Gratefulness/mindfulness compassion brainmaxxing thread



Nov 19, 2019
I will make an effort to most 3 things I am grateful for at a frequency of a least once a month and you all can join me.
After making a post you can also do a 10-20 minute of gratitude/mindfulness meditation session.
In meditation you can focus on your breathing, voice positive affirmations, and affirmations of gratefulness.
'I am thankful that I have ______[insert positive trait/environmental factor]_____.
If your existence is so bleak that you cannot find anything that is of obvious benefit focus on macro factors like your existence.
'I am grateful that I am not in pain.'
'I am grateful that I am not dying of cancer.'
'I am thankful that I have access to a peaceful environment.'
'I am grateful that I have access to clean water.'
'I am grateful that I was able to go to the gym today and fit in a good workout with no injury.'


'By adding a gratitude component, this meditation may also generate positive feelings, which are good for our resilience, performance, and relationships. On a physical level, gratitude meditation lowers our heart rate and may impact areas of the brain related to emotion regulation and motivation (compared to feeling resentful).';

'The average HR was significantly lower during the gratitude intervention than during the resentment intervention. Temporostriatal FC showed a positive correlation with HR during the gratitude intervention, but not during the resentment intervention. Temporostriatal resting-state FC was significantly decreased after the gratitude intervention compared to the resentment intervention. After the gratitude intervention, resting-state FC of the amygdala with the right dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex were positively correlated with anxiety scale and depression scale, respectively. Taken together, our findings shed light on the effect of gratitude meditation on an individual’s mental well-being, and indicate that it may be a means of improving both emotion regulation and self-motivation by modulating resting-state FC in emotion and motivation-related brain regions.'

' The outcome variables were depression, stress, and happiness measured by using the Edinburgh Depression Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Subjective Happiness Scale, respectively. All outcome variables improved over time in both interventions group but not in the wait-list control group.'

'The intervention significantly affected life satisfaction, school satisfaction, and gratitude of the experimental group, when compared to the control group. Medium to large effect sizes were detected using the ANCOVA statistical test.'

'Across two experimental studies, a semiweekly, multisource diary study, and a 10-day experience sampling investigation, we found converging evidence for a serial mediation model in which state mindfulness, via positive affect and perspective taking, prompts greater levels of gratitude, prosocial motivation, and, in turn, helping behavior at work. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our investigation, as well as avenues for the future research.'
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I am grateful that I am not in pain at this present moment.
I am grateful that I live in a stable environment, in a 1st world with a loving mother who supports me.
I am grateful that I have access to clean drinking water. I just had a glass of cold, reverse osmosis drinking water. It was yummy and tastes better than regular, unfiltered water.
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Could humbleness achieve the same effect of gratitude, perhaps more passively? It seems unnatural to be forcefully looking after things to be grateful for, seems like just trying to counter the effects of ignorance resulting from lack of humility and being unfocused on the present moment.
Maybe there could still be benefit to this, perhaps I hate everything related to improving mental health via therapy, after being mindraped for half a year in a psychiatric institution I had to commute to. It feels too artificial and "dead".
And fuck, I hate those wrinkled dried up pussy 4/10 roasties who guide you in these therapy, I want to wake them up and rape them. Spiritually empty faggots. How could they help you with their "dead field"?
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Meditation does have benefit though man, I admit.
Meditation isn't some shit developed by pharma and those CBT (Cock and Ball Torture, or cognitive behavioural therapy) cunts. Nobody is a paid "monk" or spiritual person, accept the Orthodox Jews we have here who receive monthly payments provided by regular Israeli citizens when don't work or even serve in the army. When they became paid their effort become worthless. They are fake.
All of this research and shit is to found more of these useless professions and continue to make a market off Hypothyroid, traumatized, mentally submissive and cucked average person, which are becoming more and more common; just so they can continue to be functional enough to wagecuck mindlessly (nothing wrong with wagecucking, but u have to want to do it, not just because you are a golem and have to work for faggots), when they are often fucked in ways this gay therapy does not truly "heal".
It's all for money... This shit couldn't help you in a million years... I hate this fake stuff so much... real improvement is not through this fake therapy market, at least for some. For me it didn't ever help much. Only perhaps talking to a psychologist because I developed the need to talk to people autisticly and frankly sometimes
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Maybe you want what is completely "logical" via research because you want to reap the supposed results and an improvement without thinking too much.
Could humbleness achieve the same effect of gratitude, perhaps more passively? It seems unnatural to be forcefully looking after things to be grateful for, seems like just trying to counter the effects of ignorance resulting from lack of humility and being unfocused on the present moment.
Maybe there could still be benefit to this, perhaps I hate everything related to improving mental health via therapy, after being mindraped for half a year in a psychiatric institution I had to commute to. It feels too artificial and "dead".
And fuck, I hate those wrinkled dried up pussy 4/10 roasties who guide you in these therapy, I want to wake them up and rape them. Spiritually empty faggots. How could they help you with their "dead field"?
Yeah I understand your concerns. Psych exercises can seem artificial but that doesn't necessarily mean they don't work.
Everyone should give it a go and if they observe some change in state of mind they should continue and if not, quit.
I have noticed that I am in a better mood, on average after forcing myself to do gratefulness training + meditation over 5+ years.
Also, I think given that the literature ranges from different institutions with similar results is reasonable evidence of the physiological/mental benefits.

