gymmaxing is real



Nov 26, 2022
if ur a high mtn or low htn by default, i believe that if u gymmax, with good hair & fashion u could get to a chad

most chads you see are tall and ripped, i feel like if they were underweight or have a shit frame then some of them wouldn't even be a chadlite

gymmaxing can also help ur face, make you leaner and your neck thicker etc

i expect some people to agree but i also expect some to disagree due to worshipping face only on here
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if ur a high mtn or low htn by default, i believe that if u gymmax, with good hair & fashion u could get to a chad

most chads you see are tall and ripped, i feel like if they were underweight or have a shit frame then some of them wouldn't even be a chadlite

gymmaxing can also help ur face, make you leaner and your neck thicker etc

i expect some people to agree but i also expect some to disagree due to worshipping face only on here
If you are tall and jacked you simply add 2 points to your smv
If you are a mtn facially then you become chadlite irl
Htn facially becomes Chad IRL
Chadlite becomes giga Chad irl
Chad becomes terra Chad IRL if they are tall and jacked
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Gymmaxxing can not get you to Chad if ur a MTN or Low HTN facially and no gymmaxxing is not real for every person as gymmaxxing is also genetics too determined by your bone structure, muscle insertions,muscle twitch fibres, muscle building genes, myoststin dna, etc.

gymmaxxing is only legit with good bone structure,muscle insertion( do not confuse these as size when they arr aesethetics).

gymmaxxing does not make your face leaner losing body fat doe’s and gymmaxing only trains neck if you so it directly which is actually a burden to do.
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I have a more than 3.2x bodyweight deadlift. 2x bodyweight bench press and I'm still incel.
Gymmaxxing doesn't work if you're genetic garbage.
gymmaxxing is only legit with good bone structure,muscle insertion( do not confuse these as size when they arr aesethetics).
This. You need to possess the genetics requirements first.
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Your looks are your face, height and hair. Stop coping that you can get to chad with gym.
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Your looks are your face, height and hair. Stop coping that you can get to chad with gym.
shut the fuck up lmao body is a huge part of SMV, if chico was underweight no girl would go near him

Gymmaxxing can not get you to Chad if ur a MTN or Low HTN facially and no gymmaxxing is not real for every person as gymmaxxing is also genetics too determined by your bone structure, muscle insertions,muscle twitch fibres, muscle building genes, myoststin dna, etc.

gymmaxxing is only legit with good bone structure,muscle insertion( do not confuse these as size when they arr aesethetics).

gymmaxxing does not make your face leaner losing body fat doe’s and gymmaxing only trains neck if you so it directly which is actually a burden to do.
100% can lmao some of u are out of touch with reality, u would be a IRL CHAD SMV if you was a facial htn, with tall height and good body and hair
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u realise how useless this forum is when u have little bitch incels saying "body is cope" it can ascend u by 2 smv points
ur just not willing to put in the work so u wanna convince yourself face is all that matters
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masc coper
might aswell cut off ur balls and become trans at this point

u need dimorphism as a man, u can be a pretty man with a good body u fucking idiot
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100% can lmao some of u are out of touch with reality, u would be a IRL CHAD SMV if you was a facial htn, with tall height and good body and hair
low iq if you think it's possible to be a chad with htn face
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Very true, gymmaxxing gets me most pussy when going out
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might aswell cut off ur balls and become trans at this point

u need dimorphism as a man, u can be a pretty man with a good body u fucking idiot
you're overrating the SMV boost of gymmaxxing. most men won't gain 2 points with it. more like 1 point. but it depends a lot on the man. a 5'11 HTN may go from HTN to chadlite. a 5'4 subhuman will still be subhuman, pretty much no benefit.

basically you need at least average genetics, if your genetics are shit only surgery can save u
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you're overrating the SMV boost of gymmaxxing. most men won't gain 2 points with it. more like 1 point. but it depends a lot on the man. a 5'11 HTN may go from HTN to chadlite. a 5'4 subhuman will still be subhuman, pretty much no benefit.

