Going to a party any advice?

Deleted member 10615

Deleted member 10615

Brachy pride worldwide
Nov 5, 2020
My very good friend who I’ve known for 4 years has invited me to his 17th birthday, there will be 30 or so people going, I only know a couple people I use to go to my old school with a couple don’t like me because I got in fights with them even tho they started it

I’m not really a person party but girls 16-17 are sluts especially where my friend lives in my old town, it is my best chance to fuck some drunk jb, I like my chances because I know ugly as fuck dudes with girls in that town even really fat people who are short

my friend said there will be bud, coke, alcahol, ciggies, my plan is to drink because I like it more then bud, might try coke because it has a quick affect and I won’t get addicted

anyone got any advice? I will report back what happens, the party is in like a month from now but he told me in advance

Any tips?
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If you're minus 4.5 psl/5'9 then dont go, simple as that
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  • JFL
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You're too aspie to pull at a party. Just go in there drink all night and snort a line every 30-40 mins, that should disconnect ur stupid incel brain and keep that basement dweller body of yours going, afterwards whatever happens, happens. Words of advice, coke dick is a real issue, only smoke before going to bed not during the party, don't plan this shit out for fucks sake just go in there and try to have fun just once in ur miserable life without any expectations.
  • JFL
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My very good friend who I’ve known for 4 years has invited me to his 17th birthday, there will be 30 or so people going, I only know a couple people I use to go to my old school with a couple don’t like me because I got in fights with them even tho they started it

I’m not really a person party but girls 16-17 are sluts especially where my friend lives in my old town, it is my best chance to fuck some drunk jb, I like my chances because I know ugly as fuck dudes with girls in that town even really fat people who are short

my friend said there will be bud, coke, alcahol, ciggies, my plan is to drink because I like it more then bud, might try coke because it has a quick affect and I won’t get addicted

anyone got any advice? I will report back what happens, the party is in like a month from now but he told me in advance

Any tips?
you have a month to become as nt as possible.
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If you're minus 4.5 psl/5'9 then dont go, simple as that
LOL you have no idea

The people going to this party are not good looking at all, the average person at this town would be called 3.5psl

And everyone going is 16-17 so yeah
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you have a month to become as nt as possible.
You're too aspie to pull at a party. Just go in there drink all night and snort a line every 30-40 mins, that should disconnect ur stupid incel brain and keep that basement dweller body of yours going, afterwards whatever happens, happens. Words of advice, coke dick is a real issue, only smoke before going to bed not during the party, don't plan this shit out for fucks sake just go in there and try to have fun just once in ur miserable life without any expectations.
Where the fuck do you guys get this idea I’m non nt, sure I’m not some extremely nt person but if I have been asked to come I am nt enough,
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Where the fuck do you guys get this idea I’m non nt, sure I’m not some extremely nt person but if I have been asked to come I am nt enough,
I didn't even say you weren't NT, just give yourself a month to become as cool as possible.
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If you're minus 4.5 psl/5'9 then dont go, simple as that
5'9 is 175cm, right? Thats my height and girls usually don't care, 5'9 is decent.
  • JFL
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Where the fuck do you guys get this idea I’m non nt, sure I’m not some extremely nt person but if I have been asked to come I am nt enough,

You're asking for advice on what to do at a party on a forum full of mentally disturbed virgins.....
  • JFL
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Don't expect any girls coming to you just because you look good. You still need to do the first step unless you are GigaMonsterMegaChad
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You're asking for advice on what to do at a party on a forum full of mentally disturbed virgins.....
Ok fair enough but if I was some major non nt aspie I wouldn’t not of been invited and asked to come
Don't expect any girls coming to you just because you look good. You still need to do the first step unless you are GigaMonsterMegaChad
Bro girls approach, I’ve been approached like 8 times my whole life and I’m normie but have acne

A drunk teen girl will approach and fuck nearly anyone, the guys in this town are not good looking like Americans and Europeans

you guys would call them subhumans even tho they get pussy
Now if you want some sort of advice, just have fun, don't think too much about it it's just a teenager party, speak to everyone( coke will help with that), watch out for iois and act on them, maybe ask your friend about the girls coming in to get a general idea about your actual chances of pulling.
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LOL you have no idea

The people going to this party are not good looking at all, the average person at this town would be called 3.5psl

And everyone going is 16-17 so yeah
as long as you mog the average person, you are good to go. If you get mogged by too many other dudes I would advise you to just stay at home and ldar.
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Bro girls approach, I’ve been approached like 8 times my whole life and I’m normie but have acne

A drunk teen girl will approach and fuck nearly anyone, the guys in this town are not good looking like Americans and Europeans

you guys would call them subhumans even tho they get pussy
Never went to a birthday, can't relate. Wish I would have friends that actually do shit and know some girls...
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Now if you want some sort of advice, just have fun, don't think too much about it it's just a teenager party, speak to everyone( coke will help with that), watch out for iois and act on them, maybe ask your friend about the girls coming in to get a general idea about your actual chances of pulling.
My mate is a giga slayer

he has like a body count of 14 and he is only 16 he has also had like 7 different girlfriends in the 3-4 years I’ve known him

