Gymcel motivation

It's his face and leanness.
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Reactions: randomguy1235, Alexanderr, Zeta ascended and 1 other person
You think he easts curry srs question btw
jeff seid has a good face too. He could still get girls even if he didnt gymmaxx
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Reactions: randomguy1235, Alexanderr, Pietrosiek and 3 others
he's 5'9 btw
lol his face is above average and his body is top 10 in the world

u're not gonna have this body anytime soon
  • +1
Reactions: BigBiceps and Lorsss
lol his face is above average and his body is top 10 in the world

u're not gonna have this body anytime soon
hes also statusmaxxed and moneymaxxed lmao.
  • +1
Reactions: Eduardo DOV
lol his face is above average and his body is top 10 in the world

u're not gonna have this body anytime soon
Roidmaxxxing FTW
Roidmaxxxing FTW
roidmaxxing son

jeff isnt roidmaxxed at all, he uses steroids but only the ones that let him keep his gains since he is so lean

this is roidmaxxed
82E840CE E1DD 4477 A50A 9D830611D028
Jeff said is such a giga chad, looks like an early 2000's anime chad
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: middayshowers and Eduardo DOV
do u even know what maxxed means faggot
Using roids to help you obtain a physique and lifestyle to improve your SMV as much as possible.

The abomination you posted has gone full retard.

Another succesfull roidmax just like jeff seid:
Fb98f98aeb98b476ceb129a962dc6c9d  sport motivation workout motivation

Jfl at the cucks in this thread.

1) I’m not impressed by his ability to make out with college sluts who are high on molly

2) He is probably on a gram of tren every week

3) His face is the stereotypical “I’m going to pump and dump you” face that most women (except for mollied out girls at a festival )are revolted by

4) Even the ugliest guy here can make out with some mollied out girl at a festival
Sometimes I wonder if roidmaxxing is actually worth it. Just looking around, you see a lot of girls saying they're turned off by bodybuilders, roidmaxxers etc. But on the other side, think about what people consider to be a good looking male body. Look at the types of models Ellen DeGeneres gets on her shows. Look at all the fitness models you see. Sometimes I wonder if all the media attention of these types of physique and the fact that men worship other men with these physiques makes it so these physiques are ideal for getting women. Initially women didn't get the hype about these physiques, but it seems like that might be changing? idk.
Just looking around, you see a lot of girls saying they're turned off by bodybuilders, roidmaxxers etc.
Never listen to what women say lmao, it's lesson one. Women only try to sabotage subhumans, they will tell you to get a good career and date their roasted vaginas when they're 30 years old.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: middayshowers and Mr manlet
Never listen to what women say lmao, it's lesson one. Women only try to sabotage subhumans, they will tell you to get a good career and date their roasted vaginas when they're 30 years old.

So when women say they're turned off by asians and fat guys they're lying as well? Could you seriously not see how women could be turned off by a BODYBUILDER physique?

Which physique out of these two do you think appeal to the most amount of women? What if the guy on the right was even more roidmaxxed?

So when women say they're turned off by asians and fat guys they're lying as well? Could you seriously not see how women could be turned off by a BODYBUILDER physique?

Which physique out of these two do you think appeal to the most amount of women? What if the guy on the right was even more roidmaxxed?

Both of those guys have bodybuilder/roidmaxed physiques. Only retards would think women are turned off by a physique like this.
Both of those guys have bodybuilder/roidmaxed physiques. Only retards would think women are turned off by a physique like this.

The guy on the left doesn't have a bodybuilder/roidmaxxed physique, atleast not under my definition. What I mean when I say budybuilder physique I literally mean roidmaxxed. That's why I'm using the "/" sign. The guy on the left is not on roids, the guy on the right is. The guy on the right has a bodybuilder physique, the guy on the left doesn't. I could see how women would be turned off by the physique on the right, that is my entire point. But you're free to roidmaxx to prove me wrong lol.

Jfl if you think you can ever look like Jeff Seid. He's the combination of 10/10 genetics and steroids. If your only motivation going to gym is foids, you're doomed to fail anyways.

Daily reminder: This will never be you.
Which steroids mantains gains and does not cause hairloss ? plz specify

well any steroid will maintain gains but winstrol and anavar are one of the lightest steroids outhere

they are good to get lean and look dry
I made so many tinder experiments, and talked to blackpilled honest girls. A muscular body will get a normie guy some huge attraction boost.
I know a couple of hot girls that fucked with roidmaxxed guys, that had 5/10 face, but a huge body.
And some girls will only choose muscular bodies for sexual adventures. Im 100% sure that a good body is worth the investment (only if you are taller than 175cm and minimum average face). Also my tinder experiments have shown great results with roided normie guys.
well any steroid will maintain gains but winstrol and anavar are one of the lightest steroids outhere

they are good to get lean and look dry

What about his face? Surgeries much?

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