Harmony explained


Deleted member 21403

Aug 11, 2022
Harmony is literally just another word for ratios.

Good harmony = good ratios

Ideal ratios are determined by your pheno and arguably location.

THats all.
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also skin quality and coloring
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also skin quality and coloring
Obviously plays into looks but its not harmony.

Phheno is more important than coloring but its almost impossible to rate
what are the most important ratios?
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IPD + MFR are the most important ones. Every other ratio is somewhat fixable with surgery.
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harmony is about being good in most, if not all, of them, so you can't really rank
so harmony is still hard to objectify right? since by saying most you're implying its possible to have harmony without having all the right ratios. and if we cant order the ratios in descending order of importance it just means we can't be reliant on ratios to tell if someone has harmony.

also where's the proof? is it not possible for someone with a few bad ratios to have more harmony than someone with better ratios?
IPD + MFR are the most important ones. Every other ratio is somewhat fixable with surgery.
what does a ratio being fixable by surgery have to do with its importance to harmony?
so harmony is still hard to objectify right? since by saying most you're implying its possible to have harmony without having all the right ratios. and if we cant order the ratios in descending order of importance it just means we can't be reliant on ratios to tell if someone has harmony.

also where's the proof? is it not possible for someone with a few bad ratios to have more harmony than someone with better ratios?
Harmony probably can't be quantified since it also involves inexplainable reactions from our brain. But generally it's about good ratios, skin and appropriate hairstyles. Pheno is important as well.
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Harmony probably can't be quantified since it also involves inexplainable reactions from our brain. But generally it's about good ratios, skin and appropriate hairstyles. Pheno is important as well.
yeah its not just ratios, but i also dont think skin and pheno matter since u can usually tell harmonious faces behind shittons of acne and death tier phenos. harmony != appeal
Harmony is literally just another word for ratios.

Good harmony = good ratios

Ideal ratios are determined by your pheno and arguably location.

THats all.
this point needs to be stickied or put on botb because people still do not seem to understand what harmony means
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this point needs to be stickied or put on botb because people still do not seem to understand what harmony means
ryan gosling is chad with bad ratios tho
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Idk about all of them, but probably IPD-related, or ES-ratio.
I think so aswell eyes are giga important and if you score good values on these two ratios your eyes are already above average its actually rly rare to have ideal IPD and ESR. If i had to choose one though esr mogs.
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The concept of harmony is brought up whenever someone is attractive but does not approximate the Hernan Drago and Hexum PSL ideal ratios sufficiently close to warrant this attractiveness according to the typical PSL theory of facial attractiveness.
harmony is about being good in most, if not all, of them, so you can't really rank
I do think jaw and eye ratios mog others like nose. If you have those 2 good youre basically guaranteed to be gl
Yes, so for example some phenos have a wider nose and smaller mouth, and its an attractive trait for them.

But if those individuals lived in other locations like europe where the opposite is considered attractive it would be considered more attractive if they looked more eurocentric and had a wider mouth in comparison to nose.

In those cases surgery in spite of pheno average values should be considered
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Harmony probably can't be quantified since it also involves inexplainable reactions from our brain. But generally it's about good ratios, skin and appropriate hairstyles. Pheno is important as well.
Hairstyle is interesting because you can fraud ratios. Hiding zygos for low esr, tall hair for short and wide skull, etc etc
yeah its not just ratios, but i also dont think skin and pheno matter since u can usually tell harmonious faces behind shittons of acne and death tier phenos. harmony != appeal
Youre right that harmony isnt 100% equal to appeal but skin and pheno do matter.

