Guys PLEASE tell me does alcohol cause restless sleeping?


Deleted member 5927

Literally for the last 2 days I’ve had TERRIBLE anxiety and depression and I couldn’t figure out why. I think it’s because I COULDNT FUCKING SLEEP FOR THE LIFE OF ME.

It would take me like 30 fucking minutes to fall asleep and I would wake up every fucking 2 hours and be weird as fuck when I woke up. The next day feeling a little anxiety and depression. What the fuck?

I FINALLY got a night of good sleep and the difference is fucking insane. My mental state is so fucking much better thank God. I’m even more optimistic about the future and less stressed. Shit is hell man.
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Yes, alcohol can do that and a myriad of other negative things.
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my narrow palate cause the same
  • So Sad
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Yes, alcohol can do that and a myriad of other negative things.
I know alcohol is unhealthy as fuck but literally nothing is better on a Friday night than drinking with girls in a room blasting music with the boys.
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I know alcohol is unhealthy as fuck but literally nothing is better on a Friday night than drinking with girls in a room blasting music with the boys.
I know. I used to drink too. Quit because of brutal hangovers.
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jfl narrow palate causing major depression same with recessed maxilla tbh
Julian did tretinoin help your acne greatly not sure if you already responded last time I asked in another thread
I know. I used to drink too. Quit because of brutal hangovers.
My hangovers aren’t that bad anymore. I don’t drink heavy liquor and I’ll usually stop at a certain point because I just want to get buzzed not get shitfaced. Before I pass out I’ll drink like half a gallon of water over a period of 30 minutes and in the mornings I feel perfectly normal. Dehydration is the cause of hangovers, alcohol dries everything out if you put it on your skin your skin dries out if you drink it you get dehydrated as fuck. So you gotta drink water.
Julian did tretinoin help your acne greatly not sure if you already responded last time I asked in another thread

o ye retin-a is 100% worth it if you are dedicated, I couldn't bring up the dedication to keep going + use sunscreen every fucking day so I stopped.
o ye retin-a is 100% worth it if you are dedicated, I couldn't bring up the dedication to keep going + use sunscreen every fucking day so I stopped.
bet bro I’m dedicated bc my acne is hell tbh accutane made my hair fall out but I’m willing to do anything to have nice hair + nice skin I’ll hurt ppl jfl
My hangovers aren’t that bad anymore. I don’t drink heavy liquor and I’ll usually stop at a certain point because I just want to get buzzed not get shitfaced. Before I pass out I’ll drink like half a gallon of water over a period of 30 minutes and in the mornings I feel perfectly normal. Dehydration is the cause of hangovers, alcohol dries everything out if you put it on your skin your skin dries out if you drink it you get dehydrated as fuck. So you gotta drink water.
I know that drinking water is important, but hangovers get worse with age.
I know alcohol is unhealthy as fuck but literally nothing is better on a Friday night than drinking with girls in a room blasting music with the boys.
mdma terra moggs alcohol but it is way easier to get in the netherlands
How the fuck can I cop some god damn
Hmm i think darkweb is your best bet i always read that people in america do that way on r/mdma and only do half a pill and redose max a quarter after 90 minutes and only once in 3 months :) for more information you can search on the subreddit
Hey guys is this poison bad for my health?
Did you by any chance drink right before bed time for the past 1+ week?

I would always use alcohol as an insomniac and only get like 6 hours of very light sleep, which results in brain fog, anxiety, unstable emotions etc all throughout the day.

when I went off alcohol I legit couldn’t sleep for 4+ hours and would always toss and turn until it was already morning, but after 1-2 weeks without alcohol I could sleep within 10 minutes and sleep for more than 7 hours and waking up feeling like a new person.

so try quitting alcohol for a week and see if your conditions improves
Did you by any chance drink right before bed time for the past 1+ week?

I would always use alcohol as an insomniac and only get like 6 hours of very light sleep, which results in brain fog, anxiety, unstable emotions etc all throughout the day.

when I went off alcohol I legit couldn’t sleep for 4+ hours and would always toss and turn until it was already morning, but after 1-2 weeks without alcohol I could sleep within 10 minutes and sleep for more than 7 hours and waking up feeling like a new person.

so try quitting alcohol for a week and see if your conditions improves
Oh fucking hell for sure you have me right with this post. Yes I would party on a Friday night and crash to sleep so yes thank you so much for explaining this that’s definitely what’s going on. Alcohol is indeed poison.
I know alcohol is unhealthy as fuck but literally nothing is better on a Friday night than drinking with girls in a room blasting music with the boys.
Stop being square get good sleep
Yes alcohol inhibits REM sleep (weed too) which is why in chronic heavy alcoholics you get Delirium after a while as they start REM sleep throughout the day while awake as they are chronically deprived.
Also why people report better sleep and enhanced and more realistic dreems (REM sleep is where dreams occur) (weed inhibits REM) after quitting weed.
Deep sleep, REM and dreams are so damn important for mental and physical health it's insane.

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