having a oneitis is better than a girlfriend



Fatherless World
Apr 20, 2019
The desire to have something pushes you farther than having it.

Me age 12-18 had a oneitis. What did I do about it?
  • woke up at 6:00 am to do ab workouts and calf raises so i could look ripped for her in the summer
  • Gym after school EVERYDAY grade 10-12 just to get FUCKING MASSIVE so she would mirin'
  • played 6 school sports (volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, soccer, track&field) so she would be mirin' and think im fucking cool, status maxed
  • top student athlete (92% average + in all courses)
The drive to be admired by someone of high SMV (oneitis) pushes you to ascend more than you ever thought possible

If you don't have a oneitis during your developing years you are not subhuman enough, or a high SMV female didn't give you attention. the amount of compensation you need to do lights a spark on your ass to work. Doesn't matter if you are blackpilled on not.

How does this compare to having a GF?
It doesn't at all. If you get a GF its not like you want to be the best for her, you already have her.
Ya, but you ain't getting P in V with an oneitis
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i would rather have sex than all of this
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If you get a GF its not like you want to be the best for her, you already have her.
You still have to otherwise youโ€™ll be cucked
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A girlfriend can be disappointing

Your visions of oneitis will always be perfect
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imagine putting emotional energy in a girl (that get's plucked by jocks)
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it is the curse of the bluepilled subhuman

Nah, it's the curse of any man who gets caught slipping with his emotions.

It can happen to anyone who is sub-chad
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