

future chadlite
Aug 7, 2023
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.


According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: bpcq, hapagod, PolishBateman and 25 others
now we are all going to be adonises with perfect health
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker and Alexios
Sheeit I never considered that route of ingestion

Was a AImaxxer in my youth, barely worked
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: hattrick, normie tiktoker, 5'7 zoomer and 1 other person
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.
its not just estrogens makeing puberty earlier . its faster ageing due to high human population (with complex factors associated with this) .

if they poison us with these estrogenic toxins , takeing aromasin and considering urself safe makes no sense . u just make ur natural estrogens from aromatase lessened . if anything u just will decrease the competition with the xenoestrogens for binding to receptors . if they were useing chemicals to increase aromatase , then aromasin would make more sense . but u claim they use estrogens not aromatase promoters . just filter ur water with reverse osmosis instead , then u get out the fluoride and other contaminants too .
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Reactions: LegitUser, Pandora, opeggard and 7 others
its not just estrogens makeing puberty earlier . its faster ageing due to high human population (with complex factors associated with this) .

if they poison us with these estrogenic toxins , takeing aromasin and considering urself safe makes no sense . u just make ur natural estrogens from aromatase lessened . if anything u just will decrease the competition with the xenoestrogens for binding to receptors . if they were useing chemicals to increase aromatase , then aromasin would make more sense . but u claim they use estrogens not aromatase promoters . just filter ur water with reverse osmosis instead , then u get out the fluoride and other contaminants too .
Yes obviously estrogen isn't the only problem. Also JFL at your xenoestrogen argument, the amount in your body stays the same, it doesnt matter if slightly more will bind because overall the effects are lessened.
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: opeggard, normie tiktoker and 5'7 zoomer
Also JFL at your xenoestrogen argument, the amount in your body stays the same, it doesnt matter if slightly more will bind because overall the effects are lessened.
are u assumeing that xenoestrogens induce an identical binding response as natural estrogens because they bind to the same receptor ?
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and LegitUser
are u assumeing that xenoestrogens induce an identical binding response as natural estrogens because they bind to the same receptor ?
No, not at all, but if you think the overall effect on your body will not be lessened is retarded. I can't even wrap my head around how you came to that conclusion :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: opeggard
what about letro
what about letro
1. non suicidal, so if you stop taking it estrogen rebound will fuck you in the ass
2. non-steroidal, so your bones will be weaker than a 70 year old vegan
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker and LegitUser
No, not at all, but if you think the overall effect on your body will not be lessened is retarded. I can't even wrap my head around how you came to that conclusion :lul:
based on clinical evidence , estrogenic effects would be lessened by aromatase . i said that the binding of xenoestrogens could be increased , particularly the competitive ones .

why warp what im saying ? :Comfy:
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and LegitUser
1. non suicidal, so if you stop taking it estrogen rebound will fuck you in the ass
2. non-steroidal, so your bones will be weaker than a 70 year old vegan
what if you never stop taking
what if you never stop taking
retarded to do that, you can taper off the dose but if you forget/ go to someones house and dont have it for a while you'll reap the consequences. also, once again, your bone density would take a massive shit
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
Alright. Anyone wanna help each other dose aromasin rectally.
  • +1
Reactions: horsefacin
I’m 16 and dose 12.5mg every other day and feel fine, worked my way up from 6.25mg
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
I was obese for the first 2 years of puberty, so I think I lost 8 cm in height.😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker, horsefacin and tempelcat4
Environmental estrogens are not strong enough to justify taking drugs. And most of them are entirely avoidable. It's weird to me how people here will think nothing of taking harsh anti-estrogens, but they stuff their faces with bread, nuts and estrogenic crap like that. Especially all you curries, your diet is pure estrogen. Get that modern shit out of your diet, eat more seafood, meat and eggs and you won't have to worry about a little estrogen in tap water.

  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: masseter, normie tiktoker and SkullDynamics
The state of this forum lmfao, barely anything written here is based in empirical evidence:lul: Yep take this pharmaceutical advice written by a 14yo indian schoolboy good luck bhai
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
Environmental estrogens are not strong enough to justify taking drugs. And most of them are entirely avoidable. It's weird to me how people here will think nothing of taking harsh anti-estrogens, but they stuff their faces with bread, nuts and estrogenic crap like that. Especially all you curries, your diet is pure estrogen. Get that modern shit out of your diet, eat more seafood, meat and eggs and you won't have to worry about a little estrogen in tap water.

