[GTFIH] High IQ Theory that summarises a fraction of the truth

Deleted member 2597

Deleted member 2597

Jul 27, 2019
@Mathafack this ones for you, buddy boyo

This will end every single one of your copes, I will shatter every single one of them and leave it for dead. You will shake when I finish this tale that will stand the impregnable test of time. Are you ready, nigga?

The creator of the physical world (the physical Matrix) is the evil god Demiurge (aka Yahwe, Satan, or the Devil or Shaitan for muslimcels). He is the evil envious dark triad narcy trigger happy god presented in the old testament of the christian bible and in some ways the qu'ran he is obsessed with submitting, punishing, and torturing everyone (just read the bible theory). He rebelled against the actually true good god and created this grim dark physical world in which he trapped the Divine Sparks within the matter. The divine spark are the souls - us, all humans and leiterally all living creatures (see the OG Great Chain of Being). Once he trapped us here he is manipulating matter, literally playing with matter, for his dark amusement. Obviously, in the process, a lot of misery is caused for the souls trapped in the material world in the form of wars, diseases, hunger, and all that depressing shit in the modern day it's amplifying incledom. Essentially he's fucking us mortals. I will tell you how it affects incels later, nigga. This is a quick summary of how the outward physical world was squirted out by the dark triad kikeish evil god.
The true god is outside of the physical world and cucked humans have no direct link to him since the Demiurge stops us from doing so. The real good god consists of light and we (the Divine Sparks) are parts of the good god. But we are trapped here by Demiurge who has stolen part of God to torture it. Once you rejoin the real good god (after death) you are in heaven (more on that later).

So the Demiurge (Satan) is the boss in this reality. Below him are the various Elohim (Archonts). Elohim in Hebrew literally means “Gods” or “Powers” these are a group of evil sub-gods that are subordinated and bitches to the Demiurge. Below them apparently are the reptilian aliens and below them are the grey aliens. Below them humans. Below humans is according to the Chain of Being. So, humans are in the middle of the creation and not on the top, or as the freemasons say "As above so below". Namely, the difference between humans and animals is the same as the difference between Archons and humans. We are their cattle or food. Not physical food but rather metaphysical food. This is the great chain of being in a nutshell.

Throughout history, the Demiurge and his evil gods (Elohim or Archons) constantly improved the system to extract as much misery as possible and torture us more efficiently. But their powers are not limitless.They are unable to create endless wars and plagues because humans have the divine spark and are able to negotiate a peace agreement between themselves, to create cures and shit, and improve our wellbeing within this prison-world. Thus the evil gods have to innovate and decisive us in new ways.

In addition, prophets were sent from the true good god into our material world to help us. All the puppets (Jesus, Mohammed, and others) were sent from outside to help us. Unfortunately, their teachings were hijacked, stolen and subverted by the Demiurge, his Evil gods and the net of humans who serve them on earth. These humans are all the various secret societies, the freemasons, royalty and today increasingly big business and academia. All of them have sold their souls, some consciously and some unconsciously (were subverted), to the Demiurge and now are allowed to profiting and enjoying our misery. We are getting fucked, by these demonic niggas. But we have hope.

Now to the part you incels will be waiting for, how does it relate to your ugly bitch asses. Inceldom is simply another form of torturing the divine spark. By trapping the divine spark in an ugly body (matter) that will be constantly mocked, insulted and tortured. While incels are mocked and tortured by the brutal social matrix we emit negative energy which is the food and drink for the dark triad Archons.

Incels are the least fortunate divine sparks, they are truly fucking unlucky shits. They were trapped in their ugly cucks bodies and were deemed to a life of misery. Their DNA is a brutal micro prison for the soul and the ugly body constantly attracts mocking and causing the soul to suffer. Incels misery is essentially for the evil god since they feed on ugly ass incels onegative emotions.

Obviously they could keep feeding on wars but these are too destructive - too high entropy. Inceldom is low entropy and still efficient way of negative energy extraction. Hence, inceldom is highly efficient in tutoring the diving spark and this is the reason we will see more and more incels.

Ignorance is the biggest cucked enemy of humans. The Demiurge is able to manipulate us because he subverted everything. All the main religions are worshiping him and declaring him as the only god. But he is not.
The Christians are worshiping the symbol of their dead (crucified) savior. Islam literally means the submission to god but the god is the Satan - the Demiurge. The Jew kikes openly worship Yahweh and serve him. Over for Abrahamic cels.

There are several matrices and sub-matrices that together comprise our reality:
- The cosmos matrix (laws of physics)
- The Moon-Saturn matrix (active suppression of the divine spark’s conscience)
- The economic matrix (material exploitation matrix)
- The social matrix (mental exploitation and close-control matrix)

You cannot escape either of these matrices. You have to participate in each of them and SUFFER. You are a prisoner in each of these prisons. Think about something that emits light, perhaps a candle, that is surrounded by several spheres - the candle is your soul and the spheres are the matrices. Its brutal, I know.

