religious institution wants) for someone who doesn't really need it.
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Also what happens if you are born in a different part of the world where Christianity isn’t popular? You are sentenced to eternity in hell even though you never had the chance to believe in him?
the catholic catechism addresses this but its not from the bible so idk

"Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation. CCC 337"
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i truly would love to believe in god but i just cant reconcile it with the BP
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i truly would love to believe in god but i just cant reconcile it with the BP
Same, I was honestly thinking about becoming a Christian the last year, I just don’t know anymore though, it’s so hard to believe it, but it’s so hard to believe that there isn’t a creator of this world either, we are the only intelligent life in the universe and I feel like that can’t be a coincidence
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Also what happens if you are born in a different part of the world where Christianity isn’t popular? You are sentenced to eternity in hell even though you never had the chance to believe in him?
200 iq thinking

There is a verse that might give some answer to that
"when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law."
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Same, I was honestly thinking about becoming a Christian the last year, I just don’t know anymore though, it’s so hard to believe it, but it’s so hard to believe that there isn’t a creator of this world either, we are the only intelligent life in the universe and I feel like that can’t be a coincidence
thats why deism mogs as @0proteindiet says
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There is a verse that might give some answer to that
"when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law."
But I’m not necessarily just talking about people who have never heard it, what about people who are born in Muslim countries, or Buddhist countries, they will believe in these religions because everyone around them do too, idk it just doesn’t make sense to me
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But I’m not necessarily just talking about people who have never heard it, what about people who are born in Muslim countries, or Buddhist countries, they will believe in these religions because everyone around them do too, idk it just doesn’t make sense to me
@cromagnon @toji.

There is another verse for that
"since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

It says God showed clear evidence on who true God(Jesus Christ) is to everyone so even people who are born in Muslim and Buddhist countries will know.

I used to be born in Buddhist and quite shinto family which nobody near any relatives believes in the Yehovah/Jesus Christ but I am the only one believes in him because I was able to find

that God is the true God through near evidences.

Myself is a proof that near environment for not believing in Christ can't be an excuse because God clear gives hints and evidences that he is truth.
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No god for your face:pepefrown:
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