Has anybody tried cabergoline?

Deleted member 3583

Deleted member 3583

The Square // ethnics mog // ethnics on MT2 crew
Oct 19, 2019
Share your experience of taking caber
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sounds like a meme but i would like to try.
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sounds like a meme but i would like to try.
you won't do it because you are high inhib. JFL at being so high inhib that you cannot lower your inhib
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  • JFL
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I took it with short ester tren and superdrol so can’t really say
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honestly thinking of running caber in the future for lowinhibmaxxing, plus the occasional phenibut.
There was a big thread on lookism

basically made him more confident arrogant and way more horny
I want tro try drugs but unfortunally i dont have the access for those drugs
Would Caber best emulate the chemicals released due to working out?

Literally felt like a God today after my workout with the boys. It was like the perfect combination of dopamine, endorphins, and T (maybe some slight serotonin as well). I went into the gym feeling like a worthless piece of shit, but afterwards I felt like everyone was my bitch.
Would Caber best emulate the chemicals released due to working out?

Literally felt like a God today after my workout with the boys. It was like the perfect combination of dopamine, endorphins, and T (maybe some slight serotonin as well). I went into the gym feeling like a worthless piece of shit, but afterwards I felt like everyone was my bitch.
No I don't think it gives upper effects. You're describing the effect of cocaine really
First of all, you get all the D2 Dopamine Receptor agonist effects.
More drive, more motivation. High libido.
More reward seeking behaviour, which means that if you can abstain from porn, masturbation, junk food ecc. you'll become a beast for gym, work, study, getting girls.
Low inhibition, for real. It's literally what D2 Dopamine Receptors are made for.
You get all the byproducts: less anxiety, more NT, more social. All the good stuff, which you always dreamt of.
Getting good genes for Dopamine is like winning the lottery. Not everybody has them.

You're lucky, since in these days you can still get the best of what you've got, even gaining an edge on most of the other people (no cheap Dopamine anymore, using Caber, physical activity: you know the stuff).

Then comes the Prolactin side.
Prolactin in men is bad, period. In men, Prolactin is secreted after orgasm to curb your sexual desire.
It's literally the way of your body to stop you from shoveling sperm out of your partner's vagina. Evolution :)
The problem comes with the modern incidence of chronic stress and microprolactinomas, benign tumors of the pituitary gland, which are are more common than what you think.
That's what makes your body produce the "stop fucking and cuddle" substance even without the actual intercourse.

It may be not too much Prolactin now, maybe it's just some brain fog and low drive. Then you wake up at 50, with naturally lowered Testosterone, and you can't get even hard anymore.
Like, half of ED problems right now are just because of some unchecked microadenomas, which, as long as you are young and full of Test, you may not even notice that much.
The problems is that a lot guys don't have even that much T in their twenties, guess how much a pain is having that useless substance in your system :')

Prolactin equals less Testosterone, straight.
Not getting rid of it is like living with the handbrake on. You'll never know your full potential.
And it's literally USELESS in men. Any value above 0 is just less Testosterone to make you able to conquer the world.

I'll be straight. The only 'downside' of destroying your Prolactin is having less 'numbing' orgasms. The type of orgasm that makes you still in bed for 30minutes and then makes you wake the next day like a zombie.
Call it a 'downside', since without them and with Caber you have basically zero refractory period. You can go on as much as you like, you won't believe what your body is capable of.
Let your girl notice and she'll pay firsthand your Caber, trust me.

So Cabergoline acts as an agonist on D2 Receptors, since increasing Dopamine decreases Prolactin (guess why drive & motivation and sexual prowess go such in hand).
But Cabergoline is also the only substance shown to have a direct inhibitory effect on pituitary lactotroph cells, the ones that make Prolactin, so being able to counter the Prolactin problem faster and much more efficiently.
All the other stuff is a gamble.

Remember it's only a matter of dosage. Everyone has different sweet spots.
Go overboard and you'll be a bit more tired, since your body already kinda feels 'accomplished' by so much Dopamine.
Go on too little doses and you'll miss most of the life-changing effects; you'd need at least a month to just get a fraction of your Prolactin down. That's not how you want to go.
Got questions? Ask me.