Forcing oneself to be grateful is necessary, especially in an age of constant information bombardment, leaving little time for introspection. This environment that stymies personal growth & introspection is only compounded with the grass is always greener mentality which plagues most people and technological innovations which precipitated the age of comparison through social media.

Humbleness is a tricky thing.
If humbleness could be construed as not taking what is rightfully yours, or minimizing what is rightfully, yours then I'd prefer to take what is rightfully mine and force myself into a state of gratefulness than minimize what is rightfully mine and passively exercise gratefulness through some lens of humility.
Also, I dont think its a matter of either or tbh. You can force yourself to be grateful and humble. Maybe forced gratefulness increases humility.
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I am grateful that I do not live in war torn 3rd world country and have a peaceful house to live in.
I am grateful that my mother allows me to stay at home rent free as a 25 yo NEET.
I am grateful that my mother is so supportive, hard working, caring and loving.
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I am grateful that I do not live in war torn 3rd world country and have a peaceful house to live in.
I am grateful that my mother allows me to stay at home rent free as a 25 yo NEET.
I am grateful that my mother is so supportive, hard working, caring and loving.
how you doing?
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very good. i unironically feel healthy, grateful and inspired. how about you?
nice bro hope you continue to do well,

i am kinda in the gutter tbh but we climb out of those

also, gratefulness is severely underrated, it genuinely has some great physical benefits
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nice bro hope you continue to do well,