The cosmos matrix is composed of the laws of physics, mathematics etc… They were created by the Demiurge. Mathematics is the programming language of the universe while physics and chemistry are the operating system of the programming language.

The Moon-Saturn matrix. Within the planet Saturn there is a huge transmitter of negative energy that restricts our consciousness. This is why there is a huge hexagon on the north pole of Saturn. The transmission comes from there. Hexagon encloses a hexagram (Star of David), 666, Saturn is the 6th planet. Saturn = the habitation of Sat (Satan). In Hebrew Shabtai = the planet of Shabat (Saturday). A hexagon is a cube. The Muslims worship a cube (the Kaaba stone). They circle it like the circle of the ring around Saturn. The cross of the Christians is an unfolded cube. The cube is present on the Jewish tefillin. The cube is the symbol and a tool of the Demiurge to trap us here.

The moon serves as an amplifier of Saturn's transposition. The moon is an artificial object that was placed in the exact spot to perfectly close the sun during eclipses. It prevents energy from reaching earth thus making us unable to wake up and see that we are in prison (our third eye or the Pinal Gland is dead).

The moon also serves as a soul catcher. Once you die you will go through the process of soul catching and soul recycling. The soul catching happens as you move through the tunnel with light in its end. The light at the end of the tunnel is the soul catcher mechanism. Once your soul is caught it is returned to the physical world and not to the god realm. In other words, your soul is constantly recycled and trapped in this reality. They don't simply get you by the balls, but by your soul. Even in death they will try to fool you!
One of the first movies ever “The Astronomer’s Dream” (1898) was about the moon matrix.

The economic matrix is essentially the information material structure that on the one hand allows our bodies to exist (food, clothes, shelter) and on the other hand allows our exploitation. As trapped beings, we have to work (to dedicate energy) on transforming the raw material and plowing the land to extract and create useful things for us. We are altering the matter by investing energy in it (working) thus decreasing its entropy (information enrichment) and making it fit for human use. So in some sense, we are god-like creatures. I am not sure that we are really able to alter matter with our thoughts. This ability is only for creatures above us (Archons and higher). Teachings that promise this might be another fraud and deception promoted by the evil gods to deceive us, create false hope, disappointed and negative energy (their food).

The economic matrix defines the social matrix. All the power relations are functions of production relations explained in the previous paragraph. We are stuck in society till our death to which we have to serve loyalty.

Education, media, entertainment, etc… are all parts of the social matrix and as you probably saw are all utterly evil. It's all fucking rotten .

Each subsequent life you get is in accordance to your Karma and your Karmic debt that you have accumulated in the previous life cycle. So if you were an incel you have some chance to be a Chad and Visa a versa. Anyways your memories are erased forever and you begin from scratch.

You can break out of this realm if you (as a soul) ask to live this realm and rejoin with the true good god realm. It is possible and easy because after death your soul is detached from matter (you are out of your body) so you are temporarily a god. But once you pass the tunnel you are trapped again! So ask it before the tunnel. Alternatively, you can go to the end of the tunnel and have another round of life.

The end goal of the Demiurge and his dark triad gang is to create a soul farm and to maximize the extraction of negative energy out of the divine sparks. Thus we have Agenda 21 that is aimed at packing people into megacities in which we will live in tiny rooms - maximum souls in a given space. Thus we have international institutions and academia pushing agendas like global warming etc...Obviously economic exploitation is part of it since it both builds the matrix (the soul farm) and extracts negative energy. His master plan is a New World Order.

I also suspect that once the satanic New World Order is enacted (we are microchipped and listed on the social credit system) the real non-human owners of the world will no longer hide their faces. They will show them proudly thus increasing, even more, our misery. It's gonna be brutal boyos, get ready. 1583506352241


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  • JFL
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Reactions: PrisonMike, Julius, FailedNormie and 10 others
Read, I did not.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Ritalincell, Copeful, karbo and 9 others
i raed almost all of it and its cool and all but like, wheres ur proof
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  • +1
Reactions: Copeful
i raed almost all of it and its cool and all but like, wheres ur proof
Everywhere, this is baisically an attempt to incorporate every religious belief, god, social phenomena and scientific facts into one single worldview/belief system/religion call it however you want. This is the story of everything - the big picture.

It is a blend of Gnosticism, the simulation hypothesis, the blackpill philosophy, and some of my own speculations about the nature of reality.
  • So Sad
  • JFL
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damn bruh why you gotta make a long ass thread when you know I'm gonna read every word
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CF8F7B84 BEAC 414A B21C 8AB0FE5DD318
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I looked at the reactions before I read, then decided not to read
  • JFL
Reactions: Pussyslayer, Deleted member 6965, Krezo and 3 others
I'm drunk and high right now so excuse me for the qaulity.
Is this copypasta? Holy shit
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
okay u got any sources on that buddy?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2597
I read all of this. I love you.

