Has anybody had any success bonesmashing their heels for height Growth?



Jan 17, 2023
And if yes , how was the bonesmashing performed?
  • JFL
Reactions: PastillaNegra, jflsnowdzz and MEGA CHAD
At this point you'd just be as well sticking rocks in your boots.
if you cant provide useful info then SHUT THE FUCK UP
  • JFL
Reactions: chrisN, Deleted member 13626, john2 and 1 other person
if you cant provide useful info then SHUT THE FUCK UP
Here's some useful information, you won't grow, you'll be 5'6 forever, get used to that. Now if you're under 18, you MIGHT grow another inch or two.

But other than that, your best bet is to fuck off to Turkey and get leg lengthening surgery, you'll either get an extra few inches out of it, or you'll end up paralyzed.
Here's some useful information, you won't grow, you'll be 5'6 forever, get used to that. Now if you're under 18, you MIGHT grow another inch or two.

But other than that, your best bet is to fuck off to Turkey and get leg lengthening surgery, you'll either get an extra few inches out of it, or you'll end up paralyzed.
first things first im 5'9 , secondly im 17 , and if you have nothing of value to add why would waste your fucking time writing on a post that you're not interested in like wtf is wrong with you my guy?
first things first im 5'9 , secondly im 17 , and if you have nothing of value to add why would waste your fucking time writing on a post that you're not interested in like wtf is wrong with you my guy?
I highly doubt that. Secondly, this is a looksmax forum and anyone can post what they want which was proven in your ridiculously dumb question about bonesmashing your fucking heels thinking it'll grow you. Putting rocks in your boots is probably the most realistic advice you'll get on terms of that. You'll get the odd troll here who will find it hilarious actually pushing you to do that to yourself, but most aren't completely mental, get help if you're genuinely going to bonesmash your heels.
  • +1
Reactions: roadto6'1from5'8
If you’re 17 literally just puberty maxx. You’ll probably grow an inch or two, then you can wear lifts and contribute to the height inflation crisis
  • +1
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I highly doubt that. Secondly, this is a looksmax forum and anyone can post what they want which was proven in your ridiculously dumb question about bonesmashing your fucking heels thinking it'll grow you. Putting rocks in your boots is probably the most realistic advice you'll get on terms of that. You'll get the odd troll here who will find it hilarious actually pushing you to do that to yourself, but most aren't completely mental, get help if you're genuinely going to bonesmash your heels.
alright brother , thanks i guess?
If you’re 17 literally just puberty maxx. You’ll probably grow an inch or two, then you can wear lifts and contribute to the height inflation crisis
alright brother thx for the advice
If you’re 17 literally just puberty maxx. You’ll probably grow an inch or two, then you can wear lifts and contribute to the height inflation crisis
Exactly this, I'm mildly concerned with the amount of teenagers jumping to ridiculous solutions to a non existent problem.

Firstly, 5'9 really isn't that short, at all. If he really wants a height increase, get elevator boots or shoe lifts for the time being, it's not even noticeable. Also eat healthy, workout and let puberty play it's course, many still grow until they are 19-21.

I honestly feel like any girl would be less shocked at a man losing an inch or two after removing their shoes than she would if he removed his shoes and had fucking goblin bonemashed heels. :lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro and roadto6'1from5'8
I highly doubt that. Secondly, this is a looksmax forum and anyone can post what they want which was proven in your ridiculously dumb question about bonesmashing your fucking heels thinking it'll grow you. Putting rocks in your boots is probably the most realistic advice you'll get on terms of that. You'll get the odd troll here who will find it hilarious actually pushing you to do that to yourself, but most aren't completely mental, get help if you're genuinely going to bonesmash your heels.
i started this thread out of curiosity since i saw another guy claiming that you could get up to 2 inches with this method , i wanted to see if there was any legitimacy to this method (anecdotal or scientific) thats why i started this thread , but from these replies that i got it clearly doesnt work so ofc im not gonna fking try it
i started this thread out of curiosity since i saw another guy claiming that you could get up to 2 inches with this method , i wanted to see if there was any legitimacy to this method (anecdotal or scientific) thats why i started this thread , but from these replies that i got it clearly doesnt work so ofc im not gonna fking try it
That's understandable, then I apologise for my rocks in boots joke, but again, it would probably bonesmash your heels for you.

Yeah I'd keep away from that, bonesmashing will cause lumps/growths on your feet and you'll mess up your ankles, walking would be painful and it would just cause a whole bunch of problems for you.

Get yourself a pair of Shoe-lifts. You'll get a nice 1-2 inch boost from them if you're that concerned about your height, can easily bring you up to 5'11, and with a pair of boots can easily hit 6'0.
  • +1
Reactions: roadto6'1from5'8
Exactly this, I'm mildly concerned with the amount of teenagers jumping to ridiculous solutions to a non existent problem.

Firstly, 5'9 really isn't that short, at all. If he really wants a height increase, get elevator boots or shoe lifts for the time being, it's not even noticeable. Also eat healthy, workout and let puberty play it's course, many still grow until they are 19-21.

I honestly feel like any girl would be less shocked at a man losing an inch or two after removing their shoes than she would if he removed his shoes and had fucking goblin bonemashed heels. :lul:
yeah in my country the average height is 5'8 , i wanna be 6'0 so i could be considered "really tall" , but i dont know shoe lifts are jus too risky in my opinion
  • +1
Reactions: coke
That's understandable, then I apologise for my rocks in boots joke, but again, it would probably bonesmash your heels for you.

Yeah I'd keep away from that, bonesmashing will cause lumps/growths on your feet and you'll mess up your ankles, walking would be painful and it would just cause a whole bunch of problems for you.

Get yourself a pair of Shoe-lifts. You'll get a nice 1-2 inch boost from them if you're that concerned about your height, can easily bring you up to 5'11, and with a pair of boots can easily hit 6'0.
i feel like we got off on the wrong foot my guy , i apologize as well brother , but im gonna keep looking for other methods that wouldnt pose any threats on my health , i know there probably arent any but yoy never know
  • +1
Reactions: coke
i feel like we got off on the wrong foot my guy , i apologize as well brother , but im gonna keep looking for other methods that wouldnt pose any threats on my health , i know there probably arent any but yoy never know
Nah don't worry at all bro, to be honest, we just were joking back and forth, that's what this forum is about. Your reply was funny, I rated that.

Also shoe lifts aren't risky at all. If you only use an inch, no one will really notice and just presume its your shoes that made you taller.

We're the same height. I'm 5'9 and a half barefoot. I'm in my 20's and I continued growing until I was 21, if I recall at 19 I was around 5'8 and I grew a further inch and a half until I was 21, so being only 17 you have another 4 years to grow and another inch or two isn't unlikely, so if you get lucky you'll hit 5'11, if not you'll hit 5'10 minimum. Then all it takes is a nice pair of boots or airforces and you'll always be a 6 footer. :y'all:
  • +1
Reactions: roadto6'1from5'8
bro you’ll end up like a fucking parrot wtf

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