View attachment 2927479
there is plastic in the mariana’s trench and birth control in your water that cannot be entirely filtered out
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
The state of this forum lmfao, barely anything written here is based in empirical evidence:lul: Yep take this pharmaceutical advice written by a 14yo indian schoolboy good luck bhai
Are you retarded everything I wrote here is based off of webmd or pubmed studies, i can add more sources if you want but I felt like I added sources for everything that people might not think is true.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: opeggard, normie tiktoker, highschoolmaxxer and 1 other person
I’m 16 and dose 12.5mg every other day and feel fine, worked my way up from 6.25mg
I would drop back to 6 and start taking it sublingually, half of it gets fucked in your liver anyways there’s no reason not too, you’re just wasting the other half
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
Are you retarded everything I wrote here is based off of webmd or pubmed studies, i can add more sources if you want but I felt like I added sources for everything that people might not think is true.
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 73905 and normie tiktoker
1. non suicidal, so if you stop taking it estrogen rebound will fuck you in the ass
2. non-steroidal, so your bones will be weaker than a 70 year old vegan
you forgot to mention the side effects and negatives of aromasin, don't think aromasin is so much better than other shit doctors would've switched to it a long time ago if that was a case, there's a reason Arimidex is always prescribed, even tho its harsher on the lipids etc
you forgot to mention the side effects and negatives of aromasin, don't think aromasin is so much better than other shit doctors would've switched to it a long time ago if that was a case, there's a reason Arimidex is always prescribed, even tho its harsher on the lipids etc
did you fucking read my thread you illiterate nigger im going to kill you
  • +1
Reactions: PolishBateman, rileyma10 and Onewithmoss
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

Holy fuck thank you so much bro
did you fucking read my thread you illiterate nigger im going to kill you
arimidex unbinds slowly anyways, jfl, if you are so scared of rebound you can just titrate down??
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

sick thanks for the source i needed one haha
get it as a pill from indian pharmacies, you can find sources on steroid forums
i personally use pct.zone and i get good results (not shill but i bought over 250 tabs arimidex and it came in a week and im in australia)
buydeus is a pharma source
arimidex unbinds slowly anyways, jfl, if you are so scared of rebound you can just titrate down??
i mentioned every single negative and how to minimize them
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
buydeus is a pharma source
india is the pharma, pct.zone and buydeus are just dropshippers who make it easier rather than having to order through india mart (aka indian alibaba)
problem is dropshippers might have worse ta times, customer service, no reship in event of seize, etc
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

best thread ive seen ill definitely be coming back to reference this
Bad thread
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Fartmaxxing
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

aromasin is a jewish poison
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
What is Aromasin?
- Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor that was primarily used for treating breast cancer in post-menopausal women, but we dont care about that. We care about getting taller and looking better, two things Aromasin is great at. I'm going to explain why later, but you should be on this shit YEAR ROUND. I have a theory that, when used properly, there are LITTLE TO NO negative effects, and loads of positives.

View attachment 2926764
According to this graph by german scientists, female pubertal age has been steadily declining for the past 150 years, nowadays sitting around 9 years old. But WHY? Phytoestrogens (natural) and xenoestrogens (synthetic) are in pretty much everything you consume. You go to McDonalds to get your burger cooked in soybean oil wrapped in plastic wearing your polyester underwear, then come home and drink your water with birthcontrol in it because quite frankly Jews do not care about you, they care about money. Anyone who doesn't want to take something because it's "not natural" is either coping or oblivious to what the jews have set your life up to be. Females actually benefit from this, they turn into high E sex goddesses while men are turning into androgynous husks of what they could have been. We must conquer the unnatural with the unnatural.

Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds to enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the convertion of testosterone into estrogen, until it denatures and dies inside your body. This differentiates from other aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex because you can be much more lenient with your dosing, and there is no estrogen rebound when you stop taking it. When you take Arimidex, after binding to the aromatase enzyme, it can detatch and die, and once your body recognizes it is free again, it will ramp up aromatisation in order to fill the empty enzyme.