TLDR for those who need it: we are ruled by gay aliens like Barrett
  • JFL
Reactions: ezio6, Lev Peshkov and Deleted member 5656
take ur meds son
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2597
From where did u copy paste this
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
@Mathafack this ones for you, buddy boyo

This will end every single one of your copes, I will shatter every single one of them and leave it for dead. You will shake when I finish this tale that will stand the impregnable test of time. Are you ready, nigga?

The creator of the physical world (the physical Matrix) is the evil god Demiurge (aka Yahwe, Satan, or the Devil or Shaitan for muslimcels). He is the evil envious dark triad narcy trigger happy god presented in the old testament of the christian bible and in some ways the qu'ran he is obsessed with submitting, punishing, and torturing everyone (just read the bible theory). He rebelled against the actually true good god and created this grim dark physical world in which he trapped the Divine Sparks within the matter. The divine spark are the souls - us, all humans and leiterally all living creatures (see the OG Great Chain of Being). Once he trapped us here he is manipulating matter, literally playing with matter, for his dark amusement. Obviously, in the process, a lot of misery is caused for the souls trapped in the material world in the form of wars, diseases, hunger, and all that depressing shit in the modern day it's amplifying incledom. Essentially he's fucking us mortals. I will tell you how it affects incels later, nigga. This is a quick summary of how the outward physical world was squirted out by the dark triad kikeish evil god.
The true god is outside of the physical world and cucked humans have no direct link to him since the Demiurge stops us from doing so. The real good god consists of light and we (the Divine Sparks) are parts of the good god. But we are trapped here by Demiurge who has stolen part of God to torture it. Once you rejoin the real good god (after death) you are in heaven (more on that later).

So the Demiurge (Satan) is the boss in this reality. Below him are the various Elohim (Archonts). Elohim in Hebrew literally means “Gods” or “Powers” these are a group of evil sub-gods that are subordinated and bitches to the Demiurge. Below them apparently are the reptilian aliens and below them are the grey aliens. Below them humans. Below humans is according to the Chain of Being. So, humans are in the middle of the creation and not on the top, or as the freemasons say "As above so below". Namely, the difference between humans and animals is the same as the difference between Archons and humans. We are their cattle or food. Not physical food but rather metaphysical food. This is the great chain of being in a nutshell.

Throughout history, the Demiurge and his evil gods (Elohim or Archons) constantly improved the system to extract as much misery as possible and torture us more efficiently. But their powers are not limitless.They are unable to create endless wars and plagues because humans have the divine spark and are able to negotiate a peace agreement between themselves, to create cures and shit, and improve our wellbeing within this prison-world. Thus the evil gods have to innovate and decisive us in new ways.

In addition, prophets were sent from the true good god into our material world to help us. All the puppets (Jesus, Mohammed, and others) were sent from outside to help us. Unfortunately, their teachings were hijacked, stolen and subverted by the Demiurge, his Evil gods and the net of humans who serve them on earth. These humans are all the various secret societies, the freemasons, royalty and today increasingly big business and academia. All of them have sold their souls, some consciously and some unconsciously (were subverted), to the Demiurge and now are allowed to profiting and enjoying our misery. We are getting fucked, by these demonic niggas. But we have hope.

Now to the part you incels will be waiting for, how does it relate to your ugly bitch asses. Inceldom is simply another form of torturing the divine spark. By trapping the divine spark in an ugly body (matter) that will be constantly mocked, insulted and tortured. While incels are mocked and tortured by the brutal social matrix we emit negative energy which is the food and drink for the dark triad Archons.

Incels are the least fortunate divine sparks, they are truly fucking unlucky shits. They were trapped in their ugly cucks bodies and were deemed to a life of misery. Their DNA is a brutal micro prison for the soul and the ugly body constantly attracts mocking and causing the soul to suffer. Incels misery is essentially for the evil god since they feed on ugly ass incels onegative emotions.

Obviously they could keep feeding on wars but these are too destructive - too high entropy. Inceldom is low entropy and still efficient way of negative energy extraction. Hence, inceldom is highly efficient in tutoring the diving spark and this is the reason we will see more and more incels.

Ignorance is the biggest cucked enemy of humans. The Demiurge is able to manipulate us because he subverted everything. All the main religions are worshiping him and declaring him as the only god. But he is not.
The Christians are worshiping the symbol of their dead (crucified) savior. Islam literally means the submission to god but the god is the Satan - the Demiurge. The Jew kikes openly worship Yahweh and serve him. Over for Abrahamic cels.

