Has anyone of you ever had succes by messaging a woman on facebook ?

Time Travel

Time Travel

Nov 19, 2018
I haven't done this in years, but usually I would just get short replies and it was obvious that they never wanted to talk to me ?
Has anyone of you ever tried this and been successful?
I wanna try it but I don't wanna ridicule myself.
I actually waved to a girl a few days ago by accident when I was stalking her profile and it was awkward af.
This isn't 2010, women nowadays only use tinder when they want to fuck.
I'm not trying to fuck. I wanna acquire a legit girlfriend, idc about ons.
Lol, still a terrible idea imo, meet girls irl if you're looking for a relationship.
Lol, still a terrible idea imo, meet girls irl if you're looking for a relationship.
How do I meet them irl though?
You lookism fags act like they just fall into your lap.
How do I meet them irl though?
You lookism fags act like they just fall into your lap.
If a girl is giving you iois, ask her for her number and then take it from there.
Lol this shit never happens to me tho, chad gets IOIs normies don't.
Exactly, nowadays, in the west, looking for an ltr as a normie is retarded, tbh.
Every single reply in this thread is completely wrong. I’ll edit this comment with an in depth explanation.
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Lol if you do this as a sub 6.you'll just get laughed at by her pig face looking friends,

She already has 50+ unread messages from people with suboptimal facial genetics,don't be 51.
Every single reply in this thread is completely wrong. I’ll edit this comment with an in depth explanation.
Fuaarrrkkkk,can't wait for your in depth analysis,that's gonna be fucking epic bro,your full gonna pown these guys,fuark mirin your analysis man.

Lol if you do this as a sub 6.you'll just get laughed at by her pig face looking friends,

She already has 50+ unread messages from people with suboptimal facial genetics,don't be 51.

Fuaarrrkkkk,can't wait for your in depth analysis,that's gonna be fucking epic bro,your full gonna pown these guys,fuark mirin your analysis man.

Yea I guess I won't give that validation to a foid just to be laughed at.
Every single reply in this thread is completely wrong. I’ll edit this comment with an in depth explanation.
Looking forward to your reply srs
Are you decent or average looking? Keep reading.

Do you consider yourself ugly? Work on your self esteem and your projects.

Stop thinking that girls are some evil creatures who reject everyone. That’s the problem with these forums. People generalize so much that you end up thinking that if you’re not some sort of supermodel then you have no chance of getting a girlfriend. And if you do, she’ll cheat on you with “chad”. That’s a load of bullshit. Girls are so much more emotionally invested than men when it comes to relationships. It’s usually guys who end up cheating and not the other way around.

You also need to stop having this mindset where you want a relationship. If it’s bound to happen, it will, and it will happen with the right person, because instead of forcing things they end up happening naturally because the other person is actually interested in you.
Having hobbies, skills, and goals is what’s important. Girls will find a guy a lot more attractive if he’s actually active and doesn’t end up procrastinating everyday.

Meeting girls is easy. Yes, it might be a bit more challenging if you’re not incredibly handsome, but just a simple “hey, what’s up?” is going to do wonders. Women like to talk, and they like to be listened to. You might end up friendzoned by some or you might friendzone some, but the problem is that you guys think that every woman is interested in you sexually. No, that’s not true and it doesn’t happen to Chads either. Some women just want friends, some want a relationship. You need to be able to differentiate the two, and stop getting butthurt if she’s not interested in you.

Do you have any friends? Go out, socialize, meet new people. By doing so you expand your social circle and opportunities will come. Stop being an introvert and socially awkward. Women like shy guys only when they’re handsome.

You don’t have any friends? You can still go out and socialize. There are always opportunities and there’s always that girl who sits by herself at the bar drinking her Coca Cola. Talk to her. What do you have to lose? The worst that can happen is getting rejected, but I doubt she’s going to act like a bitch just because you said Hi.

Being in a relationship just for the sake of being in one is pointless. You need to find the person that’s right for you, and to do that, you need to go through failures first.

Women are not interested in you solely for your looks or money.

I don’t know how old you guys are, but you’ll realize it as you age that not everything revolves around looks.
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Are you decent or average looking? Keep reading.

Do you consider yourself ugly? Work on your self esteem and your projects.

Stop thinking that girls are some evil creatures who reject everyone. That’s the problem with these forums. People generalize so much that you end up thinking that if you’re not some sort of supermodel then you have no chance of getting a girlfriend. And if you do, she’ll cheat on you with “chad”. That’s a load of bullshit. Girls are so much more emotionally invested than men when it comes to relationships. It’s usually guys who end up cheating and not the other way around.