basically you need at least average genetics, if your genetics are shit only surgery can save u

this is bryce hall. recessed jaw, shit eye area, 5'9. mtn face. however even if he was unknown and went on tinder with his body, tan hair and the pics he has then he'd get ALOT of matches

how do you explain this? i can also show u a chad where his body isnt good, vs when its good and his smv increases exponentially

chad and htn are physical attractiveness ratings, not smv ratings
chad isnt a physical attractiveness rating at all lmao, it's been used for years. u legit have no idea how much gymmaxing works, and how much it can also improve your face.

according to your logic, a chad would still be a chad even if he was underweight and would get infinite women. complete bullshit haha

body is the most underrated thing on this forum
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this is bryce hall. recessed jaw, shit eye area, 5'9. mtn face. however even if he was unknown and went on tinder with his body, tan hair and the pics he has then he'd get ALOT of matches
he's a chadlite. if not gymmaxxed, he'd be htn. being generous

how do you explain this? i can also show u a chad where his body isnt good, vs when its good and his smv increases exponentially
dude I never said body doesn't matter. just that a mtn isn't gonna ascend to chadlite with gymmaxxing alone, you're exaggerating it

according to your logic, a chad would still be a chad even if he was underweight and would get infinite women. complete bullshit haha
never said that. no chad can get away with being super skinny or fat
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you're overrating the SMV boost of gymmaxxing. most men won't gain 2 points with it. more like 1 point. but it depends a lot on the man. a 5'11 HTN may go from HTN to chadlite. a 5'4 subhuman will still be subhuman, pretty much no benefit.

basically you need at least average genetics, if your genetics are shit only surgery can save u
Height and physique combined really do help increase smv by a lot tho
Yeah you are right 5'4 subhuman will remain a subhuman even if gym maxxed but that's extreme example
And yes a tall + jacked+htn= Chad irl without a doubt
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he's a chadlite. if not gymmaxxed, he'd be htn. being generous

dude I never said body doesn't matter. just that a mtn isn't gonna ascend to chadlite with gymmaxxing alone, you're exaggerating it

never said that. no chad can get away with being super skinny or fat
explain how he’d be a htn please, if he was skinny af how the hell is he htn? do u even know his halos and failos on his face? he has few. RECESSED JAW. BAD EYE AREA. LONG MIDFACE. Yet still extremely attractive to women and he’s 5’9

gymmax and coloring max is real
Height and physique combined really do help increase smv by a lot tho
Yeah you are right 5'4 subhuman will remain a subhuman even if gym maxxed but that's extreme example
And yes a tall + jacked+htn= Chad irl without a doubt
Thank u for having braincells these idiots think u need to be a psl god to slay
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he's a chadlite. if not gymmaxxed, he'd be htn. being generous

dude I never said body doesn't matter. just that a mtn isn't gonna ascend to chadlite with gymmaxxing alone, you're exaggerating it

never said that. no chad can get away with being super skinny or fat
also to clarify, bryce hall is facially a mtn, if u believe he's a htn facially then prove it, and he is average height (5'9)
his body, hair, jewellery and fashion make him a chadlite smv (and tbh u could argue he has chad smv on dating apps)

this is more than a +2 smv boost, which proves my point of the thread. people need to dedicate time to their overall aesthetic and not just face
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Height and physique combined really do help increase smv by a lot tho
Yeah you are right 5'4 subhuman will remain a subhuman even if gym maxxed but that's extreme example
And yes a tall + jacked+htn= Chad irl without a doubt
yeah I agree that: very tall (+3" above avg height) + jacked + low body fat + htn face = chad
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yeah I agree that: very tall (+3" above avg height) + jacked + low body fat + htn face = chad
u could argue mtn face with all those is close to a chad smv wise, depending on the face tho since mtn is a wide spectrum
u could argue mtn face with all those is close to a chad smv wise, depending on the face tho since mtn is a wide spectrum
chadlite then. impossible to be a chad with mtn face
chadlite then. impossible to be a chad with mtn face
Well Bryce hall is a chadlite according to u. He is 5’8-5’9 with a mtn face and around 14% bodyfat.

