Guide to assertive-maxxing - CURRYCELS GTFIH



NTmaxxed pajeet
Oct 10, 2021
This post goes out to my curries, and others who fail to assert themselves in situations. As we all know, the reason why curries and others fail to assert themselves is due to the way they are raised. Now in my case (I am a curry btw) I was raised with the idea of asking people to do stuff was seen as sort of rude, and that I should only do stuff when people offer me. Now the thing is, this sort of socialisation works great for women, it's very fem behaviour.
But we are men here, men don't do this shit. Being assertive in situations has made me seem more attractive to women and has given me a few benefits. One of them which sounds like total shit, but I am not kidding is legit is this.
People think I am taller than I am, I shit you not. I stand at 5'5, I've been told by multiple people they've always thought I was 5'7, I ask why. And they always seem to point out that my presence is big/I take up a lot of space in conversations and whatnot. To test my theory out, I once met a group of people and I was very quiet and meek, and people percieved me as smaller and treated me more like a child. As a manlet you're working harder for social dominance but it's possible.
So now on to assertiveness.
What is assertiveness exactly? For me it's saying what you want/what you think. A man isn't afraid to say what he truly desires. If you're in the library trying to study and a bunch of jews came and started playing their talmud music loudly, someone who is non-assertive and raised as a pajeet would simply move room and try to ignore them. An assertive person would tell those jews that they're being loud and need to shut their music down. It's this assertivness which allows you to talk to girls and is the basis for a lot of shit.
I can give an example.
About 2 weeks ago I was on a night out with my uni society, and we were at a bar. At that bar there is a smoking area, so I was there chilling out with my society members (3 of us including me), however they had to have a private conversation about one of their love life's and weren't too comfortable in saying it around me since they don't know me.
So I said okay, I'll give you guys space and left them. What happened when I did that? I approached a group of girls and said to them "Ladies, look my friends are having a private conversation, I don't want to be alone and bored. So I'm joining you, my name is pajeetcel, what's yours?" And guess what? Those girls loved it, one of them offered to talk to my friends and give advice, but I legit just grabbed her arm and said "no. Not you" and she started giggling away. In that group there was a black girl who had a thing for me and was touching me a lot, saying I was cute. She wasn't hot btw. I started saying stuff like "oh you're trying to hit on me? You know I'm not that easy?" and got her laughing.
You need to be willing to offend girls and be willing to say what you truly want to these girls. If you don't you will fail hard. When women say they want a dominant man, they actually mean they want an assertive man.

If you want to improve assertivness, get over the fact you will upset women. You should also be willing to physically fight everyone and anyone, since I started doing BJJ and Judo, I've got little to no fear of people. I say what's on my mind, what are people going to do? No one will lay a finger on me. Secondly take modafinil.
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  • JFL
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Im treated like a child and per underestimate my height
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Reactions: Preoximerianas and FailedNormieManlet
Im treated like a child and per underestimate my height
You need to assertive max. I found taking modafinil really helped
You cant take modafinil all your life, receptors will desentitize
Ofc not, that's why you cycle doses. Also you still need to try to implement those changes in your life.
For me what helped was taking up BJJ and judo, I now know I can beat the vast majority of untrained people in a fight and that gives me the confidence to say and do what I want. I also know now that I could easily survive being alone, I have my hobbies and barely have time friends as it is.
All in all, once you realise that no one can touch you and you're practically invincible, you will naturally be more assertive
Ofc not, that's why you cycle doses. Also you still need to try to implement those changes in your life.
For me what helped was taking up BJJ and judo, I now know I can beat the vast majority of untrained people in a fight and that gives me the confidence to say and do what I want. I also know now that I could easily survive being alone, I have my hobbies and barely have time friends as it is.
All in all, once you realise that no one can touch you and you're practically invincible, you will naturally be more assertive
Keep in mind its full of ethnics that have no problems using knives even if you know bjj
  • +1
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
Being assertive is underrated here

I recently too with looks try to improve this every day

I was never lacking that much assertivness but it could be better, being less of nice guy, this apply for 90 percent people here irl
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, ALP, Chadeep and 3 others
Being assertive is underrated here

I recently too with looks try to improve this every day

I was never lacking that much assertivness but it could be better, being less of nice guy, this apply for 90 percent people here irl
Being assertive is a high T trait.
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, ALP, Chadeep and 3 others
The blackpill is that it is impossible to be assertive if you don't have a deep voice. Most curries are estrogenic with high pitched voices.
I can actually get my hands on modafinil pills, how exactly do you dose it to be more assertive? Are u taking it right before you go out?

