Has anyone tried Dandelion Root for debloating?


Deleted member 17531

Prince of Macrobia
Jan 31, 2022
Has it worked for anyone? I need to debloat fully to become chad and dieting is rough
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Marginal changes. You can still try. Take it few days before the said event
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Stimulants like ritalin, adderall, meth are mega debloaters, i forgot what having cheeks feels like by this point tbh
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Lasix is better
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Stimulants like ritalin, adderall, meth are mega debloaters, i forgot what having cheeks feels like by this point tbh
I'll try them out
I'd also like to apologize for saying you need to kill yourself over the gook girl shit, you're a based ass nigga tbh
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  • JFL
Reactions: Glacier, Deleted member 24117 and TsarTsar444
Stimulants like ritalin, adderall, meth are mega debloaters, i forgot what having cheeks feels like by this point tbh
Side effect is pale face and purple lips if you are in winter or just feel cold
I'll try them out
I'd also like to apologize for saying you need to kill yourself over the gook girl shit, you're a based ass nigga tbh
Didn't even know you said that :feelswhy:
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How much mg you take? Its a risky drug. Mine is called furosemide but its the same i think
Its the same thing. I took 80mg and it worked but after 12 hours i got a lot of chest pain
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Its the same thing. I took 80mg and it worked but after 12 hours i got a lot of chest pain
Yes rofl its a dangerous drug. Once in a while to do
Also op make sure to do jaw exercices, mewing and facial exercices for maximum leaness its not cope
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True but only short term, after you drink water and salt its back
Water is good tho and salt is about ratio. Iirc there was a bodybuilder water starvation thread posted for maxi anti debloat. I don’t find it anymore. If anyone can find @krisal
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Water is good tho and salt is about ratio. Iirc there was a bodybuilder water starvation thread posted for maxi anti debloat. I don’t find it anymore. If anyone can find @krisal
Its all still cope though nt is king. I got hollow cheeks from lasix and went to a party and a girl tried to talk to me and i ran away cause im autistic
  • JFL
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Its all still cope though nt is king. I got hollow cheeks from lasix and went to a party and a girl tried to talk to me and i ran away cause im autistic
Lmao i've done this, hopped a fence to get away from a girl obsessed with me
  • JFL
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Has it worked for anyone? I need to debloat fully to become chad and dieting is rough
Not specifically but it’s in my anti bloat pills. And they are really good
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Water is good tho and salt is about ratio. Iirc there was a bodybuilder water starvation thread posted for maxi anti debloat. I don’t find it anymore. If anyone can find @krisal
Water alone isn't good. And salt isn't about ratio at all, caginf at the potassium/sodium broscience myth. Elimation of sodium levels in your body is tightly regulated by ADH. If you eat insane amounts of salt daily it won't matter cause ADH will just massively downregulate to flush it all of. The opposite with little salt diet, it will save every nano particle of salt you intake and cortisol levels will slightly increase as well which causes more flabbiness

The only way to hack this is with sweating instead of urine.

I personally eat 5 teaspoons of salt daily and have a lean face
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Its all still cope though nt is king. I got hollow cheeks from lasix and went to a party and a girl tried to talk to me and i ran away cause im autistic
Without looks you wouldn’t even have the ego to go to parties
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Dandelion Root did nothing for me. The only "natural" diuretic that works for me is 1st Man Defined.

It's $25 for a 1 month supply, I take one pill with my 1st meal and one pill with my 3rd meal. If I'm going out I'll take another pill about 30 minutes before I start drinking.

I can notice a significant difference on days that I take it versus when I don't. Highly recommend
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  • JFL
Reactions: nobodyspecial369 and Deleted member 22126
Dandelion Root did nothing for me. The only "natural" diuretic that works for me is 1st Man Defined.

It's $25 for a 1 month supply, I take one pill with my 1st meal and one pill with my 3rd meal. If I'm going out I'll take another pill about 30 minutes before I start drinking.

I can notice a significant difference on days that I take it versus when I don't. Highly recommend
Found 1stmans account
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17531
Dandelion Root did nothing for me. The only "natural" diuretic that works for me is 1st Man Defined.

It's $25 for a 1 month supply, I take one pill with my 1st meal and one pill with my 3rd meal. If I'm going out I'll take another pill about 30 minutes before I start drinking.

I can notice a significant difference on days that I take it versus when I don't. Highly recommend
Nice advertisement
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Reactions: Glacier, Deleted member 24117, Deleted member 22126 and 1 other person
Has it worked for anyone? I need to debloat fully to become chad and dieting is rough
You'll gain bloat weight with dandelion root unless you drink litres of water a day and take dandelion throughout the day too
I don't watch 1st man anymore since I got into blackpill and realized most of what he is saying is Cope. That doesn't change the fact that his diuretic supplement works well for me.

I don't give a shit if you try it, was just trying to be helpful.
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You'll gain bloat weight with dandelion root unless you drink litres of water a day and take dandelion throughout the day too
You basically need to be pissing every 30mins for DRE to work
If you don't want to buy from him, I'd check the ingredients on his label and buy them individually on Amazon. That's probably what I will end up doing.
Water alone isn't good. And salt isn't about ratio at all, caginf at the potassium/sodium broscience myth. Elimation of sodium levels in your body is tightly regulated by ADH. If you eat insane amounts of salt daily it won't matter cause ADH will just massively downregulate to flush it all of. The opposite with little salt diet, it will save every nano particle of salt you intake and cortisol levels will slightly increase as well which causes more flabbiness

The only way to hack this is with sweating instead of urine.

