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No joke, I sometimes wish I grew up in the ghettos because having a tough upbringing tends to cultivate a low-inhib and “nothing to lose” mindset, hence why some of them even end up life-mogging middle-class individuals. It explains why even though I was one of the top students in my class and was seen as an “exemplar student” back in high school by teachers, no one really gave a shit because a lot of kids there are the thuggish low-inhib types (blacks and hairy ethnics) that didn’t care for the “rules” and put fun, drama and excitement on a pedestal. Basically the typical public school where you meet people from all walks of life, hence the general incivility.
Years later now that I’m blackpilled and balls deep into my career, I’ve already sunk too much to pull out to become more low-inhib and dark triad to emulate low-class behaviour. I’ve already got too much on the line and doing so at this point might as well be self-sabotage. While I am far “ahead” of those thuggish classmates, the brutal truth is they probably have far more entertaining social lives than I do. Just like how there is a purgatory when it comes to social class, there might also be a purgatory when it comes to looks:
The middle-class/normie cuck
When a guy grows up fatherless, abused or lack any close family growing up, they probably feel no moral obligation to anyone, have little to no responsibilities in general and can act as they please with little to no remorse, hence a “nothing to lose” mindset. As a result, they'll try to seize every social opportunity and will have a greater life quality than most middle-class people/normies. They will probably reach many highly desired social milestones with much more relative ease compared to their normie equivalents. And in a sick and twisted way, I actually kinda envy that. A mistake that normies and above often make is to underestimate people who came from a tough upbringing just because they have better life conditions than them. But they don’t recognize the psychological advantages that they have:
Growing up “normal” often comes with a sense of moral obligation. This might lead to you being more high-inhib and rationalizing your life decisions more, potentially making you miss out on crucial social opportunities. A lot of middle-class people often look up to high class individuals and try to emulate them by bagging as much status indicators as possible. You might’ve gotten top grades in your class, gone on to attain prestigious career titles and achieved financial security. Basically you’ve got it all in the bag careerwise. Yet deep down you still feel socially “stunted” compared to your thug classmates and feel as if your life never measured up to theirs when it came to truly living. That’s the tragedy of “oversocialization”, suffering from your own moral behaviour and being obsessed with doing things the “right way”. That really makes you think “What’s the point of being morally righteous when no one else is?” After all, it’s a losing move from a game theory perspective. Of course, this won’t apply to you if you are low-sentience/self-awareness regardless of social class.
If I grew up in the ghettos, out of sheer luck and primitivism, I would've probably gotten to hook up with some ghetto chick when we’re both in our early teens and still virgins. Albeit I’d probably be too ignorant and lack the cognitive development to even fully appreciate the significance of such milestone as opposed to my middle-class blackpilled self in reality. But at least I wouldn’t have to lament over not being able to find a virgin woman and would’ve been much more appreciative of life in general. When your life is fast-paced and you reach key social milestones so early on, there’s little to no incentive to accept the blackpill and be philosophical in the first place.
Being born into wealth = skipping all that normie drama that blackpills you
My parents think I’ll somehow “ascend” if I keep focusing on earning money. But as you may’ve heard, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Once you’re blackpilled, it seems like a futile effort to continue to push yourself when you’ve already earned enough to at least provide yourself with a decent living but your spiritual needs are not met. As much as I want a virgin wife, I also don’t want to end up with one by virtue of me having money, knowing that there are low-class thugs out there able to get what I want with far less effort. One of the worst things is finding out that my desired HQNP woman had her virginity taken by a more primitive man and got pumped n dumped afterwards. For me, being seen as an “upgrade” by a woman is probably one of the most humiliating and cucked things to be labelled as a man.
Being rich is most appealing only when you’re born into a rich family and get to “skip” all the drama that the middle class has to go through in the first place. Hence you remain bluepilled (or at most redpilled) and think that everything good that happens to you is because you “deserve” it. You'd probably only attract women with money, but at least you're bluepilled and the type of women will more likely be HQNP. But I am no longer bluepilled hence why I no longer have much incentive to endlessly push myself to earn money. Instead, I now stick to Wu wei (effortless action) and try to satiate what my heart desires as much as possible even if it puts me “behind” in the capitalist race.
As much as it sounds like I’m glorifying being a low-class degenerate, you’d be mistaken. Rather it’s to highlight how living on this earth is such an absurd quandary and that sometimes living “correctly” means to suffer. Sometimes the best move is to just not play or care because it was never fair in the first place.
TL;DR: Growing up in the ghettos tends to cultivate a low-inhib and “nothing to lose” mindset, which is a massive advantage against normies who are often bound to moral obligations from growing up “normal”. This leads to them acting as they please with little to no remorse for their actions, allowing them to make full use of the social opportunities that come their way. Growing up “normal” tends to come with more moral obligations, leading you to more high inhib and miss out on more crucial social milestones and “stunt” yourself. Being rich is most appealing only when you’re born right into it, rather than having to sigma grindset your way into it. When you’re born into wealth you likely don’t even have to go through the process of being redpilled or blackpilled etc. When you’re born into wealth, money can at least shield you from all that normie drama that leads to disillusionment in the first place growing up. Inceldom seems like a middle-class phenomenon from feeling too much pressure having to play by the “rules”. Effortless action/not playing as always is the only viable move for people who grew up “normal” and ended up disillusioned.
@TiktokUser @bloomercel @Clown Show @the_nextDavidLaid @Chadeep
No joke, I sometimes wish I grew up in the ghettos because having a tough upbringing tends to cultivate a low-inhib and “nothing to lose” mindset, hence why some of them even end up life-mogging middle-class individuals. It explains why even though I was one of the top students in my class and was seen as an “exemplar student” back in high school by teachers, no one really gave a shit because a lot of kids there are the thuggish low-inhib types (blacks and hairy ethnics) that didn’t care for the “rules” and put fun, drama and excitement on a pedestal. Basically the typical public school where you meet people from all walks of life, hence the general incivility.
