God bless Capitalism



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Oct 15, 2019
God bless Capitalism, Globalism and Multiculturalism.
  • JFL
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Embrace diversity and private ownership.

Get rid of borders and socialism.
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@Klaus Schwab
Capitalism is good unfortunately when your population rushes through the industrial revolution (Germany and Japan)

You are lead to two scenarios

1. Population boom centuries later they stop having kids but you dont like foreigners so you dont import them - Japan

2. Population boom they stop having kids so you mass import shitskins for low class work - Germany
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Capitalism is good unfortunately when your population rushes through the industrial revolution (Germany and Japan)

You are lead to two scenarios

1. Population boom centuries later they stop having kids but you dont like foreigners so you dont import them - Japan

2. Population boom they stop having kids so you mass import shitskins for low class work - Germany
Second option is better. Those immigrants earn much more in Germany and enjoy a higher standard of living. Immigrant women from Muslim countries can also finally get rights and freedom.

First option will lead to a total economical collapse. Any non-western white, like EE , and Northern Asian nation face this problem.

White women don't want to get children, unless with rich Chads of course. This will make white people reduce in number but increase in genetic quality.

White women save a lot of money and most importantly Time by not having kids and can spend it on their own quality of life.

Places like Germany, France, UK, US benefit a lot by basically letting young ethic immigrants pay for their old white retirees. Also real estate prices in those places generally increase while real easter prices in Japan, Russia, EE will stagnate or reduce.
  • JFL
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Second option is better. Those immigrants earn much more in Germany and enjoy a higher standard of living. Immigrant women from Muslim countries can also finally get rights and freedom.

AEB8C3D4 4DCD 49E8 9B7A F3936B071291
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Second option is better. Those immigrants earn much more in Germany and enjoy a higher standard of living. Immigrant women from Muslim countries can also finally get rights and freedom.

First option will lead to a total economical collapse. Any non-western white, like EE , and Northern Asian nation face this problem.

White women don't want to get children, unless with rich Chads of course. This will make white people reduce in number but increase in genetic quality.

White women save a lot of money and most importantly Time by not having kids and can spend it on their own quality of life.

Places like Germany, France, UK, US benefit a lot by basically letting young ethic immigrants pay for their old white retirees. Also real estate prices in those places generally increase while real easter prices in Japan, Russia, EE will stagnate or reduce.
Second option is better. Those immigrants earn much more in Germany and enjoy a higher standard of living. Immigrant women from Muslim countries can also finally get rights and freedom.

First option will lead to a total economical collapse. Any non-western white, like EE , and Northern Asian nation face this problem.

White women don't want to get children, unless with rich Chads of course. This will make white people reduce in number but increase in genetic quality.

White women save a lot of money and most importantly Time by not having kids and can spend it on their own quality of life.

Places like Germany, France, UK, US benefit a lot by basically letting young ethic immigrants pay for their old white retirees. Also real estate prices in those places generally increase while real easter prices in Japan, Russia, EE will stagnate or reduce.


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1. Population boom centuries later they stop having kids but you dont like foreigners so you dont import them - Japan

2. Population boom they stop having kids so you mass import shitskins for low class work - Germany
And only reason for falling birthdate is feminism and women in workforce not capitalism
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And the I

And only reason for falling birthdate is feminism and women in workforce not capitalism
Capitalism incentives as many people joining the workforce as possible
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Capitalism incentives as many people joining the workforce as possible
America was the economically freest 1850-1900
Wages and wealth went up a lot
Yet women didn’t start working lol

The opposite of what you said is true; capitalism encourages family since actually free economies support a family on one male income
These shitty half socialist western countries with stagnant growth inflation (government printing money is socialism not capitalism) and high taxes to an extent force some mothers that could stay home to have to work now
And only reason for falling birthdate is feminism and women in workforce not capitalism
Women in workforce is capitalism so is feminism

feminism = more consumer products to be sold
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Yuhbwoynadia, TsarTsar444 and 2 others
America was the economically freest 1850-1900
Wages and wealth went up a lot
Yet women didn’t start working lol
Easy to be economically free when every black person male or female is a sharecropper.
Easy to be economically free when your still expanding your borders via Native genocide and third world imperialism.
Easy to be economically free when most white males were rednecks stuck in factories and farms for 16 hours a day.
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Women in workforce is capitalism so is feminism

feminism = more consumer products to be sold
To be clear I hate feminism too

Women in workforce has been the end of capitalism and societies that have this get more and more socialist always

More products isn’t entirely true as women are often in BS jobs like HR charity government etc and also more people in workforce means lower wages generally
Easy to be economically free when every black person male or female is a sharecropper.
Easy to be economically free when your still expanding your borders via Native genocide and third world imperialism.
Easy to be economically free when most white males were rednecks stuck in factories and farms for 16 hours a day.
In the south yes but not in the north
By the late 19th century country was almost same as now on map minus Alaska Hawaii etc

Being stuck in factories a bunch sucks, but why do we not have this anymore? BC FREE MARKETS AND INNOVATION raising output so much

Idk what these arguments are; do you want the failed half socialism that we have in the west or full Jewish communism which killed millions or something? Capitalism led to an unprecedented rise in standards of living and most “criticisms” of it are actually criticisms of failed government policies
Like people complaining about rent meanwhile rent control is shown to raise average rent by killing new projects plus printing trillions of stimmie check dollars that will obv result in higher prices, aka blaming capitalism for government caused issues
To be clear I hate feminism too

Women in workforce has been the end of capitalism and societies that have this get more and more socialist always

More products isn’t entirely true as women are often in BS jobs like HR charity government etc and also more people in workforce means lower wages generally
Women who are in the workforce try to employ socialism it doesnt work

I dont think you know what capitalism is women in the workforce means more workers which means less pay for others who does this benefit it if it doesnt benefit the average man or women? It benefits capitalists they can pay less to their workers while having an abundance of workers in the market to choose from.