You also need to stop having this mindset where you want a relationship. If it’s bound to happen, it will, and it will happen with the right person, because instead of forcing things they end up happening naturally because the other person is actually interested in you.
Having hobbies, skills, and goals is what’s important. Girls will find a guy a lot more attractive if he’s actually active and doesn’t end up procrastinating everyday.

Meeting girls is easy. Yes, it might be a bit more challenging if you’re not incredibly handsome, but just a simple “hey, what’s up?” is going to do wonders. Women like to talk, and they like to be listened to. You might end up friendzoned by some or you might friendzone some, but the problem is that you guys think that every woman is interested in you sexually. No, that’s not true and it doesn’t happen to Chads either. Some women just want friends, some want a relationship. You need to be able to differentiate the two, and stop getting butthurt if she’s not interested in you.

Do you have any friends? Go out, socialize, meet new people. By doing so you expand your social circle and opportunities will come. Stop being an introvert and socially awkward. Women like shy guys only when they’re handsome.

You don’t have any friends? You can still go out and socialize. There are always opportunities and there’s always that girl who sits by herself at the bar drinking her Coca Cola. Talk to her. What do you have to lose? The worst that can happen is getting rejected, but I doubt she’s going to act like a bitch just because you said Hi.

Being in a relationship just for the sake of being in one is pointless. You need to find the person that’s right for you, and to do that, you need to go through failures first.

Women are not interested in you solely for your looks or money.

I don’t know how old you guys are, but you’ll realize it as you age that not everything revolves around looks.
I'm 21 now, when exactly am I supposed to get a gf ?
I've seen normies get rejected by women in clubs etc. in the most brutal ways. Why would I do this to myself ?
Im high inhib I probably couldn't go up to a girl that is sitting alone at the bar, but that is also very rare.
I don't think I have ever seen a woman younger than 30 alone at a bar and even if, unless you are good looking she will just convince the bartender to kick you out.
Also I get that woman aren't only interrested in looks or money, but those things play a huge role.
Most women wouldn't ever consider you as a possible partner if you don't meet their looks treshold, no matter how good your personality is.
The only women that go mostly for looks are usually 2/10 landwhales or something like that.
I'm 21 now, when exactly am I supposed to get a gf ?
I've seen normies get rejected by women in clubs etc. in the most brutal ways. Why would I do this to myself ?
Im high inhib I probably couldn't go up to a girl that is sitting alone at the bar, but that is also very rare.
I don't think I have ever seen a woman younger than 30 alone at a bar and even if, unless you are good looking she will just convince the bartender to kick you out.
Also I get that woman aren't only interrested in looks or money, but those things play a huge role.
Most women wouldn't ever consider you as a possible partner if you don't meet their looks treshold, no matter how good your personality is.
The only women that go mostly for looks are usually 2/10 landwhales or something like that.


You’re 21, you shouldn’t be thinking about a long term relationship. You should be thinking about yourself. These are the years that define the rest of your life, and you shouldn’t spend them procrastinating.

And you found your problem all by yourself. The fact that you don’t dare talk to women because of fear of rejection is what’s stopping you from actually meeting women.

I have so many friends who are average looking and are either in a long term relationship or just have different hookups every 2 to 3 days with good looking women.
Why? Because they are not scared and don’t give a fuck about what others might think.
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I'm not trying to fuck. I wanna acquire a legit girlfriend, idc about ons.
Facebook is for old people. Only young people that are on there are aspies, basement dwellers, and people that wanna keep in touch with family every once in a while
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You’re 21, you shouldn’t be thinking about a long term relationship. You should be thinking about yourself. These are the years that define the rest of your life, and you shouldn’t spend them procrastinating.

And you found your problem all by yourself. The fact that you don’t dare talk to women because of fear of rejection is what’s stopping you from actually meeting women.

I have so many friends who are average looking and are either in a long term relationship or just have different hookups every 2 to 3 days with good looking women.
Why? Because they are not scared and don’t give a fuck about what others might think.
See but I don't have the right social circle for that.
I'm too high inhib to cold approach, yes. Cold approach usually don't work for people like me anyway.
See but I don't have the right social circle for that.
I'm too high inhib to cold approach, yes. Cold approach usually don't work for people like me anyway.

Well have you tried it?
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Are you decent or average looking? Keep reading.

Do you consider yourself ugly? Work on your self esteem and your projects.

