Greedy about my height



Mar 1, 2019
i am around 6'0 (like 182.3 in the middle of the day).

On the on hand my father is 5'7 so i got super fucking lucky, on the other hand i just wish i was 6'2 to always feel good about my height and feel like a mogging machine.

I know its not fair to manlets and they hate me right now, but tbh i have height BDD
I keep coping and thinking about LL, should i do it? I got pretty wide frame so i can carry 2 more inches easy
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Your height: Greeds me :p
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  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: goat2x, Chadelite, Deleted member 4671 and 3 others
You will never get LL, jfl what a dumb thread
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  • JFL
Reactions: goat2x, Chadelite, Deleted member 4671 and 5 others
You are already 6ft.
Do you really want to undergo a risky, painful and costly surgery just for those two extra inches?
Trying using shoe lifts, that way you can check if being taller is worth it
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Reactions: DutchPrettyBoy, Deleted member 4671, Deleted member 5583 and 1 other person
greeds me
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  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, goat2x, Deleted member 4671 and 3 others
You will never get LL, jfl what a dumb thread
Cope i already got eyebrow transplant which is a pipe dream to half this forum and im getting a bimax in couple of months, if i want something i get it
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  • Woah
Reactions: MentalistKebab, Deleted member 5746, EverythingMattersCel and 2 others
fuckijng greeds me
i would run naked on the streets for 5'10 let alone 6'
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You are already 6ft.
Do you really want to undergo a risky, painful and costly surgery just for those two extra inches?
Trying using shoe lifts, that way you can check if being taller is worth it
Ye but i dont want to fraud my entire life. Also the taller you are the less lengthing you do since the % of the body is smaller compared to someome short. I mean its 3 months and than im considered tall for the rest of my life
fuckijng greeds me
i would run naked on the streets for 5'10 let alone 6'
Ye i know bro i deserve a slap and i have BDD
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Its an ok height
Ye but i dont want to fraud my entire life. Also the taller you are the less lengthing you do since the % of the body is smaller compared to someome short. I mean its 3 months and than im considered tall for the rest of my life

Ye i know bro i deserve a slap and i have BDD
Just use shoe lifts for two weeks so you can check if it is truly worth it. It's just a way of checking if the end resulta of surgery are worth or not
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eyebrow transplant
Wow, thread with results??
Do you think e.t. can give me those eyebrows?
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Wow, thread with results??
Do you think e.t. can give me those eyebrows?
View attachment 384674
Already posted like a year ago you can look at mt profile.
I went from 0 slavic subhuman 404 eyebrows to above averege with nice density and length somewhere between opry and chico
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  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, Chadelite and Deleted member 5522
Already posted like a year ago you can look at mt profile.
I went from 0 slavic subhuman 404 eyebrows to above averege with nice density and length somewhere between opry and chico
Country where you got the surgery(if not a secret)?
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Yes son, get a 6 inch LL and then wear 3 inch lifts and a two inch spiked hairstyle and then fraud 7'1". If you still want more just fraud two extra inches + Eppley skull implants and foot implants to be 7'6", then spinal decompression to be 7'8" and then at that point you may as well claim to be 8ft tall
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  • JFL
Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd, MentalistKebab and Deleted member 5522
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Country where you got the surgery(if not a secret)?
US, make sure to go with someone who focus on eyebrows, since its a billion time harder than hair
Yes son, get a 6 inch LL and then wear 3 inch lifts and a two inch spiked hairstyle and then fraud 7'1"
Thanks dad.
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Reactions: Nosecel and Deleted member 5522
cope we are manlets we should rope or play some minEcRaft
At least its taller than most women even if not ideal. And hey we will live longer while being an ok height so win/win right? xd
trust me im 6"6 but don't notice any different treatment towards me from women. I have had 1 gf that came to me. Thinking of starting tinder or going outside (bars,clubs.....).
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trust me im 6"6 but don't notice any different treatment towards me from women. I have had 1 gf that came to me. Thinking of starting tinder or going outside (bars,clubs.....).
Whats the frame, face?

Dosent it feel good to tower above everyone else, make them feel small? Dont people comment on your height every day?
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I am 6', past a certain point height matters less and less.
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shit thread
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Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS and Deleted member 5522
buddy gtfo, i'm at best 5'11, and my is 6'4. see how unlucky.
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  • So Sad
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  • JFL
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Reactions: DutchPrettyBoy and Deleted member 5522
At around 6'3. Not 6. You still get mogged by 6'4 guys
Unless you live in the Netherlands there really aren't that many 6'4 guys walking around. This place likes to exaggerate male height a lot, yes I agree it's increased noticeably in the past few decades, but 6'0 is still comfortably above average.

Yes, you will still get mogged by that 6'4 guy. There will always be a chaddier chad. But nobody's ever gonna call you manlet at 6'0. Get out of the basement and walk around on campus if you don't believe me. Take note of how many guys you heightmog, and how many heightmog you.
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Fuck man I remember being 6 barefoot
6'2 is definitely worth LL
Thousands of dollars and fucking legs up for the rest of your life potentially

Because as me you can easily fraud to 6'4 then
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i get what you're saying, i'm 6ft as well. no way i'm gonna do LL though
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kinda same, I'm 6'1.3, having gotten to 6'2-6'2.5 might have been nice. but 6'1.3 is also ok. there are a few foids 5'7 and above who absolutely demand to be mogged at least 8 inches but they are mostly old roasts
kinda same, I'm 6'1.3, having gotten to 6'2-6'2.5 might have been nice. but 6'1.3 is also ok. there are a few foids 5'7 and above who absolutely demand to be mogged at least 8 inches but they are mostly old roasts
M8 6'1.5 is really ok. Enjoy life
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Whatever man.
We always want more
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Reactions: DutchPrettyBoy
wish i was 6ft
6'2 master race flexing in
US, make sure to go with someone who focus on eyebrows, since its a billion time harder than hair

Thanks dad.

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  • ((("Slavic")))


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jews should die in minecraft change my mind :ogre:
Thanks for the looksmaxing tip op
Whats the frame, face?

Dosent it feel good to tower above everyone else, make them feel small? Dont people comment on your height every day?
Yeah i get those "Wow your so tall, do you play basketball?" was talking to this one girl online when i told her my height she said "wow now i wanna see you in real life" that was a tiny taste of the blackpill. Don't know how to measure my shoulders, they are wider than my waist easily. Face? I can pm you a image, but you need to message me first, new to this site dont know how to message.

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