Feminism has lead to the boom of male self improvement and female self improvement (Makeup and Surgeries) once again who does this benefit? Capitalists ofc who are running these retarded business its so easy to become a millionaire by giving men self improvement advice Alpha M, Andrew Tate im sure the redpill coach advice is a billion dollar industry i wont even get into the female makeup and surgeries industry which is in the trillions
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Women who are in the workforce try to employ socialism it doesnt work

I dont think you know what capitalism is women in the workforce means more workers which means less pay for others who does this benefit it if it doesnt benefit the average man or women? It benefits capitalists they can pay less to their workers while having an abundance of workers in the market to choose from.

Feminism has lead to the boom of male self improvement and female self improvement (Makeup and Surgeries) once again who does this benefit? Capitalists ofc who are running these retarded business its so easy to become a millionaire by giving men self improvement advice Alpha M, Andrew Tate im sure the redpill coach advice is a billion dollar industry i wont even get into the female makeup and surgeries industry which is in the trillions
Spot on as far as women in workforce benefitting certain businesses especially big companies

Amazon PAYS FOR ABORTIONS for women working there along with other companies, literally willing to kill their babies so they don’t go back to the house and stay at the office

Totally agree that certain businesses and people advocate feminism since they get richer off of it yeah

This being said, the average person is poorer now vs before feminism and women working judging by days it takes to earn a house earn a car etc

I personally believe that in a totally free country, natural law would cause a transformation back to men working and women at home, but who knows since no free white countries to exemplify this. I think we agree that free markets are obviously the only way for a country to get rich, but women have to be kept in their place and their can’t be gov collusion with business etc
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In the south yes but not in the north
By the late 19th century country was almost same as now on map minus Alaska Hawaii etc

Being stuck in factories a bunch sucks, but why do we not have this anymore? BC FREE MARKETS AND INNOVATION raising output so much

Idk what these arguments are; do you want the failed half socialism that we have in the west or full Jewish communism which killed millions or something? Capitalism led to an unprecedented rise in standards of living and most “criticisms” of it are actually criticisms of failed government policies
Like people complaining about rent meanwhile rent control is shown to raise average rent by killing new projects plus printing trillions of stimmie check dollars that will obv result in higher prices, aka blaming capitalism for government caused issues
The elimination of global poverty came from socialist China and the social safety net in India.
  • WTF
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The elimination of global poverty came from socialist China and the social safety net in India.
Idek what to say
Millions and millions starved in china
It’s standards of living keep rising now is it’s gotten economically freer and freer over the decades, it is similar to the west now
India just lol, literally same thing going from socialist to climbing up economic freedom index over the last few decades also
The elimination of global poverty came from socialist China and the social safety net in India.
Also that Bible verse LOL

You need to see Leviticus 22:24 ESV, maybe an even better one to put in your bio
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Capitalism is good unfortunately when your population rushes through the industrial revolution (Germany and Japan)

You are lead to two scenarios

1. Population boom centuries later they stop having kids but you dont like foreigners so you dont import them - Japan

2. Population boom they stop having kids so you mass import shitskins for low class work - Germany
This is false dichotomy and to type "shitskin" doesn't make you based >:feelshah::soy::feelsuhh::feelshah::feelswah:
The reason why western birth rates are "higher" than Japan's is because invaders aka niggers are pumping up the birth rates. Japan's birth rates are actually higher than Germany when taking only indigenous b.r. into account.

The western indigenous population never had the right to vote whether they wanted or not to have mass immigration and low birth rates.
Look up naturalization act of 1965 that was abolished without our consent.
This "Capitalism" is false capitalism, it is liberal-capitalism aka pre-Bolshevik revolution settings meanwhile the common enemy is not being liberal about capitalism at all but instead have high in-group preferences and control everything i.e. Divide and conquer i.e. do as I say not as I do.
In other words Capitalism is not the issue but lack of in-group preference is.

Therefore the (3) Third scenario :

3. Population keeps on booming, no invader imports, low class jobs are handled by AI and we conquer the universe or the rest of alt. Earth.
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praying capitalism is max level cope
This is false dichotomy and to type "shitskin" doesn't make you based >:feelshah::soy::feelsuhh::feelshah::feelswah:
The reason why western birth rates are "higher" than Japan's is because invaders aka niggers are pumping up the birth rates. Japan's birth rates are actually higher than Germany when taking only indigenous b.r. into account.

The western indigenous population never had the right to vote whether they wanted or not to have mass immigration and low birth rates.
Look up naturalization act of 1965 that was abolished without our consent.
This "Capitalism" is false capitalism, it is liberal-capitalism aka pre-Bolshevik revolution settings meanwhile the common enemy is not being liberal about capitalism at all but instead have high in-group preferences and control everything i.e. Divide and conquer i.e. do as I say not as I do.
In other words Capitalism is not the issue but lack of in-group preference is.

Therefore the (3) Third scenario :

3. Population keeps on booming, no invader imports, low class jobs are handled by AI and we conquer the universe or the rest of alt. Earth.
Fucking greycels
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