[Hard To Swallow Edition] - Love & Happiness Don't Exist, Female Validation Is Not Valuable



Lowest smv in the world
Oct 29, 2022
I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
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@Xangsane @ReadBooksEveryday @pneumocystosis @Dr. Bruh @Alexanderr @AscendingHero @forevergymcelling
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If I were rich, I'd be the happiest man on Earth
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I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
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its just a series of chemical reactions
stopped reading here. You view love through the lens of 'ScIeNcE'

I advise you to read about Plato's Cave if you are so interested in finding the truth and meaning all of these ramblings that you wrote about.
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stopped reading here. You view love through the lens of 'ScIeNcE'

I advise you to read about Plato's Cave if you are so interested in finding the truth and meaning all of these ramblings that you wrote about.
No Persuasion but everything I said is all facts
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Cope. If love doesn't exist then how come women and men are doing ultra-retarded things for people they're into, there were stories of prison guard breaking out a chad she fell in love with. Throwing away her entire life just to have a remote chance at being close to chad. And you see it's not purely about sex, she could easily get fucked by multiple chads daily on tinder or local bar. She wanted that one specific chad that she fell in love with.
This is love. Saying it's not is just splitting hairs and arguing definitions on something that's already vague, just to have a cope.

That the actual love doesn't exactly fit the chivalrous disney stories you were told about pure platonic love is just another story, you were simply lied to that's all.

And of course there's also a matter of love existing only for chads, for you indeed might as well not exist lmao
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Cope. If love doesn't exist then how come women and men are doing ultra-retarded things for people they're into, there were stories of prison guard breaking up a chad she fell in love with. Throwing away her entire life just to have a remote chance at being close to chad. And you see it's not purely about sex, she could easily get fucked by chads on tinder or local bar. She wanted that one specific chad that she fell in love with.
This is love. Saying it's not is just splitting hairs and arguing definitions on something that's already vague, just to have a cope.

That the actual love doesn't exactly fit the chivalrous disney stories you were told about pure platonic love is just another story, you were simply lied to that's all.

And of course there's also a matter of love existing only for chads, for you indeed might as well not exist lmao
Why don’t more than 50% of Chads on this site don’t get laid?
Because they don't exist you naive moron :lul:
Cope. @Amnesia @badg96 @Esteban1997 @pneumocystosis @curlyheadjames are mentalcels
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everything you wrote is the product of thoughts which are just chemical reactions in your brain, therefore meaningless.
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Good thread OP
Yeah , it's just like saying, life don't have any meaning and purpose anyways so let's do nothing and kill ourselves
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Yeah , it's just like saying, life don't have any meaning and purpose anyways so let's do nothing and kill ourselves
Problem solved?
Problem solved?
I am making a counteropinion retard...
In reality, everything is nearly meaningless and there's no such thing as purpose. Every god , religion and meaning shit is created to give a sense of meaning to people's existence.
If nothing really matters then something which is good for your biological body should be the priority.
It's ok if u don't understand my point.
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I am making a counteropinion retard...
In reality, everything is nearly meaningless and there's no such thing as purpose. Every god , religion and meaning shit is created to give a sense of meaning to people's existence.
If nothing really matters then something which is good for your biological body should be the priority.
It's ok if u don't understand my point.
I am alive to release crazy amounts of dopamine. More than any other person or living creature has released in 7 billion years in this universe
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stopped reading here. You view love through the lens of 'ScIeNcE'

I advise you to read about Plato's Cave if you are so interested in finding the truth and meaning all of these ramblings that you wrote about.
Biggest indicator oflow iq. Like yeah it is a chemical reaction but isnt it a good experience. Like sign of an true autist who will regret his whole life because hehas no good memories and experiences in this small duration of consiousness known as life
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa and Deleted member 23218
Just copy paste an incels.is post from BlkPillPres theory
I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
Female validation is such a meme it’s just to fuel ur ego. See no difference in paying to fuck a sugar baby raw
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Biggest indicator oflow iq. Like yeah it is a chemical reaction but isnt it a good experience. Like sign of an true autist who will regret his whole life because hehas no good memories and experiences in this small duration of consiousness known as life
Not really as long as you do things that release dopamine you will feel happy
@flippasav tjoights in sugar baby maxxing
Not really as long as you do things that release dopamine you will feel happy
Thats what i meant . Yeah. Nice to see u back. U were banned for some time i think
Not really as long as you do things that release dopamine you will feel happy
Yep u need to have experiences for that . Low inhib is forst necessary step.
I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
sounds like cope bhai ngl
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How many times do I have to argue?? For and against I am tired jfl
The love between a man and a woman is like the concept of God. That you have never seen and experienced it does not mean love does not exist. Only a few very lucky people in this world have experienced true love. It is one of the most ethereal feelings you could achieve in life.

Incels talking about love is similar to beggars talking about owning a private jet.
  • JFL
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Love is the inference of the perfection of a person from instances of high value. This was outlined in Stendhal's crystallization process in his study of love, On Love. The easiest way to take advantage of this fact is through sprezzatura, which is the making-look-easy of what is actually hard, or in other words the attempt to trick someone into thinking you have perfected something. This pretty elegantly dovetails with the "ick" phenomenon seen on tiktok. It just shows it is the destruction of the inference of perfection from a lack of sprezzatura, from the revealing of a lack of perfection.

And if you haven't inferred it yet this explains worship elements in fetishes: it is the attempt to trick yourself into becoming infatuated with the person through a certain manner of acting to and talking about them, from which the inference to their perfection is automatically corroborated. I've attempted experiments like this before with girls (both ways, they were aware of it and encouraged), it was very interesting. And of course you can use what I said to your advantage.

Here is another contradiction I found in these circles: Blackpill people both believe that the majority of people are delusional copers, while also believing confidence is purely the result of experience.
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its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction
Yeah that’s true. But it could be argued that it still exists. Does happiness exist? Does sadness exist? Feelings are just created by electrical activity in your brain.
That's... like... so deep bro...

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