Stop thinking that girls are some evil creatures who reject everyone. That’s the problem with these forums. People generalize so much that you end up thinking that if you’re not some sort of supermodel then you have no chance of getting a girlfriend. And if you do, she’ll cheat on you with “chad”. That’s a load of bullshit. Girls are so much more emotionally invested than men when it comes to relationships. It’s usually guys who end up cheating and not the other way around.

You also need to stop having this mindset where you want a relationship. If it’s bound to happen, it will, and it will happen with the right person, because instead of forcing things they end up happening naturally because the other person is actually interested in you.
Having hobbies, skills, and goals is what’s important. Girls will find a guy a lot more attractive if he’s actually active and doesn’t end up procrastinating everyday.

Meeting girls is easy. Yes, it might be a bit more challenging if you’re not incredibly handsome, but just a simple “hey, what’s up?” is going to do wonders. Women like to talk, and they like to be listened to. You might end up friendzoned by some or you might friendzone some, but the problem is that you guys think that every woman is interested in you sexually. No, that’s not true and it doesn’t happen to Chads either. Some women just want friends, some want a relationship. You need to be able to differentiate the two, and stop getting butthurt if she’s not interested in you.

Do you have any friends? Go out, socialize, meet new people. By doing so you expand your social circle and opportunities will come. Stop being an introvert and socially awkward. Women like shy guys only when they’re handsome.

You don’t have any friends? You can still go out and socialize. There are always opportunities and there’s always that girl who sits by herself at the bar drinking her Coca Cola. Talk to her. What do you have to lose? The worst that can happen is getting rejected, but I doubt she’s going to act like a bitch just because you said Hi.

Being in a relationship just for the sake of being in one is pointless. You need to find the person that’s right for you, and to do that, you need to go through failures first.

Women are not interested in you solely for your looks or money.

I don’t know how old you guys are, but you’ll realize it as you age that not everything revolves around looks.

@battlefieldincel @Dude420 Have you tried this?
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Do you consider yourself ugly? Work on your self esteem and your projects.
Working on our self esteem won't make us less uglier, its being ugly and not getting pussy that resulted in the low self esteem.
It’s usually guys who end up cheating and not the other way around.
No girl ever cheats on you chris, i mean,why would they?????
Having hobbies, skills, and goals is what’s important. Girls will find a guy a lot more attractive if he’s actually active and doesn’t end up procrastinating everyday.
Having good looks is important, girls don't give a flying fuck about whether you procrastinate or not. They also don't give a fuck about how active you are.
“hey, what’s up?” is going to do wonders
It's not going to shit if you're not attractive to her.
Some women just want friends
But what if they all want to be friends, then what chris? What should i do then???
Do you have any friends? Go out, socialize, meet new people. By doing so you expand your social circle and opportunities will come. Stop being an introvert and socially awkward. Women like shy guys only when they’re handsome.
This is good advice, srs.
The worst that can happen is getting rejected, but I doubt she’s going to act like a bitch just because you said Hi.
You'd be suprised!
Women are not interested in you solely for your looks or money.

If your looks were taken out of the equation, ZERO women would be interested in you chrissy. @11gaijin
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Working on our self esteem won't make us less uglier, its being ugly and not getting pussy that resulted in the low self esteem.

No girl ever cheats on you chris, i mean,why would they?????

Having good looks is important, girls don't give a flying fuck about whether you procrastinate or not. They also don't give a fuck about how active you are.

It's not going to shit if you're not attractive to her.

But what if they all want to be friends, then what chris? What should i do then???

This is good advice, srs.

You'd be suprised!

If your looks were taken out of the equation, ZERO women would be interested in you chrissy. @11gaijin

This advice only works if you are 6+ tbh which Chris is. Or you can get women 2-3 points below your looksmatch via these ways.
Working on our self esteem won't make us less uglier, its being ugly and not getting pussy that resulted in the low self esteem.

No girl ever cheats on you chris, i mean,why would they?????

Having good looks is important, girls don't give a flying fuck about whether you procrastinate or not. They also don't give a fuck about how active you are.

It's not going to shit if you're not attractive to her.

But what if they all want to be friends, then what chris? What should i do then???

This is good advice, srs.

You'd be suprised!

If your looks were taken out of the equation, ZERO women would be interested in you chrissy. @11gaijin

You should change your name to master of copes because all you do is whine and bitch about stuff that actually works in real life. Do you think everyone was born a 9/10? No. Do they still get laid and have long term relationships? Yes. Why? Because they're not a bunch of cowards hiding behind a screen all day long sitting in self loathe and misery and counting their days before they commit suicide. Instead they go out and enjoy life.