There are several matrices and sub-matrices that together comprise our reality:
- The cosmos matrix (laws of physics)
- The Moon-Saturn matrix (active suppression of the divine spark’s conscience)
- The economic matrix (material exploitation matrix)
- The social matrix (mental exploitation and close-control matrix)

You cannot escape either of these matrices. You have to participate in each of them and SUFFER. You are a prisoner in each of these prisons. Think about something that emits light, perhaps a candle, that is surrounded by several spheres - the candle is your soul and the spheres are the matrices. Its brutal, I know.

The cosmos matrix is composed of the laws of physics, mathematics etc… They were created by the Demiurge. Mathematics is the programming language of the universe while physics and chemistry are the operating system of the programming language.

The Moon-Saturn matrix. Within the planet Saturn there is a huge transmitter of negative energy that restricts our consciousness. This is why there is a huge hexagon on the north pole of Saturn. The transmission comes from there. Hexagon encloses a hexagram (Star of David), 666, Saturn is the 6th planet. Saturn = the habitation of Sat (Satan). In Hebrew Shabtai = the planet of Shabat (Saturday). A hexagon is a cube. The Muslims worship a cube (the Kaaba stone). They circle it like the circle of the ring around Saturn. The cross of the Christians is an unfolded cube. The cube is present on the Jewish tefillin. The cube is the symbol and a tool of the Demiurge to trap us here.

The moon serves as an amplifier of Saturn's transposition. The moon is an artificial object that was placed in the exact spot to perfectly close the sun during eclipses. It prevents energy from reaching earth thus making us unable to wake up and see that we are in prison (our third eye or the Pinal Gland is dead).

The moon also serves as a soul catcher. Once you die you will go through the process of soul catching and soul recycling. The soul catching happens as you move through the tunnel with light in its end. The light at the end of the tunnel is the soul catcher mechanism. Once your soul is caught it is returned to the physical world and not to the god realm. In other words, your soul is constantly recycled and trapped in this reality. They don't simply get you by the balls, but by your soul. Even in death they will try to fool you!
One of the first movies ever “The Astronomer’s Dream” (1898) was about the moon matrix.

The economic matrix is essentially the information material structure that on the one hand allows our bodies to exist (food, clothes, shelter) and on the other hand allows our exploitation. As trapped beings, we have to work (to dedicate energy) on transforming the raw material and plowing the land to extract and create useful things for us. We are altering the matter by investing energy in it (working) thus decreasing its entropy (information enrichment) and making it fit for human use. So in some sense, we are god-like creatures. I am not sure that we are really able to alter matter with our thoughts. This ability is only for creatures above us (Archons and higher). Teachings that promise this might be another fraud and deception promoted by the evil gods to deceive us, create false hope, disappointed and negative energy (their food).

The economic matrix defines the social matrix. All the power relations are functions of production relations explained in the previous paragraph. We are stuck in society till our death to which we have to serve loyalty.

Education, media, entertainment, etc… are all parts of the social matrix and as you probably saw are all utterly evil. It's all fucking rotten .

Each subsequent life you get is in accordance to your Karma and your Karmic debt that you have accumulated in the previous life cycle. So if you were an incel you have some chance to be a Chad and Visa a versa. Anyways your memories are erased forever and you begin from scratch.

You can break out of this realm if you (as a soul) ask to live this realm and rejoin with the true good god realm. It is possible and easy because after death your soul is detached from matter (you are out of your body) so you are temporarily a god. But once you pass the tunnel you are trapped again! So ask it before the tunnel. Alternatively, you can go to the end of the tunnel and have another round of life.

The end goal of the Demiurge and his dark triad gang is to create a soul farm and to maximize the extraction of negative energy out of the divine sparks. Thus we have Agenda 21 that is aimed at packing people into megacities in which we will live in tiny rooms - maximum souls in a given space. Thus we have international institutions and academia pushing agendas like global warming etc...Obviously economic exploitation is part of it since it both builds the matrix (the soul farm) and extracts negative energy. His master plan is a New World Order.

I also suspect that once the satanic New World Order is enacted (we are microchipped and listed on the social credit system) the real non-human owners of the world will no longer hide their faces. They will show them proudly thus increasing, even more, our misery. It's gonna be brutal boyos, get ready.View attachment 441227
  • +1
Reactions: Julius
Haha fucking caged. That nigga thought that im gonna read that lolololol
  • JFL
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Not a single word
3 lines because u mentioned @Mathafack. Dn rd after that.
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  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 2597
bruh you cant tell me you wrote that essay yourself
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4570
I read it this time and it was surprisingly high iq.
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Julius
You should become a fantasy writer or something bro, that's some Tolkien-like shit right there, mindblowing
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understand i do not
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  • Love it
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