Have anyone tried to megadose panthonic acid in the 5-20 mg range to fix acnee ?

Kill yourself instead of taking accutane theory
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Kill yourself instead of taking accutane theory
Tell me youve never used accutane without telling me youve never used accutane nigga
Short term Accutane sides :
Your skin get worse the first week and make it bloated and if you have scars it hurt like a mf
You became weak to sunlight like a fucking vampire
Can make you bleed and can literraly cut your lips like Mpmd 😂😂😂
And after a month it can even have effects on your mood like their dermatologist claiming that their patients won’t to kill themselves after accutane
And for long term go see babies skull who took accutane sooo…. Accutane is a no
Short term sides of megaflsing panthonoic acid
Long term
If accutane was that safe skin care company would be bankrupt and accutane would be available to the mass and would be like top 5 medicines ever created
  • +1
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Tell me youve never used accutane without telling me youve never used accutane nigga
Short term Accutane sides :
Your skin get worse the first week and make it bloated and if you have scars it hurt like a mf
You became weak to sunlight like a fucking vampire
Can make you bleed and can literraly cut your lips like Mpmd 😂😂😂
And after a month it can even have effects on your mood like their dermatologist claiming that their patients won’t to kill themselves after accutane
And for long term go see babies skull who took accutane sooo…. Accutane is a no
Short term sides of megaflsing panthonoic acid
Long term
If accutane was that safe skin care company would be bankrupt and accutane would be available to the mass and would be like top 5 medicines ever created
I still take accutane after 3 years + Dnrd
I still take accutane after 3 years + Dnrd
Nigga you microdosed it or else you some sort of generic freak who can handle all the sides
Nigga you microdosed it or else you some sort of generic freak who can handle all the sides
There's no fucking side effects dumbass just get a good dermatologist and at most your skin and hair becomes dry
There's no fucking side effects dumbass just get a good dermatologist and at most your skin and hair becomes dry
How mush you used
+you fucking lier i tried accutane in the past and my hair actually improved what are you larpibg about
How mush you used
+you fucking lier i tried accutane in the past and my hair actually improved what are you larpibg about
It Improved because your hair is oily, i took 40mg daily for my acne treatment and now i take 20mg daily to maintain glass skin
It Improved because your hair is oily, i took 40mg daily for my acne treatment and now i take 20mg daily to maintain glass skin
With medical follow-up tho
It Improved because your hair is oily, i took 40mg daily for my acne treatment and now i take 20mg daily to maintain glass skin
nigga thats baby dose i knew you micro dose it
nigga thats baby dose i knew you micro dose it
It's not retard, you don't need more than 40mg, just need to take it for at least 1 year straight
It's not retard, you don't need more than 40mg, just need to take it for at least 1 year straight
Nigga the lowest people take is like 0.5 mg/kg it can go up to 2mg/kg for them to use 40 mg they have to be femboys like tf how did you see any results im sure your either lying or skinny as hell or your a fucking femboy or somth cause that doesn’t make sense
Nigga the lowest people take is like 0.5 mg/kg it can go up to 2mg/kg for them to use 40 mg they have to be femboys like tf how did you see any results im sure your either lying or skinny as hell or your a fucking femboy or somth cause that doesn’t make sense
40mg+ isn't even legal in 99,99% of countries nigger, i'm actually concerned that you might have mental problems

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