Got prescribed doxycycline and im not sure

Tai Lung

Tai Lung

Oct 4, 2023
Im not sure if i want to start it, i have bacne but face is clear soo if i were to use it and after the cycle the acne would come back and be worse? Also ive heard it could fuck up gut health which is the reason acne is caused in the most cases
dermat be like "accutane is the last resort" like shut the fuck up bitch and just prescribe me it
  • JFL
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Don't take that shit, your acne will come back worse, go to another dematologist and ask for accutane
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Don't take that shit, your acne will come back worse, go to another dematologist and ask for accutane
going again to the same one but ill just tell that ive used it and didnt help, its hard to get prescribed accutane with every derm, another dermat prescribed injection fuck that old nigga
going again to the same one but ill just tell that ive used it and didnt help, its hard to get prescribed accutane with every derm, another dermat prescribed injection fuck that old nigga
You just need to tell them you already did a cycle years ago because you tried everything else but now acne is coming back. they will prescribe it right away
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You just need to tell them you already did a cycle years ago because you tried everything else but now acne is coming back. they will prescribe it right away
i have accutane in my drawer, should i do it myself?
i have accutane in my drawer, should i do it myself?
No, it could fuck your cholesterol and tryglicerids up, you need to be checked all the time
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You don’t know how to modify ur dosage or counteract the sides
id just take lowest dose and see what happens, like 20mg daily if the bloodtests are gl
Its a broad spectrum antibiotic so its gonna fuck with your gut health. Sarecycline is narrow spectrum and targets acne causing bacteria only. However it is less common and a lot more expensive. Are you on tret?
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Its a broad spectrum antibiotic so its gonna fuck with your gut health. Sarecycline is narrow spectrum and targets acne causing bacteria only. However it is less common and a lot more expensive. Are you on tret?
yes iam. Also ive got so stomach protection drug prescribed with it together
yes iam. Also ive got so stomach protection drug prescribed with it together
Wym stomach protection? Omeprazole for heartburn?
Wym stomach protection? Omeprazole for heartburn?
But its something like Vatilea gastro im not sure. Do you think i should give doxycycline a go or its actually possible after the cycle for acne to comeback even worse than at the start
idk if it will come back worse but it will come back. My dermatologist told me that doxy is meant to be temporary but it works faster than accutane, so the idea is to start both and the doxy helps while you wait for accutane to start working.

So either take both or do accutane.
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I would say try to get a monocycline (I probably spelled it wrong I threw out the bottle) and also try to get a tretenion prescription that you can keep and reload (3x) if you have an app for your prescriber.
  • JFL
Reactions: Tai Lung
I would say try to get a monocycline (I probably spelled it wrong I threw out the bottle) and also try to get a tretenion prescription that you can keep and reload (3x) if you have an app for your prescriber.
nigga i bought accutane and taz 0,1% without prescription what prescription are you talking about? Also i struggle with bacne not face acne.
nigga i bought accutane and taz 0,1% without prescription what prescription are you talking about? Also i struggle with bacne not face acne.
idk if you live in the United States or not but I can’t shit without a prescription in Iowa dude. Tret carried my bacne

I also have a dermatologist that I pay copays for with my parents insurance that manages my prescriptions thru Walgreens so I can’t do it
idk if you live in the United States or not but I can’t shit without a prescription in Iowa dude. Tret carried my bacne

I also have a dermatologist that I pay copays for with my parents insurance that manages my prescriptions thru Walgreens so I can’t do it
i cant aswell u need to think of illegal ways (in gta ofc)but i cba putting tret on my back and chest every night tbh
nigga i bought accutane and taz 0,1% without prescription what prescription are you talking about? Also i struggle with bacne not face acne.
But I still have doxy in my room and that shit gets of my whiteheads out but gives me cystic acne
i cant aswell u need to think of illegal ways (in gta ofc)but i cba putting tret on my back and chest every night tbh
I’m young bro I can barely hide my carts😭😭😭
  • So Sad
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I’m young bro I can barely hide my carts😭😭😭
i went to pharmacy and bought accutane, just told em that i forgot the recipe at home, never used it tho and just bought taz online
  • JFL
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