Skin is easily rateable though pheno rating depends on many different factors
harmony is drinking ppsi in your bd
So like every conceivable lip shape with the same LxWxH will look the same on a face because harmony is just ratios and the ratios stay the same if the LxWxH remains constant? Or how finely are we looking at these ratios? Are we talking about the ratio of the height of 1/4 of the lip from the end to the the height of 1/2 from the end when we're talking about ratios?
In other words, are we defining every contour and shape on the face according to ratios? If so, then you're basically not saying anything other than harmony is how all the features of the face go together. And if we're not then you're a retard if you think that the subtle shapes and contours of the features of a face don't affect its appearance.
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So like every conceivable lip shape with the same LxWxH will look the same on a face because harmony is just ratios and the ratios stay the same if the LxWxH remains constant? Or how finely are we looking at these ratios? Are we talking about the ratio of the height of 1/4 of the lip from the end to the the height of 1/2 from the end when we're talking about ratios?
In other words, are we defining every contour and shape on the face according to ratios? If so, then you're basically not saying anything other than harmony is how all the features of the face go together. And if we're not then you're a retard if you think that the subtle shapes and contours of the features of a face don't affect its appearance.

but couldnt lip shapes by itself also be mathematically analysed with ratios? I know no one does it but techincally you could. And if you mathemativally showcase it like all other things on the face you can easily put it into the umbrella of ratios aka harmony.

No one, as far as i know, mathematically defined a bulbous tip from a nose, we just recognise it, but we could if we wanted to. At the end of the day we recognize it as bulbous because it strays from the mathematocil average.

But youre righr that theres a million things on a face that would play into harmony, question is what of those things contribute to attractivbess significantly enough to warrant measuring for.
but couldnt lip shapes by itself also be mathematically analysed with ratios?
Yeah, I addressed that point. Once you get to the level of putting every little contour in terms of ratios or proportions, you're not actually explaining anything anymore. You're basically just saying "it's how all the features work together," which is what harmony means anyway. Or like "harmony is just lines and angles and how they all relate." The actual specifics are still a mystery. You haven't actually made any headway beyond just saying "it's harmony."
Even bulbous tip is probably more generalized than how sensitive we are to different types of bulbous nose tips. How does this particular eyebrow shape, defined by some complicated set of ratios, harmonize with this particular bulbous nose, as defined by an even more complicated set of ratios, and does that affect how the eyes are perceived?

All you have to do is look at a bunch of faces to realize attractiveness really is this complex. There's no one perfectly attractive face.
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Sì, ho affrontato questo punto. Una volta che arrivi al livello di mettere ogni piccolo contorno in termini di rapporti o proporzioni, in realtà non stai più spiegando nulla. Fondamentalmente stai solo dicendo "è così che tutte le funzionalità lavorano insieme", che è comunque ciò che significa armonia. O come "l'armonia è solo linee e angoli e come si relazionano". I dettagli reali sono ancora un mistero. In realtà non hai fatto alcun progresso oltre a dire semplicemente "è armonia".
Anche la punta bulbosa è probabilmente più generalizzata di quanto siamo sensibili ai diversi tipi di punte del naso bulbose. In che modo questa particolare forma del sopracciglio, definita da un complicato insieme di rapporti, si armonizza con questo particolare naso a bulbo, definito da un insieme ancora più complicato di rapporti, e questo influenza il modo in cui gli occhi vengono percepiti?

Tutto quello che devi fare è guardare un mucchio di volti per realizzare che l'attrattiva è davvero così complessa. Non esiste un viso perfettamente attraente.
What do you think of chico ? Why his face is insanely harmonious?

ma anche le forme delle labbra di per sé non potrebbero essere analizzate matematicamente con i rapporti? So che nessuno lo fa, ma tecnicamente potresti. E se lo mostri matematicamente come tutte le altre cose sul viso, puoi facilmente inserirlo nell'ombrello dei rapporti, ovvero l'armonia.

Nessuno, per quanto ne so, ha definito matematicamente una punta bulbosa da un naso, lo riconosciamo e basta, ma potremmo se lo volessimo. In fin dei conti lo riconosciamo bulboso perché si discosta dalla media matematocilica.

Ma hai ragione che ci sono un milione di cose su una faccia che giocherebbero in armonia, la domanda è quale di queste cose contribuisce all'attrattiva in modo abbastanza significativo da giustificare la misurazione.
You can explain why lachowski is so harmonious?
L'armonia è letteralmente solo un'altra parola per i rapporti.

Buona armonia = buoni rapporti

I rapporti ideali sono determinati dal tuo fenotipo e probabilmente dalla posizione.

È tutto.
Tta No True ,why chico is so harmonious ?

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