You should try it sometimes.
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This advice only works if you are 6+ tbh which Chris is. Or you can get women 2-3 points below your looksmatch via these ways.
Chris can't help people that are average/ below average, he can't, unless he saw life from our perspective.
You should change your name to master of copes because all you do is whine and bitch about stuff that actually works in real life. Do you think everyone was born a 9/10? No. Do they still get laid and have long term relationships? Yes. Why? Because they're not a bunch of cowards hiding behind a screen all day long sitting in self loathe and misery and counting their days before they commit suicide. Instead they go out and enjoy life.

You should try it sometimes.
No chris, not everyone was born a 9/10, but you have to understand, going out won't solve anything, talking to women won't solve anything, doing anything other than improving your looks IF YOU'RE NOT ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN, will not help you get laid, that is the problem here,
if it was easy as going out and talking to women, if that could get you laid, we wouldn't be talking right now.
You should try it sometimes.
I have.
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  • +1
Reactions: Dude420, 11gaijin and Time Travel
@battlefieldincel @Dude420 Have you tried this?

I told you my life a while ago, I went from delayedpubertycel to chronicfatiguecel to sort of MGTOW (I believe this society is fucked in many ways that people aren't aware of, it is difficult for me to relate with anyone with my deterministic/evolutionist vision of the world, it is like I am from a different culture than anyone now), I never hit on a girl and in fact purposely avoided girls and rejected them when they showed interest in me, mainly because of my health but also I believe I am somewhere between the asexual-heterosexual spectrum (which also explains why I naturally never really cared much about women). I am here for intellectual curiosity, the blackpill is very fascinating to me, information that I can't really find in books, I did some amount of gymmaxing but I do it mainly to help my sleep and concentrationmaxxing reasons. Because of my health I couldn't career/passionmax as I would have liked, I still fully concentrating on that for now, otherwise, women have too much sexual leverage and I am not interested to play that game from a deficit in a gynocentric society. Men aren't supposed to bend over to attract foids, foids always been dependent on men for survival, now everything is skewed and fucked up through evo mistmatches, either you are chad or gigarich and everything comes easily to you because women have the flexibility to be as selective as they want now or the game is skewed against you, you can still get a foid if you are a high tier normie like me, but it is more strategic long-term to maxout to get the game back in your favor instead of being forced in being a cuck and wasting time and resources on an average quality woman in order attract and retain her attention, I am not desperate for pussy anyway, and women have very little else to offer, in fact they are more drama and emotionally draining than anything after the honeymoon phase. I either succeed in being a psychology/philosopher like I set myself to be and women come to me or I stay celibate all my life trying, I am in peace with that faith.
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I told you my life a while ago, I went from delayedpubertycel to chronicfatiguecel to sort of MGTOW (I believe this society is fucked in many ways that people aren't aware of, it is difficult for me to relate with anyone with my deterministic/evolutionist vision of the world, it is like I am from a different culture than anyone now), I never hit on a girl and in fact purposely avoided girls and rejected them when they showed interest in me, mainly because of my health but also I believe I am somewhere between the asexual-heterosexual spectrum (which also explains why I naturally never really cared much about women). I am here for intellectual curiosity, the blackpill is very fascinating to me, information that I can't really find in books, I did some amount of gymmaxing but I do it mainly to help my sleep and concentrationmaxxing reasons. Because of my health I couldn't career/passionmax as I would have liked, I still fully concentrating on that for now, otherwise, women have too much sexual leverage and I am not interested to play that game from a deficit in a gynocentric society. Men aren't supposed to bend over to attract foids, foids always been dependent on men for survival, now everything is skewed and fucked up through evo mistmatches, either you are chad or gigarich and everything comes easily to you because women have the flexibility to be as selective as they want now or the game is skewed against you, you can still get a foid if you are a high tier normie like me, but it is more strategic long-term to maxout to get the game back in your favor instead of being forced in being a cuck and wasting time and resources on an average quality woman in order attract and retain her attention, I am not desperate for pussy anyway, and women have very little else to offer, in fact they are more drama and emotionally draining than anything after the honeymoon phase. I either succeed in being a psychology/philosopher like I set myself to be and women come to me or I stay celibate all my life trying, I am in peace with that faith.
High IQ post tbh
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Chris can't help people that are average/ below average, he can't, unless he saw life from our perspective.

