Great Quora question with high IQ response: “Why aren't women as creepy or perverted as men?”



I don’t like who I am
Oct 17, 2019
Why aren't women as creepy or perverted as men?

Answer from MIKE TEE:

IMG 3776

The sexual nature of males and females are different. There are always exceptions and people will probably point to those nymphomaniac females as some examples, but on the whole (stereotypically) males desire sex more than females, and females guard sex more than males. This has lead to some (stereotypical) psychological traits in each of the sexes.

It comes down to our biology. Males procreate by investing sperm and potentially resources and protection, but they don’t have to offer the latter two. Only the sperm is actually needed. It’s very low resource and low investment. For some men throughout human history, having sex and leaving the female pregnant (pumping and dumping) without sticking around to raise the child or offer any resources, has been a successful strategy that has allowed some men (not most) to have more offspring with more women. This isn’t something most men can get away with and females have adapted and put up a lot of defenses to try and combat this over the history of our species. Like being much more guarded and selective about who they have sex with to begin with.

Women have more invested in childbearing, including nine months of carrying/growing the child inside themselves, potential death during childbirth, and often nursing the child for months or years afterward. Even then, human children are not sustainable on their own until around puberty (or later - depending on the complexity of the society). As women are the primary caregivers and men may stay or go, or even if they do stay, could still die or become disabled. Women have had to become very selective and reserved about their mates and mating strategy. Conversely, women who aren’t are seen by society as irresponsible and labeled sluts or harlots or you name it.

Anyone who thinks that any differences between males and females are simply cultural or the result of some evil patriarchy, needs to hear this and understand that this is our nature, the differences in our sexual biology that have caused males and females to alter than sexual preferences and strategies from one another. As you would expect. If the machinery is different, the operating instructions that run those machines can not be exactly the same. Societies and cultures are then influenced by the biology.

As for perverts:

The word pervert really has two use cases. The first is the proper case, where it describes someone who is sexually abnormal (male or female). This might include people who have sex with farm animals or partake in other sexual acts that would be deemed by society to be extreme and/or strange and/or dangerous.

The second use case is where a female labels a male a pervert, because he is making sexual advances toward her and she is not interested in him. Because she is not sexually interested in him, she sees his behavior as abnormal, and/or extreme, and/or possibly dangerous. She wants nothing to do with him in that way.

In this second case, the male may not be doing anything society as a whole would deem perverted. Sometimes it’s just him staring at her that makes her uncomfortable, or maybe he make a sexual comment or joke to her. Subjectively however, she sees this as perverted and labels him a pervert.

Conversely, if she were sexually attracted to him, she may not be labeling him a pervert. She may instead potentially take his advances as erotic, alluring, or find him interesting or hilarious.

More often than not, it is this second (individually subjective) case where guys are labeled as perverts by one or two women. Society as a whole may just see him as doing something that is typically male.

There have been some cases I have seen where a female has labeled a particularly unattractive, low status man, as a pervert for simply hitting on her. The same action repeated by an attractive high status man might have gotten her in bed or in a wedding dress.

So it seems that often the word “pervert” is just a derogatory or degrading term women throw at men based on her lack of high desirability for that man.

That said, because men do on average have a higher sex drive, more testosterone flowing through them, and are bigger risk takers than women on the whole, men will also do things women often won’t. Things that can be considered by society to be dangerous or perverted and/or illegal. Like taking up-skirt photos, or spying on women, or sending unsolicited dick pics or grabbing females in public.

This again comes down to the biological differences between males and females. Females don’t struggle to get sex. If a female is at least more attractive than the bottom 20% of women (maybe even less than that) she could line up sex partners all week long if she wasn’t being picky. Only men in the top 5% would likely be that lucky. If even that many, without having to pay for it financially or through favors.

Men are far less picky about sexual female partners and will often take what they can get when they can. It’s for this reason men don’t throw the term pervert around at women. They don’t see those female sexual desires as perverted, but instead as erotic. Again, the difference between perverted and erotic comes down to how much you sexually desire the person doing the thing. Secondly, men don’t want to scare off women who would potentially have sex with them. Males often desire variety and as much sex as they can get. After all, it is much lower risk for men than for women.