I would rate him chadlite but people would call him a normie
Never went to a birthday, can't relate. Wish I would have friends that actually do shit and know some girls...
How old are you?
So what should I do? Can't meet any new people since the university is from home :(
Wait, in the meantime looksmax and improve whatever you can improve also don’t rot here this site is addictive as fuck

Once lockdown is done try make friends, anyone can doesn’t matter how they look unless they are clinically deformed and have a extra nose or something
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went to a party the other day

nt mogged hard unironically

talked to a load of girls for the first time in ages, felt natural and ez

low inhib at all costs - i used amphetamine. ideal drug 4 me
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Reactions: Deleted member 10615
My very good friend who I’ve known for 4 years has invited me to his 17th birthday, there will be 30 or so people going, I only know a couple people I use to go to my old school with a couple don’t like me because I got in fights with them even tho they started it

I’m not really a person party but girls 16-17 are sluts especially where my friend lives in my old town, it is my best chance to fuck some drunk jb, I like my chances because I know ugly as fuck dudes with girls in that town even really fat people who are short

my friend said there will be bud, coke, alcahol, ciggies, my plan is to drink because I like it more then bud, might try coke because it has a quick affect and I won’t get addicted

anyone got any advice? I will report back what happens, the party is in like a month from now but he told me in advance

Any tips?
Ignore everyone in this thread JFL they don’t know what they’re talking about.
First off, try to get slightly drunk for two main reasons: It will make you much low inhib and less shy, and also if you manage to fuck up everything you can say that you were drunk and bla bla bla. Just don’t try coke, don’t be an idiot, not worth it. If there’s weed, you could try some other day, because if you have a bad experience or have too much THC in your system, you’re gonna look like an idiot kek, just stay away from drugs, especially edibles. Smoke cigs if you want to, I mean it’s harmless in the short-run.
Don’t try hard to look ’cool’ or whatever, but neither be self-denigrating like incels and please do not talk about stuff like looks theory. Be NT and don’t be yourself, fuck that bluepilled “be yourself” that only works on chads or at most with HTNs. If you’re not really short (-5’6) or really ugly (like balding pajeet tier) then try starting conversations with people there and fake personality without being a douchebag. Join in on conversations and even make up stories if you want to, you’ll likely not see most of the people there again anyway. You will definitely notice if a girl is interested in you, if you never ’noticed’ is either because you’re extremely autistic or it just never happened to you. The few times it happened to me (they were drunk lol) i instantly noticed and was like “woah is this how it feels?” So yeah, you will notice.
If a girl is interested or seems to be, try escalating the conversations and you all know what to do at this point.
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Ignore everyone in this thread JFL they don’t know what they’re talking about.
First off, try to get slightly drunk for two main reasons: It will make you much low inhib and less shy, and also if you manage to fuck up everything you can say that you were drunk and bla bla bla. Just don’t try coke, don’t be an idiot, not worth it. If there’s weed, you could try some other day, because if you have a bad experience or have too much THC in your system, you’re gonna look like an idiot kek, just stay away from drugs. Smoke cigs if you want to.
Don’t try hard to look ’cool’ or whatever, but neither be self-denigrating like incels and please do not talk about stuff like looks theory. Be NT and don’t be yourself, fuck that bluepilled “be yourself” that only works on chads or at most with HTNs. If you’re not really short (-5’6) or really ugly (like balding pajeet tier) then try starting conversations with people there and fake personality without being a douchebag. Join in on conversations and even make up stories if you want to, you’ll likely not see most of the people there again anyway. You will definitely notice if a girl is interested in you, if you never ’noticed’ is either because you’re extremely autistic or it just never happened to you. The few times it happened to me (they were drunk lol) i instantly noticed and was like “is this how it feels?” So yeah, you will notice.
If a girl is interested or seems to be, try escalating the conversations and you all know what to do at this point.
If you’re a sub 3 then it never began tbh unless you rape them
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  • JFL
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Kill everybody

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Try to interact naturally way with people around, with energy

It doesnt matters what u say actually, but dont stand at corner, small talk left and right, preferably use a bit of booze, but not so much

U need to be energic there and positive

Enjoy it but dont expect anything like getting laid or so thats the best
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Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Ignore everyone in this thread JFL they don’t know what they’re talking about.
First off, try to get slightly drunk for two main reasons: It will make you much low inhib and less shy, and also if you manage to fuck up everything you can say that you were drunk and bla bla bla. Just don’t try coke, don’t be an idiot, not worth it. If there’s weed, you could try some other day, because if you have a bad experience or have too much THC in your system, you’re gonna look like an idiot kek, just stay away from drugs. Smoke cigs if you want to.
Don’t try hard to look ’cool’ or whatever, but neither be self-denigrating like incels and please do not talk about stuff like looks theory. Be NT and don’t be yourself, fuck that bluepilled “be yourself” that only works on chads or at most with HTNs. If you’re not really short (-5’6) or really ugly (like balding pajeet tier) then try starting conversations with people there and fake personality without being a douchebag. Join in on conversations and even make up stories if you want to, you’ll likely not see most of the people there again anyway. You will definitely notice if a girl is interested in you, if you never ’noticed’ is either because you’re extremely autistic or it just never happened to you. The few times it happened to me (they were drunk lol) i instantly noticed and was like “is this how it feels?” So yeah, you will notice.
If a girl is interested or seems to be, try escalating the conversations and you all know what to do at this point.
Thanks bro, I won’t smoke weed ive smoked a lot of times but I like to be asleep so I’ll drink instead and won’t try coke, ahah and yeah I don’t talk about looks theory irl

