GOMAD while Cutting?



Dec 14, 2018
GOMAD is gallon of milk a day. This is something some guys do when bulking, but it’s always said it makes you fat af.

But based on the principle of CICO (calories in < calories out) you could still drink a gallon of milk a day and still be at a deficit.

Could you cut doing this? Asking because I don’t have a big stomach and it’s easier for me to drink than eat.
Don't do GOMAD at all
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just Kys if you drink a gallon of milk in your entire lifetime tbh.
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Jfl at drinking milk.
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Calories in calories out for weight loss but this isnt healthy
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gomad is retarded imo

just eat broccoli and chicken
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So you’re saying you struggle to eat enough even when maintaining a calorific deficit? And GOMAD is an easier choice for you even during CICO because it’s easier to consume?

It sounds like you want to consume whatever makes it easier to LDAR. Regardless, milk proteins and milk carbs should be avoided in life.
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it would be healthy if its from farm grassfed raw milk
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lactose intolerances me
Anecdote tbh ngl.
Could say I never had any problems with crack cocaine
raw milk beef and eggs are one of the healthiest foods r u vegan or something?
raw milk beef and eggs are one of the healthiest foods r u vegan or something?
No, I follow a plant-based diet and I recognize the health risks that come with consuming those foods as shown by the most recent scientific data.
No, I follow a plant-based diet and I recognize the health risks that come with consuming those foods as shown by the most recent scientific data.
You need animal fats for optimal testosterone levels
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:feelskek: enjoy premature aging with the carbs and sugars

Died age 104
Plant-based diet for half his life
Plant-based diet is the only diet that was showed to reverse CHD
Also plenty of keto fuckfaces that ages like zombies. Go watch Vegetable Police's vid on Sv3rige from a while back where he showed examples.
You need animal fats for optimal testosterone levels
@freakofnature seems to be doing fine, cut meat at 5 years old
610kcal * 3.78541 = 2309kcal, so yes, unless you have a slow metabolism or no muscle mass, you could lose weight drinking a gallon of whole milk a day. The question is: Why would you?

A gallon of whole milk has 189g of sugar in it, not the most healthy.
A ton of lactose. Even if you aren't lactose intolerant, digesting that much lactose will take a toll on your digestion system
Milk has a lot of hormones in it, that includes estrogen.

If you don't have a big stomach, just fast tbh. You'll lose the weight in no time.
@freakofnature seems to be doing fine, cut meat at 5 years old
have u seen his aging skin? he looks old as fuark with wrinkles on forehead
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Died age 104
Plant-based diet for half his life
Plant-based diet is the only diet that was showed to reverse CHD
Also plenty of keto fuckfaces that ages like zombies. Go watch Vegetable Police's vid on Sv3rige from a while back where he showed examples.


I guess we should all be smoking, too, obviously if there are people over 100 smoking, that must mean it's optimal for health.

I am not saying that a vegan diet is unhealthy, but your anecdotal evidence is bad.

have u seen his aging skin? he looks old as fuark with wrinkles on forehead

My skin after carnivore is so smooth. All blemishes went away, my skin tone is better (less red) and most my body acne went away.
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have u seen his aging skin? he looks old as fuark with wrinkles on forehead
Link pics I forgot where he posted them


I guess we should all be smoking, too, obviously if there are people over 100 smoking, that must mean it's optimal for health.

I am not saying that a vegan diet is unhealthy, but your anecdotal evidence is bad.
I know, same argument can be used against consumption of meat as well. However individuals on a plant based diet are shown to live longer.
Link pics I forgot where he posted them

I know, same argument can be used against consumption of meat as well. However individuals on a plant based diet are shown to live longer.
I am not arguing against being able to live long on a plant based diet, but I think it's wrong to assume that meat is unhealthy. In the epidemiological studies they just take all meat eaters without considering other factors like smoking, drinking, fast food consumption, etc. You don't really get to study just the people who eat meat. Most people who eat a lot of meat don't care about their health, because they've been told all their life that "meat is bad for you," so they are very likely to live an unhealthy lifestyle with a lot of inflammation in their diet.
I am not arguing against being able to live long on a plant based diet, but I think it's wrong to assume that meat is unhealthy. In the epidemiological studies they just take all meat eaters without considering other factors like smoking, drinking, fast food consumption, etc. You don't really get to study just the people who eat meat. Most people who eat a lot of meat don't care about their health, because they've been told all their life that "it's bad for you," so they are very likely to live an unhealthy lifestyle with a lot of inflammation in their diet.
False, there are plenty of epidemiological studies where they control for those factors, Vegan Gains has shown epidemiological studies that do this (Can't remember which, although the Adventist Health Study 2 does this). Don't listen to everything people like Bart "muh mechanisms" Kay says.
False, there are plenty of epidemiological studies where they control for those factors, Vegan Gains has shown epidemiological studies that do this (Can't remember which, although the Adventist Health Study 2 does this). Don't listen to everything people like Bart "muh mechanisms" Kay says.
People who cheat on their religion are also likely to cheat on other things like diet. We don't know how clean those people eat and we know that they don't just eat meat. We don't know if they are smokers or not.

Anyway, my cholesterol is low even on a carnivore diet, so I don't really care.
People who cheat on their religion are also likely to cheat on other things like diet. We don't know how clean those people eat and we know that they don't just eat meat. We don't know if they are smokers or not.

Anyway, my cholesterol is low even on a carnivore diet, so I don't really care.
What are your numbers?
What are your numbers?
LDL 1.4, range 1.2 - 4.3. Not sure what measurement those are (doesn't say, just a standard blood test at the doctor's), but it's in the low range.
gomad is retarded, protein shakes/protein bars with high calories you have to feed yourself untill you barf every 2 hours, it sucks first week. milk is full of estrogen and is overall bad dont do that shit
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gomad is retarded, protein shakes/protein bars with high calories you have to feed yourself untill you barf every 2 hours, it sucks first week. milk is full of estrogen and is overall bad dont do that shit
So just drink a shit ton of whey protein shakes instead of gomad?
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Just stop being a bitch and take the fast pill. Just eat once every 3 days and drink saltwater on fasting days. You lose like crazy, and it's just as, if not more, muscle sparing than CICO.
So just drink a shit ton of whey protein shakes instead of gomad?
I don't know man, I don't do any of supplements from bodybuilding only prpbiotics, fish oil and potassium with magnesium I have headaches after protein IDK why I'm doing Keto and it works for me
Never do gomad for bulk or cutting
jfl before looksmaxing I fell for the meme and was 20+ bf%

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