- Prolactin is evil
- Cabergoline is the Holy Grail
- Stop living with the handbrake on
- Get Caber and become a NT uberdriven sexgod slayer, you already know the stories
Get it asap
To doubt is human.
You've got internet, do some research on your own. Come to the same information I gave you, then make sure to not blame yourself for the time you lost, since the only thing that matters is the knowledge you can finally conquer.
Better late than never.
To doubt is human.
You've got internet, do some research on your own. Come to the same information I gave you, then make sure to not blame yourself for the time you lost, since the only thing that matters is the knowledge you can finally conquer.
Better late than never.
the problem is that ive already come to the information you gave me. i wanted personal experiences
the problem is that ive already come to the information you gave me. i wanted personal experiences
Caber is a sweet switch that allows you to delve into the Übermensch spectrum.
The first time I had to give it a little time. To be honest, not even as much as I expected, just a few weeks.
Once you feel your full potential, you'll never want to come back. It made me achieve the best times of my life - and still makes me look further to forge even better ones.
A bit hard to find the ideal dosage, but nowadays I feel like I've got enough experience.
When you get it right, call it "zone", call it whatever. Feels good, feels smooth as fuck.

Bonus perks: the Dopamine induced shudders and the very slight face numbness when I'm very focused on something. They always remember me how is it like to feel like a king.
Caber is a sweet switch that allows you to delve into the Übermensch spectrum.
The first time I had to give it a little time. To be honest, not even as much as I expected, just a few weeks.
Once you feel your full potential, you'll never want to come back. It made me achieve the best times of my life - and still makes me look further to forge even better ones.
A bit hard to find the ideal dosage, but nowadays I feel like I've got enough experience.
When you get it right, call it "zone", call it whatever. Feels good, feels smooth as fuck.

Bonus perks: the Dopamine induced shudders and the very slight face numbness when I'm very focused on something. They always remember me how is it like to feel like a king.
good posts bro, very informative
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@Kingse how do I find the best dosage for me and when to take it?
@Kingse how do I find the best dosage for me and when to take it?
Peak plasma levels observed within 2 to 3 hours. Half life ranged between 63 to 69 hours. Duration of effect going as long as 14 days.
Summing it up, you want to take it every few days. You want the initial buildup to destroy your Prolactin. You still don't want to go overboard with your initial doses: you might get caught by the faster benefits, but if you see sides you'll not be able to correct your cruise very efficiently, since the full duration window of the drug is huge. You'd be pouring water on an already overflowing bucket.
If you can't get bloodwork done every few weeks, my best suggestion is to take a 1mg dose and check how you feel in the next week, especially at the 3 hour mark. This way, you'll get good insights on how much Prolactin is running in your system. If you feel instantly driven, high libido and so on, it means you need a good inhibitory effect for your medium-high Prolactin level. Good job, you've just got an insight of what life is with your truly full Testosterone and D2 potential.
Some people might need 0,5/1mg every three days, maximizing the inhibitory effect, while some other people might feel freaking good with just .25 once per week, cleansing the bit of remaining Prolactin and sharpening their D2.
It really depends on how much Prolactin your pituitary is dumping into your bloodstream and how efficient are your D2 Receptors as well.


Talking about timings, taking it with food is good. If you feel lazy as fuck just after you take it, it means the dose is too high. You can get the same long term effects with a lower dose, you just need to let it buildup in a few weeks.
By the way, you surely want to time a nice dose before fucking. Some people take it before hard workouts. Others like it before anxiety-inducing events, see work presentations.

As a general information, 0.5mg twice a week is very common.
The dosage you want depends on what you want from the drug. Some dosages might work really good for long-term Prolactin lowering, some others are better suited to exploit the dopaminergic effect.
Do the Prolactin "benchmark" and you've got half of the insight. Take note of your clearance rate and how you feel while the drug peaks and you've got the remaining.
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