I approached a group of girls and said to them "Ladies, look my friends are having a private conversation, I don't want to be alone and bored
TBH as a 5'5 curry this seems unbelievable, Ive tried similar shit a few times and gotten outright rejected or you could clearly tell they didnt want me around after 30 seconds. Maybe your delivery seems very friendly and cheeky so the girls arent intimidated by you at all and dont initially think you're gonna even hit on them, idk. I've only tried this 5 times so far tho.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
I can actually get my hands on modafinil pills, how exactly do you dose it to be more assertive? Are u taking it right before you go out?

TBH as a 5'5 curry this seems unbelievable, Ive tried similar shit a few times and gotten outright rejected or you could clearly tell they didnt want me around after 30 seconds. Maybe your delivery seems very friendly and cheeky so the girls arent intimidated by you at all and dont initially think you're gonna even hit on them, idk. I've only tried this 5 times so far tho.
Modafinil limits my thinking and it usually makes me more direct, I sort of can't think about being indirect. And no, I don't take it on a night out, I take it for my normal day to day life.

I'm srs not sure why you get outright rejected with the approach I stated, my delivery is usually very chilled and calm and yeah a little cheeky/funny. Tbh again I'm not an ugly af guy and most people aren't intimidated by me too.
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Modafinil limits my thinking and it usually makes me more direct, I sort of can't think about being indirect. And no, I don't take it on a night out, I take it for my normal day to day life.

I'm srs not sure why you get outright rejected with the approach I stated, my delivery is usually very chilled and calm and yeah a little cheeky/funny. Tbh again I'm not an ugly af guy and most people aren't intimidated by me too.
Thx for reply bro. Idk shit about how mods work, how many pills or mg are u taking a day and what time of day? Is it like adderall where you could take it right before a long study session?
Curry doesnt intimidate anyone :lul:
Thx for reply bro. Idk shit about how mods work, how many pills or mg are u taking a day and what time of day? Is it like adderall where you could take it right before a long study session?
Yeah you can take it to study. So I buy 200mg pills, and I split the pills in 50mg pieces. I normally take either 50 or 100mg, 100mg is good for me usually, but some people have said 50 is good for them. Take it before 12
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Everyone is gonna see you as obnoxious cocky curry and its gonna be gigaover
Another incel trying to demoralise. Idgaf if they see me as obnoxious, they either see me as that or I don't get what I want
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Another incel trying to demoralise. Idgaf if they see me as obnoxious, they either see me as that or I don't get what I want
Obnoxious currycel its over for you ur not intimidating one fucking bit :feelskek: stop coping with idgaf u subhuman retard ur gonna get called a creepy loser and rapist its truly gigaover for u :lul:
Obnoxious currycel its over for you ur not intimidating one fucking bit :feelskek: stop coping with idgaf u subhuman retard ur gonna get called a creepy loser and rapist its truly gigaover for u :lul:
Never have been called that, people like you are too scared to be assertive and fail as a result. Cry more faggot
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and Hueless
Never have been called that, people like you are too scared to be assertive and fail as a result. Cry more faggot
Im infinitely more dominant than you :feelskek: ur a borderline mentally ill tryhard curry, you might have never been called that but thats what people subconsciously think you moron
Im infinitely more dominant than you :feelskek: ur a borderline mentally ill tryhard curry, you might have never been called that but thats what people subconsciously think you moron
Idc lol, cope as much as you want. You're just another delusional lanklet who cowers at the sight of physical confrontation
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and Deleted member 16876
Idc lol, cope as much as you want. You're just another delusional lanklet who cowers at the sight of physical confrontation
Im not tall lmao plus irl u wont do shit to anyone trust me %100 the "idc" wont save you
Just be the most powerful man in the room theory.
  • JFL
Reactions: ALP
Just be the most powerful man in the room theory.
You either mog others or you yourself get mogged into depression. No way around that fact for males in 2022
just be assertive bro.

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