So it’s safe to assume a mtn who’s 6’2, jacked ,tan, tall, not recessed, good hair and fashionmaxed could have Chad SMV
Gym is a fuckign prerequisite u betas lmfao
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There's gymaxxing and gymmaxing.

Going to the gym doesn't mean you know what you're doing.

A lot of guy hit the gym regularly and still look like shit.

Being gymmaxed is minimum 15% bodyfat, visible 6-pack, back wider than hips/waist and deltoids that stand out from the arms.
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ig gymmaxxing works for roasties and 20+ but jbs don’t care
I have a more than 3.2x bodyweight deadlift. 2x bodyweight bench press and I'm still incel.
Gymmaxxing doesn't work if you're genetic garbage.

This. You need to possess the genetics requirements first.
Based powerlifting cel. Everything we do is wrong because of the way we look.

A chad gym-celling is hot to foids, but ugly men like us gym-celling is seen as overcompensating and disgusting.
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yeah who cares ,you're not getting JBs "Omar" and no one on this forum is
Based af


Guess what buddy 90% of the guys they simp for on tiktok also go gym 😂😂
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If you are tall and jacked you simply add 2 points to your smv
If you are a mtn facially then you become chadlite irl
Htn facially becomes Chad IRL
Chadlite becomes giga Chad irl
Chad becomes terra Chad IRL if they are tall and jacked
so i have a chance tho come a chad lifefuel
  • +1
Reactions: blatonslatt
yeah I agree that: very tall (+3" above avg height) + jacked + low body fat + htn face = chad
just need tho become jacked
Based af


Guess what buddy 90% of the guys they simp for on tiktok also go gym 😂😂
here some examples, of the so called non gym going, not gym coping, natural body shape, according to tails. :ROFLMAO:

Tails ideal 1
Tails ideal 2
Tails ideal 3
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here some examples, of the so called non gym going, not gym coping, natural body shape, according to tails. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 2091640 View attachment 2091641 View attachment 2091642
Lmao this makes me happy that there’s some ppl on here replying with a brain

Vinnie has been an athlete his entire life and goes gym everyday

All these guys that are widely simped over have a great frame and body, anyone who thinks gym doesn’t add dimorphism, change how you look in every way and a huge SMV boost is insane
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so i have a chance tho come a chad lifefuel
Yes but u have to max every area but it’s definitely possible to become one if ur born with a good pheno, above average face, good hair, good clothes, jewellery max, above average height, and willing to dedicate yourself to building an amazing body
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Yes but u have to max every area but it’s definitely possible to become one if ur born with a good pheno, above average face, good hair, good clothes, jewellery max, above average height, and willing to dedicate yourself to building an amazing body
i am white with brown hair and hazel eyes probably a good pheno i am 6'3 face htn my sarms are already on the way
Gymmaxxing can not get you to Chad if ur a MTN or Low HTN facially and no gymmaxxing is not real for every person as gymmaxxing is also genetics too determined by your bone structure, muscle insertions,muscle twitch fibres, muscle building genes, myoststin dna, etc.

gymmaxxing is only legit with good bone structure,muscle insertion( do not confuse these as size when they arr aesethetics).

gymmaxxing does not make your face leaner losing body fat doe’s and gymmaxing only trains neck if you so it directly which is actually a burden to do.
You can tell this guys an incel so easily
  • +1
Reactions: blatonslatt and Deleted member 22924
Lmao this makes me happy that there’s some ppl on here replying with a brain

Vinnie has been an athlete his entire life and goes gym everyday

All these guys that are widely simped over have a great frame and body, anyone who thinks gym doesn’t add dimorphism, change how you look in every way and a huge SMV boost is insane
i'm gymming since 4 months now, with high effort
You can tell this guys an incel so easily
Your telling me anyone can achieve david’s laid physique if they go to the gym as a natty or enhanced person ?
911A54AB 2C26 4BD8 A250 B73BBEA5B761

he totally doesn’t have top tier muscle insertion’s, wide straight clavicle’s, very narrow hip’s and a high set scapula’s……

