Got into a fight with my crush



Jan 19, 2019
I fell into a really bad argument with my crush last night,thanks to my jealousy,and I was such an asshole to her, that she told me to leave her alone blocked me.
I love her so much,and I just can't find a more attractive girl than her for my taste. She is the girl of my dreams.
Should I apologize now,or should I wait like 1-2 weeks or maybe a month,til she forgets about it,and than talk to her?
She has a very good heart,she forgived me many many times before. But too many times.
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Quit being a faggot dude. Man up, move on, and stop placing so much value in women
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Just learn from it and move on. No need to stress

I cant move on,I am too weak,and also know her for a too long time already. She slowly became more and more important to me,and a bigger part of my life. One of the funest people to hang around with too,it was not just her looks
OP the fact that you're letting another mere human hold this much power over you is fucking stupid please grow some balls and move on
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Are you trolling?... you cant be serious what happened to no cucking 2012....
Just wait a week and apologize, it’s all a game you gotta be an asshole one day to her and sweet the next. It all doesn’t matter if she finds you attractive you can fuck her regardless
Low T sign:soy::soy::soy:
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Reactions: kobecel, dogtown and BLEG PERSON
Depends what you argued about. You should tell us what happened.
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Depends what you argued about. You should tell us what happened.

She started talking to me way less than she was usually,like if I wouldn't even exist.
I stalk her a bit,and just noticed that she got a new friend,and she talks to him like all the goddamn time.
I asked the guy how much they talk too,and he told me alot,almost 0-24.
As a very jealous type,I decided to do something about it.
I felt like he is sucking away all the attention from my crush that I had.
I tried to attack the guy,he run away and told her about it,and basicly she got mad af at me for it.
I was mad too enough already,and started acting like the biggest asshole ever,calling her names and telling her I will definetly kill that guy,next time I see her with him.
She started talking to me way less than she was usually,like if I wouldn't even exist.
I stalk her a bit,and just noticed that she got a new friend,and she talks to him like all the goddamn time.
I asked the guy how much they talk too,and he told me alot,almost 0-24.
As a very jealous type,I decided to do something about it.
I felt like he is sucking away all the attention from my crush that I had.
I tried to attack the guy,he run away and told her about it,and basicly she got mad af at me for it.
I was mad too enough already,and started acting like the biggest asshole ever,calling her names and telling her I will definetly kill that guy,next time I see her with him.
move on
She started talking to me way less than she was usually,like if I wouldn't even exist.
I stalk her a bit,and just noticed that she got a new friend,and she talks to him like all the goddamn time.
I asked the guy how much they talk too,and he told me alot,almost 0-24.
As a very jealous type,I decided to do something about it.
I felt like he is sucking away all the attention from my crush that I had.
I tried to attack the guy,he run away and told her about it,and basicly she got mad af at me for it.
I was mad too enough already,and started acting like the biggest asshole ever,calling her names and telling her I will definetly kill that guy,next time I see her with him.
:lul::lul: Does he mog you in looks or you mog him? That’s all you need to worry about, if you mog him then don’t worry
:lul::lul: Does he mog you in looks or you mog him? That’s all you need to worry about, if you mog him then don’t worry

My crush straight up told me that she likes my looks more,but his friend has a way better personality.
He also seems higher IQ,and got a life,compared to me,that just sits in front of the computer all day long,browsing incel forums lol
My crush straight up told me that she likes my looks more,but his friend has a way better personality.
He also seems higher IQ,and got a life,compared to me,who just sits in front of the computer all day long.
Jfl all that shit doesn’t matter trust me, you already won if you looks mog him just chill about it nigga talk to her again in a few days. When you get looksmogged by someone is when you should worry even then it doesn’t matter if she acc finds u attractive
Jfl all that shit doesn’t matter trust me, you already won if you looks mog him just chill about it nigga talk to her again in a few days. When you get looksmogged by someone is when you should worry even then it doesn’t matter if she acc finds u attractive

I think personality DOES matter when you are an autistic retard like me bruh. I am mentalcel at its highest
I think personality DOES matter when you are an autistic retard like me bruh. I am mentalcel at its highest
Unless you send her 10 texts if she doesn’t reply in 2mins then it really doesn’t or if you don’t go full retard then ur good it’s 95% looks boyo
Unless you send her 10 texts if she doesn’t reply in 2mins then it really doesn’t or if you don’t go full retard then ur good it’s 95% looks boyo

problem is I do go full retard
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she might come around and apologize to you. happens to me all the time
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Why are you so unstable? Once you have passed a woman's looks threshold, if she is looking for an LTR, then she will begin assessing your personality attributes, because let's face it, why would she date you when she can date another guy of the same looks level who isn't a nutcase. Remaining calm and collected during even the most difficult situations is a high status move because only men who are high status and mentally stable can protect a female and her offspring. I'd work on yourself.
Just wait a week and apologize, it’s all a game you gotta be an asshole one day to her and sweet the next. It all doesn’t matter if she finds you attractive you can fuck her regardless
Only until she figures out she can date a guy as good looking as OP who isn't a nutjob. Personality matters IF she wants an LTR and she can do the same or better than you. If you are her very best option and she feels that way too, then you can act however you like.
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You are a faggot and you remind me of me when I was a faggot
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Just wait a week and apologize, it’s all a game you gotta be an asshole one day to her and sweet the next. It all doesn’t matter if she finds you attractive you can fuck her regardless

She unblocked me and sent an “K”
Who gives a fuck
There are literally millions of girls exactly like her

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