  1. Decrease in estrogen levels (Why would we want this?)
    1. Estrogen is responsible for the fusion of the ephysial plates, also known as growth plates, which once closed prevent your bones from elongating aka growing vertically.
    2. More estrogen = more water retention, which means more bloat. Lowering your estrogen levels will have a direct effect on how bloated you look and how vascular and dry your muscles look, both are good things when it comes to looks.
    3. Gynecomastia. If you're a guy with puffy nips, it's probably because the jewish poisons in your water are turning you into a girl. Aromasin will counteract this.
  2. Increase in testosterone levels
    1. Less aromatisation = more testosterone, and less estrogen signals to your brain its time to make more testosterone to turn into estrogen. Im sure you know why testosterone levels would be beneficial, your face will develop more dimorphically, easier muscle gain, more confident, it's been said a million times.
  3. Boost in IGF-1 levels
    1. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is crucial for many positive functions of the human body, especially while in development. Some examples are height growth, facial bone development, muscle growth and tighter more youthful skin. (This is nit-picky, while a lot of studies do say it boosts IGF-1 levels, some find no changes. My guess is it depends on the individual, you can always do bloods and see.)
Increase in IGF-1
the rest is common knowledge, I have a study for test and e2 decrease linked in my next source block

Now, one major side effect of not only aromasin, but any oral drug is the hepatoxicity. Because most of you fucks are cavemen, liver is filter, foreign substance enter filter, liver try get rid of foreign substance. Liver get hurt, liver denature foreign substance. Foreign substance turn into many different thing, some of new thing is bad. For the few smart people on this website, Aromasin has a very high metabolite convertion ratio of around fifty fucking percent. This means half of the shit you take will end up turning into random androgens that WE DON'T WANT (source).

Now you might be thinking "man, I love my liver, i would never hurt him! why would I take aromasin????????", and that's what I thought too, until I looked in to sublingual administration. In short, put it under your tongue until it dissapears, and you completely avoid ever touching your liver with any oral drug. Not only does this avoid hurting your liver, but because it's going directly into your bloodstream, combined with the fact that none of it is getting turned into other random shit, you can take around half as much as you would have needed before and get better, purer results.

technically putting the pill in your ass is better than sublingual, but if you shit before it's done absorbing you waste it all

Bone density is another concern, however due to the steroidal component of aromasin, it is much less severe than if you were to take arimidex for example. I will be making a thread in the future on ostarine as it is well researched and could help negate the effects aromasin can have on your osteopores.

The classic thing you'll see when people talk about aromasin is that you're going to crash your estrogen levels. This is bad because your bones will become weaker, you'll feel tired, you'll feel depressed, you'll get acne, and you'll feel weak. The reason why you aren't going to crash your e2 is because (presumably) you have functioning balls.

In this study, done in 14-26 year old males, we can see that not only is aromasin well tolerated, but their T nearly doubled and their e2 went down by 40%, which for most people should be around the 10-20 range, which is the perfect amount for not getting osteoporosis and keeping your growth plates open (and avoiding the neurotoxicity from low estrogen, a side that i forgot to mention). "B-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--but the poeple on reddit say it crashe their e2!!!!!!!!!!" yeah, their balls arent working because 90% of them are on gear. But why would this make a difference? I brushed over it before, but when your brain notices that you have low E, it will tell your balls to work harder so you dont have the bone density of a 90 pound vegan. It will also ramp up aromatisation, but due to the suicidal nature of aromasin, this will no effect if you stop taking the drug. Your body literally will not let your estrogen go too low if you aren't taking TRT.

If aromasin weren't so easy to dose, then i wouldn't be telling you guys to take it because half of you would either take basically nothing and say it doesn't work, or take too much and rape your liver, brain, and GI tract. The beauty of a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is that it never detatches from the enzyme, so it has no rebound when coming off and if you DO take too much you can just skip a week, half your dose, and cruise.

If, for some reason, you still want to swallow it, I would recommend 6.25mg 3x per week. I wouldn't recommend a once per week/twice per week dosing frequency because, although the suicidal nature will water down the effects, the half life of aromasin in your body is around 9-24 hours depending on the person. Unstable estrogen is arguably worse than too low/too high because you'll be an emotional wreck half the time and a brittle boned rickety lethargic lump for the other half.


Start with 3.125 mg (or a quarter of a 12.5mg pill) 3x a week/EOD. If you want, try 6.25. If you feel like shit, skip a week and go back on 3.125. It's that simple.

