Has inceldom fucked your mind?

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
i have literally gone INSANE. I have imaginary fights with myself. "Female hypergamy has to stop, how many men will have to suffer?" ,"Wrong. sub 8 Males should be extinguished NOW", is basically a typical mental debate. I even hit myself over it,

Other times, there ar edays when im so weak and tired, i legit feel sick. I iterally feel like shitting down, everything seems so hopeless. The emtiness will destroy me. I need to get laid ASAP but i cant so I will suffer.
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I fucked your mom
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Inceldom hasn't fucked my mind since I might still ascend, but if I'm like some of you guys and I'm still virgin above 25 then yeh it might fuck me up, although I'd just hire escorts for cope
I fucked your mom
Inceldom hasn't fucked my mind since I might still ascend, but if I'm like some of you guys and I'm still virgin above 25 then yeh it might fuck me up, although I'd just hire escorts for cope

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"ill just hire escorts" AKA i will use legal rape
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Yes tbri
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No cunt
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Misery loves company.
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Can't see foids as equal humans ngl, only as cumdumpsters for chad
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ngl i caged @ this. not to downplay how u feel, but cmon man. they way you typed this
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life screws you over, why do you think its not easier with age? Everything is getting worse each year, Im working on myself like crazy getting career but youth is gone, first loves and kisses went away. If you get a psl4-5 after a month you will want more and more untill you're left empty looking for a perfect girl then the 30ties hits you and you end up with roastie, sad life in this times
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I wish I didn’t exist
If you get a psl4-5 after a month you will want more and more untill you're left empty looking for a perfect girl then the 30ties hits you and you end up with roastie, sad life in this times

or you end up all alone
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Well I think I woudnt be so "pessimistic" If I wasnt burned by a couple of first relationships, after the first few times your trust has been misused its hard to trust again, if the "perfect" girl would emerge I would never have the same experience with her because Im more empty inside than I was. Pair bonding in humans exsists and its fucked up that people are sacraficing their youth for hookups than real relationships that you can work on, how do you get better without constant output from other person? Usually at the first of trouble both parties go their own way, its not supposed to be like that.
Well I think I woudnt be so "pessimistic" If I wasnt burned by a couple of first relationships, after the first few times your trust has been misused its hard to trust again, if the "perfect" girl would emerge I would never have the same experience with her because Im more empty inside than I was. Pair bonding in humans exsists and its fucked up that people are sacraficing their youth for hookups than real relationships that you can work on, how do you get better without constant output from other person? Usually at the first of trouble both parties go their own way, its not supposed to be like that.

slayer detected
Inceldom hasn't fucked my mind, the Internet has
its not the inceldom, its the blackpill knowledge, i cant talk normally with people nowdays without thinking about lookism effect
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Ye I slay and Im more empty than 90% of this forum, its not ascension its something diffrent, not better meybe worse

noone is more empty than ME
its not the inceldom, its the blackpill knowledge, i cant talk normally with people nowdays without thinking about lookism effect

its inevitable for an incel

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