Have any of you reverse looksmaxxed?



Dec 13, 2019

Long time lurker and first time poster. I am not going to post pics, I have nothing to prove. However, one of the biggest black pills of my life was spending about 2 to 3 years almost completely maxxed. I used to be.
  • Age 23 to 27
  • Tan, spay tans in winter for even skin tone
  • wore a undetectable NW0 hair peice, straight chad hairstyle
  • 6 foot "yeah i know not tall, but at least not a manlet"
  • high tier lower third and eye area
  • Always wore well fitting clothes that were in style
  • Absolute shredded, I stayed at around 10 percent BF year round and lifted 6 days a week
  • Straight teeth that i took care of and kept really white
What was life like back then? It was near constant bliss, the best feeling in the world is living in sexual abundance. There were months were I had sex with 8 to 10 new girls. It was almost a given that if I went out on a somewhat busy night I would get at minimum, a few phone numbers and make out, most likely I would end up having sex. I would pickup on women's reactions when I walked into a bar, i used to have girls approach me. It makes other guys like you more too! It was fuckign weird, people wanted to be my friend and would invite me to shit all the time.

Fast forward to today, I had a career change that made me have to stop wearing my hair system. This fucking blasted my confidence, which started a chain reaction. Confidence low, stopped going out, social skills started slipping. Started going to the gym less and ended up about 30 pounds overweight. Now bald, overweight, and a homebody, do not wear cool clothes either, they do not fit and I do not want to buy clothes for a body I am not proud of. I would have rather been at this stage my whole life than have seen first hand how easy life is when you are attractive. FML

TLDR Used to be my highest possible maxx then lost it all, seen first hand how higher tier males live and now I realize how shitty my life is by comparison

Are any of you guys in my situation, are you at a lower looks tier now than at another point in your life?
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Patient A and middayshowers
So you obviously can become a chad , since you "been there done that", and instead you sit and post this? Come on... don't be a fool
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, MortusX, middayshowers and 1 other person
I've always been maxxed out with every bad attribute. If I was a character in a game, I'd be one with every attribute at its lowest. If I was a mortal kombat character, I would be Sub-Zero's nemesis: Sub-Human.
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Patient A, Maxillacel, Pietrosiek and 3 others
I looksmaxxed when I first discovered black pill, but when I started looking at myself objectively and understood looks theory and human sexuality I resolved to LDAR.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Pietrosiek and maxmendietta
Looksmax then boyo stop being lazy
  • Love it
Reactions: Lived-both-sides
I would say I’m approaching my best points ever. I have pictures of me from senior year or HS and I’m not shocked my life was so shit, literally was subhuman.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: forwardgrowth, Lived-both-sides and sub6manletnozygos

Long time lurker and first time poster. I am not going to post pics, I have nothing to prove. However, one of the biggest black pills of my life was spending about 2 to 3 years almost completely maxxed. I used to be.
  • Age 23 to 27
  • Tan, spay tans in winter for even skin tone
  • wore a undetectable NW0 hair peice, straight chad hairstyle
  • 6 foot "yeah i know not tall, but at least not a manlet"
  • high tier lower third and eye area
  • Always wore well fitting clothes that were in style
  • Absolute shredded, I stayed at around 10 percent BF year round and lifted 6 days a week
  • Straight teeth that i took care of and kept really white
What was life like back then? It was near constant bliss, the best feeling in the world is living in sexual abundance. There were months were I had sex with 8 to 10 new girls. It was almost a given that if I went out on a somewhat busy night I would get at minimum, a few phone numbers and make out, most likely I would end up having sex. I would pickup on women's reactions when I walked into a bar, i used to have girls approach me. It makes other guys like you more too! It was fuckign weird, people wanted to be my friend and would invite me to shit all the time.

Fast forward to today, I had a career change that made me have to stop wearing my hair system. This fucking blasted my confidence, which started a chain reaction. Confidence low, stopped going out, social skills started slipping. Started going to the gym less and ended up about 30 pounds overweight. Now bald, overweight, and a homebody, do not wear cool clothes either, they do not fit and I do not want to buy clothes for a body I am not proud of. I would have rather been at this stage my whole life than have seen first hand how easy life is when you are attractive. FML

TLDR Used to be my highest possible maxx then lost it all, seen first hand how higher tier males live and now I realize how shitty my life is by comparison

Are any of you guys in my situation, are you at a lower looks tier now than at another point in your life?
haha just shave bro! get some confidence and you can be good looking!
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Patient A and Lived-both-sides
I looksminned by getting too fat definitely, but I was never Chad
might as well jump in a clogged septic hole now OP, you were subhuman twice in your life
The more I looksmaxx, the more social skills I lose and self conscious I get.

Being a mentalcel is the worst.
I've always been maxxed out with every bad attribute. If I was a character in a game, I'd be one with every attribute at its lowest. If I was a mortal kombat character, I would be Sub-Zero's nemesis: Sub-Human.
u probably still mog me
its called ageing and happens after 24/25
I've always been maxxed out with every bad attribute. If I was a character in a game, I'd be one with every attribute at its lowest. If I was a mortal kombat character, I would be Sub-Zero's nemesis: Sub-Human.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Vermilioncore and Maxillacel
I am extremely suicidal today
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A
Yeah I used to rock a buzzcut with my Gay alien skull
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A

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