Have people treated you differently ever since you looksmaxxed?



I dont really care
Jun 3, 2020
This past year I’ve been really going hard on prettyboymaxxing. Growing out my hair, clean shaven, looking after my skin and eating healthy. Same with fashionmaxxing.

I’ve noticed that I’m treated much better by women now compared to before. They actually initiate conversation and even compliment me.

I hate to humblebrag, but I’ve had girls take pictures of me, say things like “I like your style” and tease me.

I don’t remember ever being treated like this by women before. Most of the time I was completely mediocre and ignored.

Does anyone have similar experiences?
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I did it in late high school but yeah women at school would stare at me

(low smv overall but striking face when lean)

One of my friends passed me in the hall and legit said "what rhe fuck" and just stared and I was like "what bro" and we just kept walking it was massive ego boost

And women actually want to talk to me, even tho I'm short asf (not for sex, I can just chat with them easily now)

Good face makes you 10-50% more entertaining, less boring, less annoying, depending on quality of looks

Full package chad can get you up to 90% advantage socially tbh

It's nothing new but yeah just looking good earns you respect, especially if exotic
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I used to get dirty looks in my teens and now people say I could be a model, shit is weird. My mum's friend was very keen on sending my pics to a model agency
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Reactions: boss8055 and Shrek2OnDvD
I used to get dirty looks in my teens and now people say I could be a model, shit is weird. My mum's friend was very keen on sending my pics to a model agency
And yet lotta women flake on me or ghost, I have no idea what the fuck is going on
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Reactions: Shrek2OnDvD

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