" Gon is like this because he didn't grow up with parents to guide him. That's wrong. "

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973

Jun 8, 2019

I've seen a lot of people saying that Gon is like this because he didn't grow up with parents to guide him. That's wrong. He had an aunt and a grandmother raise him to their best efforts, caring for him and loving him wholeheartedly. However, Gon inherited a very crucial trait of a hunter from Ging— curiosity . True curiosity cannot be satiated unless one's goal is achieved, and for this another trait is needed— selfishness .

Another thing to note is hat Mito has always expressed anger towards Ging for abandoning his child and Gon is fully aware of that, but his curiosity still gets the best of him so he doesn't feel any anger and simply wants to meet Ging, who to him is not a father, but just 'an interesting man'. Also, Mito isn't some psycho, she's a perfectly normal woman. A perfectly normal human being would educate a child of right and wrong. So Gon isn't completely unaware of right and wrong, he just doesn't CARE. This is because of selfishness. Unless it's within his circle of interest, he doesn't give a shit.

One of the things that Mito must have taught him is that killing is bad. In fact, that might be the only reason he didn't want to kill unless necessary. He's sticking to what he's been taught, and since he's most likely been taught that 'lying is bad', that might be the reason why he tests people to see if they'll lie to him. I'd say that he's actually a borderline sociopath. Think about this— Ging is a very interesting man, so he wants to meet him. But his mother, a dead woman, doesn't interest him, so he never tries to find out anything about him. Even Killua was more curious about his mother than he was.

Another sign that Gon doesn't care for the dead because they can't give them any entertainment, anyway. He also never called Ging 'dad'. When asked, he'll say that Ging is his father, but when he's talking to Ging he calls him by name. This shows that he doesn't have an ounce of affection for Ging. Just pure, plain curiosity and interest. Kite was the same to him. A lot of people say that Gon was so easily attached to Kite that it's odd— but I think he wasn't actually emotionally attached. Kite was another interesting fellow. He was a part of Gon's small circle of entertainment, and he got killed by some bitch that appeared out of nowhere. In a way, everyone around Gon is just Gon's toy.

Let's put it this way: Gon is a kid and everyone that interests him becomes his toy. Someone goes and breaks one of his toys, what's his normal reaction? To get MAD. To get so, so mad, then get revenge on the bitch that broke his precious toy. I say toy, because it's true. There is no way that Gon would get so attached enough to sacrifice himself to such an extent in such a short time. Gon sacrificed his nen and killed Pitou not to avenge Kite, but because he's mad at her. He did it for himself. Everything that he does is for himself. I don't remember which episode it was, but when he said "How could you kill someone who has nothing to do with you?", it really left an impact. It shows that he'll leave you alone as long as you don't bother him.

However, when you anger him, he will make sure to fuck you up. An example is Killua saying that his whole family are assassins. Gon knows that assassins kill people, but since those people are already dead, they therefore do not interest him and so he doesn't give a shit. Killua ripping someone's heart out in front of him is fine to him too, since that guy was on their way. And that guy also doesn't interest him. Killua also killed Bodoro on the hunter exam, thus getting him disqualified. Not giving any fucks about this, Gon just storms off to Illumi and demands him to apologize to Killua. Meaning that Gon does not care whether you do right or wrong, he only cares whether you please him or anger him.

Another symbolism is the way he sat in front of Pitou; similar to Hisoka, Meruem and (I think) Ging. What did these three people have in common to him? It's that they only care about what's entertaining and what's annoying. This behavior is that of a self-indulgent 'king'. Meruem didn't care about anything else than Komugi, Hisoka only cares about strong people, and Ging cares only about having fun in his journeys. That's all similar to Gon's interest to 'fun people' and 'annoying people'. So, anyway, Gon is crazy. There are only four people who are truly important to him— Killua, Kurapika, Leorio and Mito. Everyone else he speaks to are just classified into 'interesting' and 'annoying'.

The 'uninteresting' ones are wholly ignored by him. In fact, his grandma might just be one of those 'uninteresting' people. As we saw, Gon never acknowledges his grandma. When she speaks, his body language indicates that he's listening, but he never talks to her. The only time we see him speak to her was when he had to ask her where Mito was. When Mito arrived, he ignored her again. He also told Killua that Mito raised him by herself. This kinda scares me, actually. His grandma must have been quiet and didn't play a huge part in raising him, so he simply doesn't care about her. It's the same way he feels about his mother. Gon might just be a sociopath all along and we don't realize it.

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