Having a Midlife Crisis Is Simply Experiencing Midlife Inceldom



Apr 27, 2021
Its hilarious. Boomers/GenX talk all gung ho about "pull yourself up by yer bootstraps" "make ur bed" "wash ur penis" but then the SECOND they get old/ugly/laid off and their fat wives divorce them they FALL APART! They start smoking fentanyl/drinking like drunken sailors, living out of their (messy) vans, (what happened to clean ur room brah!) crying, can't find a job to SAVE THEIR LIVES. And even become homeless at times. Sometimes if they are lucky in their "midlife crisis" these guys start LITERALLY acting like puacels ie trying to date women decades younger than them (men age like wine), going to exotic locations for sex tourism, (geomaxxing for pussy like incels do) or buying stupid cars/bikes,getting into sports/gambling, politics coping ie coping mechanisms to distract themselves from realizing the fact that their fat old wives don't find them cute anymore. (just like incels cope with games/porn due to the fact that girls don't find them cute).

I almost wonder if its not "just a midlife crisis bro" but for the FIRST TIME in their privileged ass lives they FINALLY get to know what it feels like to be an incel ie ugly/old/unemployable. (I also think that the drug use/alcoholism is out of EMBARRASSMENT for dismissing incels and then finally LIVING IT!) Boomers/genX cry about "muh ageism" but I think its just lookism. Think about it what TYPICALLY happens when people get old? They turn UGLY! In a capitalist system people don't want ugly mothafuckas promoting their brand. Boomers/(some gen X) grew up being the football stud, getting more ass than a toilet seat, having women throw themselves at them, having job offers out the ass, falling in and out of jobs/relationships and thinking it is easy. But FINALLY when former chad loses his looks he falls and he falls HARD! He realizes getting jobs/pussy is NOT this easy. He merely got lucky in the old economy and hadn't been in the job/dating market for years. But once he has to compete again he does not make it. (again most boomers/genX would be HOPELESS incels in 2023). Look at rockstars they always overdose when they get old ugly and do drugs. Why? Because its LOSS of popularity and IDENTITY! Basically boomers go from stud to incel. Its a cope but the ONE advantage of being an incel while young is that it at LEAST prepares you for life (ie you learn fast u gotta work with what little u have). While someone who had it easy the FIRST hardship they face they are in SHAMBLES!
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But i disgagree midlife crisis is way more than just appearance lol, i would say its the opposite. They noticed how vague is life and how superifical some stuff are but they are stuck into the system with people depending on them/They werent able to realized their dreams. Only solution is if we went back 30000 years ago, but i guess this isnt happening anytime soon.
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But i disgagree midlife crisis is way more than just appearance lol, i would say its the opposite. They noticed how vague is life and how superifical some stuff are but they are stuck into the system with people depending on them/They werent able to realized their dreams. Only solution is if we went back 30000 years ago, but i guess this isnt happening anytime soon.
No. Why do their wives divorce them? Why do they suddenly become socially inept/become "unemployable." Usually one would think as you get older you get MORE experiened/valuable in a job but it seems the opposite happens. What typically happens when people get old? They LOSE their LOOKS! What happens when people are ugly mothafuckas? No one wants to hire/ hang out with them! (odd how your friends magically disappear into thin air at middle age! You would think as you get older you gain MORE friends because you are alive longer thus increasing the probability of meeting new people but I think you LOSE your looks so no one wants to hang out with an ugly mothafucka!
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No. Why do their wives divorce them? Why do they suddenly become socially inept/become "unemployable." Usually one would think as you get older you get MORE experiened/valuable in a job but it seems the opposite happens. What typically happens when people get old? They LOSE their LOOKS! What happens when people are ugly mothafuckas? No one wants to hang out with them/hire them! (odd how your friends magically disappear at middle age. You would think as you get older you gain MORE friends because you are alive longer thus increasing the probability of meeting new people but I think you LOSE your looks so no one wants to hang out with an ugly mothafucka!
if u want to believe that. The problem is if you believe that at the same time you believe the c§apitalist system is ideal.
if u want to believe that. The problem is if you believe that at the same time you believe the c§apitalist system is ideal.
never was defending capitalism just saying that a capitalist system does not like ugly mothafuckas promoting their products
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Highest IQ post i've seen so far. It makes total sense. It's a loss of identity and FOMO as they realize their looks are slipping away. Brutal blackpill once again. When I'm old, fat and ugly I'm moving somewhere in Latin America where people actually respect elders. Fucking Westerners.
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Highest IQ post i've seen so far. It makes total sense. It's a loss of identity and FOMO as they realize their looks are slipping away. Brutal blackpill once again. When I'm old, fat and ugly I'm moving somewhere in Latin America where people actually respect elders. Fucking Westerners.
exactly plus what is the most COMMON problem old people complain about: "oh i'm lonely" hmm sounds very similar to incels
Honestly it's a mixture of what you and shame said. Midlife crisis is just normies realising reality too late.

Anyways idc abt those niggers. I went through all of life's hard tasks that the only thing i care is improving to be my perfect self even if i look subhuman. I already know what I truly want.
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Typically a midlife crisis relates more to a career than to any women issues or anything like that. It also has a lot to do with your own mortality, which tends to be why they attempt to date younger women.

Of course it can also be diminishing looks causing it but usually it’s the career stuff.
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Typically a midlife crisis relates more to a career than to any women issues or anything like that. It also has a lot to do with your own mortality, which tends to be why they attempt to date younger women.

Of course it can also be diminishing looks causing it but usually it’s the career stuff.
Not really it’s both. It’s where betabux realize on a subconscious level what women really wanted from them and chads get uglier and have less smv and realize this
Not really it’s both. It’s where betabux realize on a subconscious level what women really wanted from them and chads get uglier and have less smv and realize this
you can support literally any point if you just go "on a subconscious level, they believe whatever I want them to believe"

midlife crises, at their core, ALWAYS have to do with a deeper realization of mortality, this is objective and not up for debate, it's why they happen in the first place. Now, the filter through which they view that mortality can be anything, including diminishing looks like you're suggesting, but the average man is not anywhere near as looks obsessed as we are on this website. Because of this, the average man, during his midlife crisis, will most likely be viewing it through a lens of goals he failed to achieve, whether this be career goals, travel goals, etc etc whatever.

A midlife crisis is ALWAYS about the fear of death, the things you focus on will change based on whatever is most important to you. Meaning for a looksmax user, it will pretty much always be about diminishing looks (hell for a heightcoper it might even be about diminishing height as he ages) but for the average man, it'll probably be a small aspect of it (especially something like balding) but the larger part of it will be goal related.

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