Strate labs only sells a liquid version of aromasin, but you said to avoid fucking your liver let the pill dissolve under your tongue, what would the course of action be with a liquid? Would it be safe to just swallow since its not in a pill form (no logic behind that just wondering) or should you just all together not take liquid form.
Strate labs only sells a liquid version of aromasin, but you said to avoid fucking your liver let the pill dissolve under your tongue, what would the course of action be with a liquid? Would it be safe to just swallow since its not in a pill form (no logic behind that just wondering) or should you just all together not take liquid form.
It would be the exact same as a liquid. The problem with the liver isn’t the solid pill, it’s the metabolism process when it passes through it.
Ai's are law
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
It would be the exact same as a liquid. The problem with the liver isn’t the solid pill, it’s the metabolism process when it passes through it.
So just let the liquid sit under your tongue aswell? Not sure what that would really do since you'd have to swallow it anyways which would still make it pass through your liver eventually. Unless I'm just retarded and missing something.
  • +1
Reactions: highschoolmaxxer
So just let the liquid sit under your tongue aswell? Not sure what that would really do since you'd have to swallow it anyways which would still make it pass through your liver eventually. Unless I'm just retarded and missing something.
It’s soaks in to the mucosal membrane even better than a pill form. Just Mew to block it from swallowing for 10-15 minutes and swallow the rest just in case.
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker and Onewithmoss
It’s soaks in to the mucosal membrane even better than a pill form. Just Mew to block it from swallowing for 10-15 minutes and swallow the rest just in case.
That what I was thinking but in the back of my mind I thought it sounded retarded to think it would soak into your mouth instead of just seeping down your throat. Your article's made me genuinely plan to get asin since I was already looking for an AI. I'm gonna pair it with mk-677 (Not paying 36 usd per day to inject hgh cant afford that shit with just my weekend job especially since I'm trying to buy a car) to try and grow a bit more.
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
That what I was thinking but in the back of my mind I thought it sounded retarded to think it would soak into your mouth instead of just seeping down your throat. Your article's made me genuinely plan to get asin since I was already looking for an AI. I'm gonna pair it with mk-677 (Not paying 36 usd per day to inject hgh cant afford that shit with just my weekend job especially since I'm trying to buy a car) to try and grow a bit more.
Good shit, try to sublingual the MK as well cause the insulin is hard enough on your liver, even if only half gets sublingually absorbed it would make a big difference.
That what I was thinking but in the back of my mind I thought it sounded retarded to think it would soak into your mouth instead of just seeping down your throat. Your article's made me genuinely plan to get asin since I was already looking for an AI. I'm gonna pair it with mk-677 (Not paying 36 usd per day to inject hgh cant afford that shit with just my weekend job especially since I'm trying to buy a car) to try and grow a bit more.
Good shit, try to sublingual the MK as well cause the insulin is hard enough on your liver, even if only half gets sublingually absorbed it would make a big difference.
Idk if I'll be able to do that since I heard mk-677 tastes like shit. But if its for my health I'm willing to do it. I dont plan to be like certain retards (@stress ) and crash my E by fucking eyeballing something that changes my hormonal profile and doing 0 research. I'm in it for a long time and if I gotta do things that fucking suck in my youth to ensure I can lead a good life I'm willing to do it but I want to keep long term health up. I already have a good diet and genuinely almost never eat sugars except for bread, honey, or fruit(so mainly natural sugars excluding bread). It gets boring eating 6 eggs every morning so adding some bread and potatoes or bacon helps but I could prolly cut out the bread since I dont wanna be fucking diabetic. Overall I'm still tryna do more research to find the most effective course of action and to ensure I dont do something on accident that fucks my health or wastes time and money.
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker and idkwhattoputhere
are anyone know about aromasin's steroidal activity harmless for growth plates? 🏋️‍♂️
  • Hmm...
Reactions: normie tiktoker
Idk if I'll be able to do that since I heard mk-677 tastes like shit. But if its for my health I'm willing to do it. I dont plan to be like certain retards (@stress ) and crash my E by fucking eyeballing something that changes my hormonal profile and doing 0 research. I'm in it for a long time and if I gotta do things that fucking suck in my youth to ensure I can lead a good life I'm willing to do it but I want to keep long term health up. I already have a good diet and genuinely almost never eat sugars except for bread, honey, or fruit(so mainly natural sugars excluding bread). It gets boring eating 6 eggs every morning so adding some bread and potatoes or bacon helps but I could prolly cut out the bread since I dont wanna be fucking diabetic. Overall I'm still tryna do more research to find the most effective course of action and to ensure I dont do something on accident that fucks my health or wastes time and money.
tell me you're 13 without saying it directly: "idk if i can do it cuz mk tastes bad" :lul: have fun with your manboobs and diabetes. i fully recovered because i was smart about it and got bloods instead of doing guesswork.
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker and idkwhattoputhere
tell me you're 13 without saying it directly: "idk if i can do it cuz mk tastes bad" :lul: have fun with your manboobs and diabetes. i fully recovered because i was smart about it and got bloods instead of doing guesswork.
nigga wasnt you the one whining about crashing your E lmfao

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