The term slut has been used in the past by males and females to describe loose women. However that term is not used in the same way women use the term pervert. Pervert is often used to insult and sternly communicate to a man that she is highly uninterested, that his advances are unwelcome, and that he needs to get away from her. Women adopted/adapted this word for this use. It was a tool they needed to help deal with sexually forward and undesirable men.

The term slut on the other hand is often used in anger by males who are envious that they were not the one she decided to sleep with, or if she cheated on him or his close male kin with other men. It can also be used by other females as a way of keeping loose females in check or trying to knock their status down a few pegs to make them seem less desirable to males. After all, slutty females can’t be trusted by marriageable men since her children might not be theirs. Most men don’t want to be faced with being fooled into providing care, resources, and protection for a child his wife had with another male, unbeknownst to him. So to a male a slut is often only desirable short term. That is not a female he wants to invest his time and resources into.
So slut is a very different kind of label.

While both pervert and slut can apply to both females and males, I think you can see from the explanations above, why each are more rooted in one sex or the other based on our biological modus operandi, and the psychology that has evolved to work it.

@BigJimsWornOutTires @Nazi Germany @The Grinch

It’s a long read, but this wise man has got it down pat. Probably fucked his fair share of whores back in his youth.
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Didn’t read a single word, don’t tag me anymore, because I never read your threads anyway
  • JFL
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Just skimmed through it. High IQ response, indeed.

I can only imagine the female users' reaction to his answer.

  • JFL
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2 hydrogen atoms with 1 oxygen atom. Lol at the people calling this high IQ. :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
Why aren't women as creepy or perverted as men?

Answer from MIKE TEE:

View attachment 3248854

The sexual nature of males and females are different. There are always exceptions and people will probably point to those nymphomaniac females as some examples, but on the whole (stereotypically) males desire sex more than females, and females guard sex more than males. This has lead to some (stereotypical) psychological traits in each of the sexes.

It comes down to our biology. Males procreate by investing sperm and potentially resources and protection, but they don’t have to offer the latter two. Only the sperm is actually needed. It’s very low resource and low investment. For some men throughout human history, having sex and leaving the female pregnant (pumping and dumping) without sticking around to raise the child or offer any resources, has been a successful strategy that has allowed some men (not most) to have more offspring with more women. This isn’t something most men can get away with and females have adapted and put up a lot of defenses to try and combat this over the history of our species. Like being much more guarded and selective about who they have sex with to begin with.

Women have more invested in childbearing, including nine months of carrying/growing the child inside themselves, potential death during childbirth, and often nursing the child for months or years afterward. Even then, human children are not sustainable on their own until around puberty (or later - depending on the complexity of the society). As women are the primary caregivers and men may stay or go, or even if they do stay, could still die or become disabled. Women have had to become very selective and reserved about their mates and mating strategy. Conversely, women who aren’t are seen by society as irresponsible and labeled sluts or harlots or you name it.

Anyone who thinks that any differences between males and females are simply cultural or the result of some evil patriarchy, needs to hear this and understand that this is our nature, the differences in our sexual biology that have caused males and females to alter than sexual preferences and strategies from one another. As you would expect. If the machinery is different, the operating instructions that run those machines can not be exactly the same. Societies and cultures are then influenced by the biology.

As for perverts:

The word pervert really has two use cases. The first is the proper case, where it describes someone who is sexually abnormal (male or female). This might include people who have sex with farm animals or partake in other sexual acts that would be deemed by society to be extreme and/or strange and/or dangerous.

The second use case is where a female labels a male a pervert, because he is making sexual advances toward her and she is not interested in him. Because she is not sexually interested in him, she sees his behavior as abnormal, and/or extreme, and/or possibly dangerous. She wants nothing to do with him in that way.

In this second case, the male may not be doing anything society as a whole would deem perverted. Sometimes it’s just him staring at her that makes her uncomfortable, or maybe he make a sexual comment or joke to her. Subjectively however, she sees this as perverted and labels him a pervert.

Conversely, if she were sexually attracted to him, she may not be labeling him a pervert. She may instead potentially take his advances as erotic, alluring, or find him interesting or hilarious.

