Guy gets blackpilled after spending $200k and 2 years on an MBA program with the goal of finding a gf.



Will become Chad or die trying.
Dec 2, 2021

Shoutout to our pals on reddit who never disappoint. This one is a guy who admits to attending an expensive grad school program primarily to get laid. However things did not go as planned…

Several people in my program did get together with each other and have remained as couples to this day. Several of those couples got engaged, and a few have already been married! This is two years out of the program.

However, I was not so lucky. I put my foot out there, asked out a few of the ladies in my program, and got rejected every single time. I didn't have too much trouble making friends, but got shot down by every girl I asked out. My program is also relatively progressive in that many women also made the first move on the guy, and no girls ever showed any romantic interest in me.

The feedback I got from some people was that I came across sometimes as boring, or slightly socially awkward, or not "being fun." That the women in our program were the cream of the crop in terms of both having decent appearances while also being very smart and ambitious, so it's natural for their standards to be very high. And I wasn't “good enough" to meet their picky standards. I am also slightly overweight but not too bad. And I'm a person of color.
Mate, if you’re a fatcel why would you even be surprised by this.
I do have hobbies though, I'm a talented classical pianist and I write poetry for fun. And I play ultimate frisbee.
Cool, no woman gives a fuck.
So unfortunately, while it worked out for some people, you can't get what you want. Forget even a long term relationship, a lot of people in our program slept with each other, and I never had V with any classmates. I sometimes would ask, and I would always get rejected. The people who did get around tended to be conventionally attractive folks who worked on their diet, exercise, fashion, and social skills.
Water. But his whole life, his parents and women around him told him as long as he was nice and had hobbies a gf would just fall into his lap. Sad! Also, shout out to the NTpill which is just as valid as the blackpill.

So such is life. Luckily I have had better success on dedicated dating apps like Hinge. But while the women on there I have met have been nice, I have not been able to connect with women in my existing socioeconomic status bracket (women are consultants, bankers, lawyers, product managers, doctors, engineers, etc.) It's always some woman who works as an executive assistant or barista who reciprocates my efforts. They are nice and sweet, but I am attracted to intelligence, curiosity, and professional ambition.
JFL. So he’s been on dates with a few beckies but isn’t happy with them because he wants a bossbitch.
I will be completely honest and say my type of woman is someone who is reasonable attractive (6 or 7 out of 10 is totally fine for me looks wise) who has a strong academic and professional background (went to T25 undergrad, then maybe went to a grad program and is making decent income).
I get wanting a HTB…but the fact that he cares about the ranking of her undergrad tells us exactly how autistic this guy is.

They don't have to be drop dead gorgeous or work in Private Equity. But I don't think I'm unreasonable - I went to an Ivy League undergrad and an M7 MBA and work in a "prestigious" job.
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average .org user standards seen the most ugly creatures on here say that they are "stacy only"
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Let this be a lesson to anyone who’s moneymaxxing specifically to get laid…it doesn’t work like that. You have to use the money to make yourself and your lifestyle more attractive.

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