i am kinda in the gutter tbh but we climb out of those

also, gratefulness is severely underrated, it genuinely has some great physical benefits
this may sound like cope, but adopting a glass half full mindset, meditating, reading 2+ hours a day (fiction & non fiction), reducing time spent shit posting and aimlessly browsing youtube as well as sun bathing naked has had a profound benefit on my mental state. as i have little social interaction as a 25 yo NEET i have also begun reading out loud to myself as well as describing fictional surrounds in my mind.
i feel that this is improving my ability to enunciate, speak with emotional deliberation and articulate without preparation. it has also improve my creative writing ability.
maybe some or all those habits will help you.
this forum needs more self-reflection and positivity.
everyone on this forum is gonna make it.
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I remember how back in college, I ruined the Thanksgiving party organized at the American Center at my university. Before eating we were asked to say what we are grateful for, and I explained that in Romania you can't be grateful just for the sake of being grateful, your gratefulness must be directed to a certain person, to God, etc. if something good happens to you and you want to show your appreciation, you can't even say in the Romanian language, you're simply grateful, the grammar doesn't permit it without mentioning someone else to whom you direct your gratitude.
Anyway, everyone then just stared at me, without saying anything, that was pretty awkward...
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I remember how back in college, I ruined the Thanksgiving party organized at the American Center at my university. Before eating we were asked to say what we are grateful for, and I explained that in Romania you can't be grateful just for the sake of being grateful, your gratefulness must be directed to a certain person, to God, etc. if something good happens to you and you want to show your appreciation, you can't even say in the Romanian language, you're simply grateful, the grammar doesn't permit it without mentioning someone else to whom you direct your gratitude.
Anyway, everyone then just stared at me, without saying anything, that was pretty awkward...
That is very amusing story. Why do you think the grammar fails to permit gratefulness towards no one in particular? Is it due to the culture of EE being steeped in Christian orthodoxy - where throughout time good things, worthy of gratefulness, were and are perceived as an 'act of god'?
I am grateful that i have all my sensory faculties and have the time to enjoy the fresh air as bites at my knees, good food as it engorges my taste buds, and clear emotions after a meditation session, unironically. :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
I am grateful that i am healthy.
i am grateful that i can live with my mother as a 25 yo NEET with few responsibilities, and have much time to read and learn.
That is very amusing story. Why do you think the grammar fails to permit gratefulness towards no one in particular? Is it due to the culture of EE being steeped in Christian orthodoxy - where throughout time good things, worthy of gratefulness, were and are perceived as an 'act of god'?
I don't know, but when you say you're grateful in Romanian you use a transitive verb - one that needs an object that receives the action, and doesn't make any sense just on its own.
  • Woah
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I remember how back in college, I ruined the Thanksgiving party organized at the American Center at my university. Before eating we were asked to say what we are grateful for, and I explained that in Romania you can't be grateful just for the sake of being grateful, your gratefulness must be directed to a certain person, to God, etc. if something good happens to you and you want to show your appreciation, you can't even say in the Romanian language, you're simply grateful, the grammar doesn't permit it without mentioning someone else to whom you direct your gratitude.
Anyway, everyone then just stared at me, without saying anything, that was pretty awkward...
Really? Romanian language has nothing to do with other Latin languages
  • Hmm...
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It originates from Latin, just like Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.
But the other languages you can do that normally from what I know
i am grateful for living in a peaceful city and am able to pursue my interests in literature
i am grateful that i am healthy
i am grateful to drink fresh water every day
i am grateful to drink GOMAD a gallon of milk a day funded by my loving mother who supports my bulking aspirations
i am grateful that my mother supports me as a 25 yo basement dweller NEET loser
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i am grateful that i am fairly healthy.
i am grateful that i can lift in my home gym composed of my mothers coffee table and some adjustable dumbbells.
i am grateful for my mommy who cooks me lovely dinner everyday.
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i am grateful to live with my loving mother who makes me dinner.
i am grateful for clean water.
i am grateful to live in a political and somewhat economically stable society.
i am grateful to live in a stable household
i am grateful to drink eggs and milk everyday
i am grateful to be able to afford meat to eat for dinner everyday
i am grateful that my country does not spray the sky in attempt to blot out the sun and thereby impede my naked ball gazing and vitamin d maxxing everyday
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this sounds like those people who watch subliminals

im growing taller
my bones r getting longer
im gonna be taller than everyuone
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I am grateful that I was able to wake up today

I am grateful that I can have a sound sleep

I am grateful that I live in Singapore where I can have tasty food while little children are starving elsewhere

I am grateful that I'm a Kshatriya
  • Woah
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i am grateful my mother allows me (a 6'1 manlet subhuman) to live with her for free
i am grateful i have clean water to drink
i am grateful i eat good food
i am grateful that i have grown 2cm last year to 186cm from 3 hour stretching routine. it would be nice if i can get to 190cm (acceptable height for human beings)
i am grateful to have a peaceful household to study in
i am grateful to have a mother who loves me
i am grateful to be largely illness free
i am grateful to be 6'1 (although i wish i was 6'5)
im grateful for my craniofacial development even if it could be improved.
im grateful for my stature even if it could be improved
im grateful i have a stable home to live in and a loving mother
im grateful i live in a stable country
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