Years later now that I’m blackpilled and balls deep into my career, I’ve already sunk too much to pull out to become more low-inhib and dark triad to emulate low-class behaviour. I’ve already got too much on the line and doing so at this point might as well be self-sabotage. While I am far “ahead” of those thuggish classmates, the brutal truth is they probably have far more entertaining social lives than I do. Just like how there is a purgatory when it comes to social class, there might also be a purgatory when it comes to looks:

Why sub-5 ethnics are able to slay more than normie men in the west
“The normie purgatory” You might sometimes see that some women nowadays are in relationships with sub-5 ethnics, which you might think disproves the blackpill. But I think it actually confirms existing blackpill theories on the feminine psyche. There is something I refer to as the “normie...
The middle-class/normie cuck
When a guy grows up fatherless, abused or lack any close family growing up, they probably feel no moral obligation to anyone, have little to no responsibilities in general and can act as they please with little to no remorse, hence a “nothing to lose” mindset. As a result, they'll try to seize every social opportunity and will have a greater life quality than most middle-class people/normies. They will probably reach many highly desired social milestones with much more relative ease compared to their normie equivalents. And in a sick and twisted way, I actually kinda envy that. A mistake that normies and above often make is to underestimate people who came from a tough upbringing just because they have better life conditions than them. But they don’t recognize the psychological advantages that they have:

It's more brutal getting cucked by someone you mog than if it was chad
“It’s not the hardest punch that always knocks you out, it's the one that you don't see coming” Users here love to joke about our oneitis getting creampied by chad like they're supposed to be our boogeyman. But hardly anyone jokes about our oneitis getting creampied by a 5’2 homeless drug...
Growing up “normal” often comes with a sense of moral obligation. This might lead to you being more high-inhib and rationalizing your life decisions more, potentially making you miss out on crucial social opportunities. A lot of middle-class people often look up to high class individuals and try to emulate them by bagging as much status indicators as possible. You might’ve gotten top grades in your class, gone on to attain prestigious career titles and achieved financial security. Basically you’ve got it all in the bag careerwise. Yet deep down you still feel socially “stunted” compared to your thug classmates and feel as if your life never measured up to theirs when it came to truly living. That’s the tragedy of “oversocialization”, suffering from your own moral behaviour and being obsessed with doing things the “right way”. That really makes you think “What’s the point of being morally righteous when no one else is?” After all, it’s a losing move from a game theory perspective. Of course, this won’t apply to you if you are low-sentience/self-awareness regardless of social class.
If I grew up in the ghettos, out of sheer luck and primitivism, I would've probably gotten to hook up with some ghetto chick when we’re both in our early teens and still virgins. Albeit I’d probably be too ignorant and lack the cognitive development to even fully appreciate the significance of such milestone as opposed to my middle-class blackpilled self in reality. But at least I wouldn’t have to lament over not being able to find a virgin woman and would’ve been much more appreciative of life in general. When your life is fast-paced and you reach key social milestones so early on, there’s little to no incentive to accept the blackpill and be philosophical in the first place.
Being born into wealth = skipping all that normie drama that blackpills you
My parents think I’ll somehow “ascend” if I keep focusing on earning money. But as you may’ve heard, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Once you’re blackpilled, it seems like a futile effort to continue to push yourself when you’ve already earned enough to at least provide yourself with a decent living but your spiritual needs are not met. As much as I want a virgin wife, I also don’t want to end up with one by virtue of me having money, knowing that there are low-class thugs out there able to get what I want with far less effort. One of the worst things is finding out that my desired HQNP woman had her virginity taken by a more primitive man and got pumped n dumped afterwards. For me, being seen as an “upgrade” by a woman is probably one of the most humiliating and cucked things to be labelled as a man.
Being rich is most appealing only when you’re born into a rich family and get to “skip” all the drama that the middle class has to go through in the first place. Hence you remain bluepilled (or at most redpilled) and think that everything good that happens to you is because you “deserve” it. You'd probably only attract women with money, but at least you're bluepilled and the type of women will more likely be HQNP. But I am no longer bluepilled hence why I no longer have much incentive to endlessly push myself to earn money. Instead, I now stick to Wu wei (effortless action) and try to satiate what my heart desires as much as possible even if it puts me “behind” in the capitalist race.
As much as it sounds like I’m glorifying being a low-class degenerate, you’d be mistaken. Rather it’s to highlight how living on this earth is such an absurd quandary and that sometimes living “correctly” means to suffer. Sometimes the best move is to just not play or care because it was never fair in the first place.
TL;DR: Growing up in the ghettos tends to cultivate a low-inhib and “nothing to lose” mindset, which is a massive advantage against normies who are often bound to moral obligations from growing up “normal”. This leads to them acting as they please with little to no remorse for their actions, allowing them to make full use of the social opportunities that come their way. Growing up “normal” tends to come with more moral obligations, leading you to more high inhib and miss out on more crucial social milestones and “stunt” yourself. Being rich is most appealing only when you’re born right into it, rather than having to sigma grindset your way into it. When you’re born into wealth you likely don’t even have to go through the process of being redpilled or blackpilled etc. When you’re born into wealth, money can at least shield you from all that normie drama that leads to disillusionment in the first place growing up. Inceldom seems like a middle-class phenomenon from feeling too much pressure having to play by the “rules”. Effortless action/not playing as always is the only viable move for people who grew up “normal” and ended up disillusioned.
@TiktokUser @bloomercel @Clown Show @the_nextDavidLaid @Chadeep