Have you been complimented by female teachers?

Deleted member 39

Deleted member 39

The Inferior
Aug 11, 2018
I have twice. It's really awkward.
female doctor only once
A couple said something along the line that I had high IQ.
I have twice. It's really awkward.

If you refer to looks, then no. I have had teachers telling me that i'm charismatic, intelligent but that's it lol
Pretty often, but only for my scores
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No I get disgusting look and additude from them due to my look
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I got complimented by some teachers but it's not that awkward, but when my oneitis complimented me I actually fucking blushed like a little anime boy. One of the best/worst moments of my life super uncomfortable
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One of my math teachers said that I’m “a very intelligent young man with a bright future ahead”

Little did she know that math was the only subject I was any fucking good at.
ur frauding tho

I swear, but the thing is that I was shy, but in my essays (where it is open to express IQ), I would GigaIQ shit out with GigaVocabulary (English isn't my native language), so the grills were like damn son you smart actually, let me tell you because otherwise, I won't have anything else as a basis to interact with you throughout the year boyo. I was like ok foid, thanks I guess, you only make me realize that I am stuck with low IQ cucks and that I am just here coasting waisting my potential.
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yes spanish teacher & she was hot i would fap
My italian teacher said i lost weight
Male teacher called me handsome, i doubt it was much heart felt and more to be nice
Okay so my Chinese teacher said I was good looking (wtf) and another female teacher said that I had a nice voice. Super uncomfortable because of these times they said it in front of the whole class.
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In high school my female teacher said I have rapist vibes.
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Made her wet
To be fair she always told me how mixed ethnicity people (referring to me) had better genes and were smarter and more likely to succeed etc. But I do give off weird vibes which I think are a defense mechanism I've developed due to rejection.
To be fair she always told me how mixed ethnicity people (referring to me) had better genes and were smarter and more likely to succeed etc. But I do give off weird vibes which I think are a defense mechanism I've developed due to rejection.
I don't think these vibes are too bad.
I had girls tell me they're not sure if I'm a serial killer. I liked it tbh especially because I look harmless.
I got nudes from one does that count
I don't think these vibes are too bad.
I had girls tell me they're not sure if I'm a serial killer. I liked it tbh especially because I look harmless.
It's not something you should take in positive light. When someone says that it means you seem uncomfortable, weak, nihilistic in nature. If a girl says that, bet your ass she isn't attracted to you.
Holy shit how?
Existing as myself. I talked to her after class and she started flirting with me. Got her number and the rest is history. I didn't even ask for nudes I just did it for an A
It's not something you should take in positive light. When someone says that it means you seem uncomfortable, weak, nihilistic in nature. If a girl says that, bet your ass she isn't attracted to you.
I know she isn't attracted. No girl has ever been attracted to me, at least I think so.
It's better than being perceived as a soyboy though.
Existing as myself. I talked to her after class and she started flirting with me. Got her number and the rest is history. I didn't even ask for nudes I just did it for an A
How old was she? Hard to believe tbh
Existing as myself. I talked to her after class and she started flirting with me. Got her number and the rest is history. I didn't even ask for nudes I just did it for an A
Get the fuck off this forum. Like seriously 9500 posts on incel infested forum when you're perfectly capable of being normal and accepted in society.
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Get the fuck off this forum. Like seriously 9500 posts on incel infested forum when you're perfectly capable of being normal and accepted in society.
I'll go where I want bitch
Get the fuck off this forum. Like seriously 9500 posts on incel infested forum when you're perfectly capable of being normal and accepted in society.

He's not NT

And his PSL isn't high enough to just skate by on looks
I Never got any compliments from teachers or students until I lost a shit load of weight.
Yeah a teacher said "richard u look just like chico,mirin brah,wanna fuck my puss?"
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He's not NT

And his PSL isn't high enough to just skate by on looks

Yes it is? He could do modeling, make an ig account and get girls, clout and money. Dude gets fucking raped by girls irl. Altough going down that road he is preety much doomed to be traced back to this site
Yes it is? He could do modeling, make an ig account and get girls, clout and money. Dude gets fucking raped by girls irl. Altough going down that road he is preety much doomed to be traced back to this site

Lol what PSL would you rate Nibba just curious


and Crisick while were @ it

Crisick could have a modeling career, but I don't think Nibba can unless he get's into a niche that suits his strengths
Lol what PSL would you rate Nibba just curious


and Crisick while were @ it

Crisick could have a modeling career, but I don't think Nibba can unless he get's into a niche that suits his strengths

Im not good with psl, but dude got twink and Chad asthethics, dark coloring, and wide frame. I think he is atleast 7 psl. Maybe 7.25

Crisick looks like a textbook Chad, his harmony isn't that great but his bone structure is preety good. Bone structure + average jock futures + good coloring and low body fat halos what he lacks in harmony (altough his harmony is definetly not bad).

6.25 psl

Take into account that i barely use the PSL scale, mostly because i think its preety deluded and disconnectes/irrelevant for real life.
Existing as myself. I talked to her after class and she started flirting with me. Got her number and the rest is history. I didn't even ask for nudes I just did it for an A
All of them have complimented me on my height.
Yes for weight I lost lul
Not based on my looks
No I get disgusting look and additude from them due to my look
despite being complimented a few times I have gotten way more of a negative reinforcement from teachers as well, in certain cases it would classify as outright psychological abuse
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Lol all the teachers that liked me were dudes and even some dude teachers hated. Ogre before it began
I would tell it here but nobody would believe me jfl
u probably talked with profile view jfl

Hahhaha actually yes. She gave me the compliment when i was walking pass her.
It was legit the best compliment ive gotten and this by the hottest teacher of the school. One of the best moments in my life.

My front and side are 2 different persons.

Over :feelspepo:
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Reasonably hot teacher was weirdly nice to me, looking back on it now; also had a landwhale ICT teacher give me a load of backhanded compliments regarding my intellect and laziness.

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