I think I can ascend tbh
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Try to interact naturally way with people around, with energy

It doesnt matters what u say actually, but dont stand at corner, small talk left and right, preferably use a bit of booze, but not so much

U need to be energic there and positive

Enjoy it but dont expect anything like getting laid or so thats the best
Mirin avi
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Just a reminder that you should wear shoe lifts and colored contacts to mog even more. Oh and also dont forget to squint 24/7
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Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Just a reminder that you should wear shoe lifts and colored contacts to mog even more. Oh and also dont forget to squint 24/7
No one see your eye color from distance there at dark, but cannot hurt

LEgit with lift, but reminder, i have 50+ lays from clubbing maybe more being 5"9, but i am gymcell too

Wear clothes that show your body if gymcell, but not too tight or underzise becasue u will look like a gay after
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Reactions: subhuman incel
Just a reminder that you should wear shoe lifts and colored contacts to mog even more. Oh and also dont forget to squint 24/7
I will most likely be one of the taller guys there everyone is 16-17 and average height here for someone that age is like 5ft9-5ft10 from what I’ve seen and I’m 5ft11 barefoot
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Hopefully some of then will be with their phones so take a mogger pic and that`s gonna get shared on IG or smth, also I bet most of them are normies to high tier normies ngl.
Usually parties here are +300, they are a sex festival tbh
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Focus on your looks as much as you can before the event.

While you’re out, completely FORGET about your looks and live in the moment. Laugh, makes jokes, relax, etc.

Once you start caring about your looks the self-conscious aspie persona comes out of it’s shell.
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Reactions: mazzi, Deleted member 10615 and Laylow225
real shit tip:
first be friendly with the boys there, and only after that you can start approching girls.
that way you will have their support and they wont cockblock you
get everyones instagram to increase your social circle, and even text them afterwards if thats what youre looking for

focus on having fun and the girls will come
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1. Be tallfaggot :chad:
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Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Focus on your looks as much as you can before the event.

While you’re out, completely FORGET about your looks and live in the moment. Laugh, makes jokes, relax, etc.

Once you start caring about your looks the self-conscious aspie persona comes out of it’s shell.
I’ve noticed the same thing. When I’m out at bars and am worried about my physique or how my haircut looks or something I notice less attraction from girls. When I am feeling good and having fun they are more attracted and give IOIs and positive reactions. Why is this?
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Reactions: Deleted member 9890, Deleted member 10615 and JamesHowlett
I’ve noticed the same thing. When I’m out at bars and am worried about my physique or how my haircut looks or something I notice less attraction from girls. When I am feeling good and having fun they are more attracted and give IOIs and positive reactions. Why is this?
Don’t why it is but it’s legit.
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I’ve noticed the same thing. When I’m out at bars and am worried about my physique or how my haircut looks or something I notice less attraction from girls. When I am feeling good and having fun they are more attracted and give IOIs and positive reactions. Why is this?
because when you are worried you forget to squint, which makes you less attractive to girls
You're too aspie to pull at a party. Just go in there drink all night and snort a line every 30-40 mins, that should disconnect ur stupid incel brain and keep that basement dweller body of yours going, afterwards whatever happens, happens. Words of advice, coke dick is a real issue, only smoke before going to bed not during the party, don't plan this shit out for fucks sake just go in there and try to have fun just once in ur miserable life without any expectations.
lol this forum is aspie af. @wanttobeattractive leave before your youth is destroyed

i know this is a joke but he actually wants real advice jfl
My very good friend who I’ve known for 4 years has invited me to his 17th birthday, there will be 30 or so people going, I only know a couple people I use to go to my old school with a couple don’t like me because I got in fights with them even tho they started it

I’m not really a person party but girls 16-17 are sluts especially where my friend lives in my old town, it is my best chance to fuck some drunk jb, I like my chances because I know ugly as fuck dudes with girls in that town even really fat people who are short

my friend said there will be bud, coke, alcahol, ciggies, my plan is to drink because I like it more then bud, might try coke because it has a quick affect and I won’t get addicted

anyone got any advice? I will report back what happens, the party is in like a month from now but he told me in advance

Any tips?
if you're planning what to do for a party a momth in advance you dont get out enough

If this party is a big deal in your head- youre not cool, and you will have no vibe

the more focus you have on your own shit and having fun in the meantime, the better vibe you have at party because it's just another thing you are doing and youre just having fun
not to be bluepilled but like u said urself its pretty easy to slay in highschool, my advice is to just not be urself and u should be fine
Don't expect any girls coming to you just because you look good. You still need to do the first step unless you are GigaMonsterMegaChad
not true

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