I personally eat 5 teaspoons of salt daily and have a lean face
So just sweating ? Nothing else? Any trick, doctor?
Stimulants like ritalin, adderall, meth are mega debloaters, i forgot what having cheeks feels like by this point tbh
Is Ritalin good for anxiety?
Stimulants like ritalin, adderall, meth are mega debloaters, i forgot what having cheeks feels like by this point tbh
I'm on Modafinil and it makes me thirsty like a MF and also supresses appetite. Still not a huge change tho but I carry a lot of fat to begin with.

It's nowhere as strong as concerta, ritalin etc. tho so maybe that's why.
I don't watch 1st man anymore since I got into blackpill and realized most of what he is saying is Cope. That doesn't change the fact that his diuretic supplement works well for me.

I don't give a shit if you try it, was just trying to be helpful.
1stman is still a virgin btw. He's coping so hard saying he has glamour models grab his arm when he walks down the street. I hope he doesn't rope but it looks like he is about to. He inherited money from his Dad's death from March 2021 and bought an apartment and a Range Rover.

Best he could do with hundreds of K of free cash was to make shitty supplements. Seems he doesn't have good genes, low IQ, bad looks, unemployed, unconvincing con man, deluded etc....

Anyone should know that bald at any age = completely over
Bald after 30 making "Testosterone videos" = OVER*e^999999999999
  • JFL
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So just sweating ? Nothing else? Any trick, doctor?
Well diuretics like dandelion also do the same, not to a high degree as ritalin or amphetamine but it works in a same manner. There are prescription anti diuretics that are better
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Well diuretics like dandelion also do the same, not to a high degree as ritalin or amphetamine but it works in a same manner. There are prescription anti diuretics that are better
Anti diuretics?
What about tramadol and metformin
I'm on Modafinil and it makes me thirsty like a MF and also supresses appetite. Still not a huge change tho but I carry a lot of fat to begin with.

It's nowhere as strong as concerta, ritalin etc. tho so maybe that's why.
Modafinil is a meme for concentration and motivation. Its super effective for sleepiness tho, bettee then amphetamine and ritalin, and it ranks very high for me just for that one attribute. Reason being that if you pull an all nighter and take amphetamine, you will also get the zero mental need to sleep, but the price is increased exotoxicity and tolerance build up cause a tired brain can't cope with that much dopamine. Thats why modafinil is godsend, its literally a cheat code, 300mg modafinil when pulling an all nighter will literally make you feel like you have slept for 6-8 hours, but without any exotoxicity and side effects of amphetamines and ritalin which are worse on sleep deprivation. Moda is a must for everyone that know he is going to be sleeping either very little or not at all. The wakefulness of moda is creepy, on amphetamine you are super awake but you can feel that something is not right, you have this off feeling, but moda legit makes you feel like you just slept instead.
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What about them? They dont have diuretic effects as far as i know
I mean as way to look leaner/ less bloated eventho they don’t have diuretic propertied
I mean as way to look leaner/ less bloated eventho they don’t have diuretic propertied
I don't know almost anything on how opioids work or diabetes drugs tbh
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Ngl that shit sounds like the ingredient for a witcher potion
  • JFL
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Modafinil is a meme for concentration and motivation. Its super effective for sleepiness tho, bettee then amphetamine and ritalin, and it ranks very high for me just for that one attribute. Reason being that if you pull an all nighter and take amphetamine, you will also get the zero mental need to sleep, but the price is increased exotoxicity and tolerance build up cause a tired brain can't cope with that much dopamine. Thats why modafinil is godsend, its literally a cheat code, 300mg modafinil when pulling an all nighter will literally make you feel like you have slept for 6-8 hours, but without any exotoxicity and side effects of amphetamines and ritalin which are worse on sleep deprivation. Moda is a must for everyone that know he is going to be sleeping either very little or not at all. The wakefulness of moda is creepy, on amphetamine you are super awake but you can feel that something is not right, you have this off feeling, but moda legit makes you feel like you just slept instead.
Compared to Ritalin and concerta it's a meme for concentration but compared to baseline or coffee/nicotine, it laps anything. Plus, some people, including myself, are not attention-spancels but sleepiness-cels, so if it just kills my sleepiness, which it does, then I don't really ask for much help for motivation anyways (which it still gives IMO).

However, as I said, it did not made me particularly debloat unfortunately, maybe if I had begun at a better bodyfat percentage, it would.
Furosemide (Lasix) 40mg per day will take the bloat away
Has it worked for anyone? I need to debloat fully to become chad and dieting is rough
It works combined with a low sodium diet. I drink green tea and dandelion root tea before bed and I look lean af in the morning. It causes you to piss several times throughout the night, though
Some people report gastrointestinal side effects, as it affects bile production.
I'd recommend potassium (citrate or bicarbonate) plus a lot of water (over 3 liters per day). Potassium dosage varies, but I'm currently trying 2100mg of additional (supplemental), my diet isn't potassium rich but you can find a lot of it in potatoes, bananas, tomatoes.

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