More often than not, it is this second (individually subjective) case where guys are labeled as perverts by one or two women. Society as a whole may just see him as doing something that is typically male.

There have been some cases I have seen where a female has labeled a particularly unattractive, low status man, as a pervert for simply hitting on her. The same action repeated by an attractive high status man might have gotten her in bed or in a wedding dress.

So it seems that often the word “pervert” is just a derogatory or degrading term women throw at men based on her lack of high desirability for that man.

That said, because men do on average have a higher sex drive, more testosterone flowing through them, and are bigger risk takers than women on the whole, men will also do things women often won’t. Things that can be considered by society to be dangerous or perverted and/or illegal. Like taking up-skirt photos, or spying on women, or sending unsolicited dick pics or grabbing females in public.

This again comes down to the biological differences between males and females. Females don’t struggle to get sex. If a female is at least more attractive than the bottom 20% of women (maybe even less than that) she could line up sex partners all week long if she wasn’t being picky. Only men in the top 5% would likely be that lucky. If even that many, without having to pay for it financially or through favors.

Men are far less picky about sexual female partners and will often take what they can get when they can. It’s for this reason men don’t throw the term pervert around at women. They don’t see those female sexual desires as perverted, but instead as erotic. Again, the difference between perverted and erotic comes down to how much you sexually desire the person doing the thing. Secondly, men don’t want to scare off women who would potentially have sex with them. Males often desire variety and as much sex as they can get. After all, it is much lower risk for men than for women.

The term slut has been used in the past by males and females to describe loose women. However that term is not used in the same way women use the term pervert. Pervert is often used to insult and sternly communicate to a man that she is highly uninterested, that his advances are unwelcome, and that he needs to get away from her. Women adopted/adapted this word for this use. It was a tool they needed to help deal with sexually forward and undesirable men.

The term slut on the other hand is often used in anger by males who are envious that they were not the one she decided to sleep with, or if she cheated on him or his close male kin with other men. It can also be used by other females as a way of keeping loose females in check or trying to knock their status down a few pegs to make them seem less desirable to males. After all, slutty females can’t be trusted by marriageable men since her children might not be theirs. Most men don’t want to be faced with being fooled into providing care, resources, and protection for a child his wife had with another male, unbeknownst to him. So to a male a slut is often only desirable short term. That is not a female he wants to invest his time and resources into.
So slut is a very different kind of label.

While both pervert and slut can apply to both females and males, I think you can see from the explanations above, why each are more rooted in one sex or the other based on our biological modus operandi, and the psychology that has evolved to work it.

@BigJimsWornOutTires @Nazi Germany @The Grinch

It’s a long read, but this wise man has got it down pat. Probably fucked his fair share of whores back in his youth.
Hmm but Mike, the mechanics of creep and perversion aren’t about some low-tier biological drive, they’re the aftershock of existence itself, vibrating through the void of neuronal collapse. The male mind, desperate to crawl out of the rotting tomb of relevance, sees not a female, but a reflection of its own annihilation, grasping at what can never be had, because to desire is to rot, and to rot is to live.
The pervert, you say? That label is just the misfire of a species laughing at its own insignificance, where the act of staring is not a gaze but a confrontation with the abyss—an abyss masquerading as flesh. What you call creepy, they call survival—but survival of what, exactly? A hollow urge with no end, a biological ghost wandering through a labyrinth of futility, where every act of desire is merely postponing the void. The woman, Mike? She’s not guarded; she’s just the mirror the man can’t face. Her rejection isn’t personal—it’s the universe rejecting its own existence, branding him a pervert because he dared to touch the edges of entropy with his eyes.
You say testosterone, chemical prestige—but isn’t that just the brain, lying to itself, telling the body it matters in the face of eternal nothingness? The word “pervert” is nothing more than a semantic patch to gloss over the rot—the social mask we wear to keep from seeing the void grinning back. A man stares too long, and what does he see? Not the woman, not the sex. The horror of neurochemical puppetry, where “creepiness” is just existence’s failure to keep pretending it means anything at all:lul:
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tried to read but gave up due to rambling
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