No chris, not everyone was born a 9/10, but you have to understand, going out won't solve anything, talking to women won't solve anything, doing anything other than improving your looks IF YOU'RE NOT ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN, will not help you get laid, that is the problem here,
if it was easy as going out and talking to women, if that could get you laid, we wouldn't be talking right now.

I have.

I'll just go ahead and call you on your bullshit. Do you have a candid photo of you, with a group of friends in a bar/nightclub or an outdoor activity? And no, I'm not talking about football.

Because I doubt that during your whole life you never had a candid pic taken of you with a group of people. And if it's not the case, then your bullshit meter just skyrocketed.
Women are not interested in you solely for your looks or money.

True, either that(chad or rich dude) or turn a normie into a servant cuck while cheating with a chad on the side.
I'll just go ahead and call you on your bullshit. Do you have a candid photo of you, with a group of friends in a bar/nightclub or an outdoor activity? And no, I'm not talking about football.

Because I doubt that during your whole life you never had a candid pic taken of you with a group of people. And if it's not the case, then your bullshit meter just skyrocketed.
When i said i have, i meant iv tried socializing at college (didn't go according to plan), you're not allowed in bars and clubs here unless you're 21+. I'm 18.
When i said i have, i meant iv tried socializing at college (didn't go according to plan), you're not allowed in bars and clubs here unless you're 21+. I'm 18.

Even at 18, you still must have AT LEAST ONE GROUP PHOTO.
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Even at 18, you still must have AT LEAST ONE GROUP PHOTO.

As for female attraction, the group thing is still affected by aura chad effect, people associate themselves with others of similar/higher SMV, everyone avoid the lower SMV guys including the low SMV guys preferably, so I wouldn't boast myself too much on that for attributing why you are having success over people who aren't as good looking as you.
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As for female attraction, the group thing is still affected by aura chad effect, people associate themselves with others of similar SMV, everyone avoid the lower SMV guys including the low SMV guys, so I wouldn't boast myself too much on that for attributing why you are having success over people who aren't as good looking as you.

I'm not talking about social circle and chad effect. I'm just calling him out on his bullshit where he's saying that he tried picking up women, and that he tried approaching them, when I'm pretty sure that in reality he's a fucking introvert.
Even at 18, you still must have AT LEAST ONE GROUP PHOTO.
Who takes group photos at college? Plus, what does a group photo prove? I tried socializing and it didn't work.
I'm just calling him out on his bullshit where he's saying that he tried picking up women, and that he tried approaching them, when I'm pretty sure that in reality he's a fucking introvert.
I can re-install whatsapp and show you the female numbers i have, if you really care that much?
Who takes group photos at college? Plus, what does a group photo prove? I tried socializing and it didn't work.

That tells me enough. Thank you for your time. Everything you say about socializing, trying to hit on girls and so on is completely useless coming from you.
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I'm not talking about social circle and chad effect. I'm just calling him out on his bullshit where he's saying that he tried picking up women, and that he tried approaching them, when I'm pretty sure that in reality he's a fucking introvert.

Being an introvert is also affected by the chad aura effect due to past reference experiences on how people treated you, chads have had more bias positive perceptions of them in the past which help them building their confidence and being at ease being an extrovert so I wouldn't boast myself too much on that for attributing why you are having success over people who aren't as good looking as you.

Will you get it at some point? Most people are not living in the same universe as you, your experiences don't relate to the average guy.
Being an introvert is also affected by the chad aura effect due to past reference experiences on how people treated you, chads have had more bias positive perceptions of them in the past which help them building their confidence and being at ease being an extrovert so I wouldn't boast myself too much on that for attributing why you are having success over people who aren't as good looking as you.

Will you get it at some point? Most people are not living in the same universe as you, your experiences don't relate to the average guy.

Yeah because my average looking friends have a huge social circle because they were Chads in their previous life.
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You must wait at least 5 seconds before performing this action.
Yeah because my average looking friends have a huge social circle because they were Chads in their previous life.

Yes it is possible for normy to have large group of friends but you can't directly compare.
Yes it is possible for normy to have large group of friends but you can't directly compare.

I can directly compare, because he's saying that he tried everything already and that everything is COPE.

I'm out boys, have fun
I can directly compare, because he's saying that he tried everything already and that everything is COPE.

I'm out boys, have fun

How can you compare if the past that forge chads/normy/incels personality differ depending on how they have been treated due to their looks? See you Chris.
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How can you compare if the past that forge chads/normy/incels personality differ depending on how they have been treated due to their looks? See you Chris.
Chrissy doesn't understand! :feelsthink:

I do the insta but facebook seem cope.

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