if you believe gymmaxxing can work for everyone your coping hard and need to actually realise everything in this world really is GENETIC’s and only improving it WILL help increase it. It’s like saying a sub5 male facially can get to Chad look’s if he just mewed and looksmaxxed bro…
Your telling me anyone can achieve david’s laid physique if they go to the gym as a natty or enhanced person ?
View attachment 2091646
he totally doesn’t have top tier muscle insertion’s, wide straight clavicle’s, very narrow hip’s and a high set scapula’s……

if you believe gymmaxxing can work for everyone your coping hard and need to actually realise everything in this world really is GENETIC’s and only improving it WILL help increase it. It’s like saying a sub5 male facially can get to Chad look’s if he just mewed and looksmaxxed bro…
Why are you going to the extreme on both sides? NOBODY said David Laid

If ur a 4.5 PSL Face with 6 ft height and u dedicate yourself to the gym and build a good body… u tan ur skin… u get a good haircut… u dress well… wear jewellery… have good teeth and grooming (skincare) then YES U WILL GET CHADLITE - CHAD SMV

It’s not all about the face u autist no chad alive would have as many option as he does if he was a twink framelet
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Why are you going to the extreme on both sides? NOBODY said David Laid

If ur a 4.5 PSL Face with 6 ft height and u dedicate yourself to the gym and build a good body… u tan ur skin… u get a good haircut… u dress well… wear jewellery… have good teeth and grooming (skincare) then YES U WILL GET CHADLITE - CHAD SMV

It’s not all about the face u autist no chad alive would have as many option as he does if he was a twink framelet
First of i never mentioned anything about having a chad face… so your statement assuming i think its all about chad face is retarded…

second of all no gymmaxxing can not simply increase your smv. if you have shit body genetics. It looks shit regardless with muscles. Muscle size compliments the bone structure and muscle insertions not add sexual attraction….

3rd of all you have to be in high extreme’s retard being average- HTN is simply shit in 2023 you boomer. you even mentioned you need to have a 6“0 height which is already close to a extreme hypocrite.
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Your telling me anyone can achieve david’s laid physique if they go to the gym as a natty or enhanced person ?
View attachment 2091646
he totally doesn’t have top tier muscle insertion’s, wide straight clavicle’s, very narrow hip’s and a high set scapula’s……

if you believe gymmaxxing can work for everyone your coping hard and need to actually realise everything in this world really is GENETIC’s and only improving it WILL help increase it. It’s like saying a sub5 male facially can get to Chad look’s if he just mewed and looksmaxxed bro…
his ab inserts are shit and he giga frauds
First of i never mentioned anything about having a chad face… so your statement assuming i think its all about chad face is retarded…

second of all no gymmaxxing can not simply increase your smv. if you have shit body genetics. It looks shit regardless with muscles. Muscle size compliments the bone structure and muscle insertions not add sexual attraction….

3rd of all you have to be in high extreme’s retard being average- HTN is simply shit in 2023 you boomer. you even mentioned you need to have a 6“0 height which is already close to a extreme hypocrite.
Having 6 ft height is more likely in 2023 than being a PSL HTN and the stats prove it u idiot

“IF U HAVE SHIT BODY GENETICS !!!” Joe Fazer has shit body genetics, and while I don’t agree with how big he is, he went gym for years and transformed himself entirely

Just shut the fuck up every smv chad has a great body it’s undeniable ur just lazy and wanna shitpost because u know u wont step foot into a gym
First of i never mentioned anything about having a chad face… so your statement assuming i think its all about chad face is retarded…

second of all no gymmaxxing can not simply increase your smv. if you have shit body genetics. It looks shit regardless with muscles. Muscle size compliments the bone structure and muscle insertions not add sexual attraction….

3rd of all you have to be in high extreme’s retard being average- HTN is simply shit in 2023 you boomer. you even mentioned you need to have a 6“0 height which is already close to a extreme hypocrite.

I guarantee your a fat whining retard.

>Muh genetics

Kill yourself. Your argument is the equivalent to someone saying "I wasn't born an old money billionaires son so I should just LDAR instead of going to college and getting a finance degree and making a measley 100k a year."

Yeah it would be nice to be born a billionaires son, but most people aren't so stop being a subhuman whiny retard and either jump off a bridge or improve yourself.
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