He was attacked by a real cannibal



Immutable object
Nov 19, 2023

@noobs @cromagnon @wishIwasSalludon
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proud to be native american

kill that nigger
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Reactions: sportsmogger, mathis, WeiWei and 5 others
So this is the African utopia all the niggers talk about?
  • JFL
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Reactions: mathis, wishIwasSalludon, Sub5kang and 3 others
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and lemonnz
proud to be native american

kill that nigger
Proud to get raped and cucked by whites and then getting your country devoped by them and getting forced into small parks? :feelstrash: I know who you are, you're a dirty Jeffrey, ADONIS WOULD NOT BE RACIST :bigbrain::Comfy:
  • JFL
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and noobs
Gotta be staged a real cannibal nigga would've just thrown the knife at his head
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Reactions: mathis, wishIwasSalludon, Bomber517 and 1 other person
Proud to get raped and cucked by whites and then getting your country devoped by them and getting forced into small parks? :feelstrash: I know who you are, you're a dirty Jeffrey, ADONIS WOULD NOT BE RACIST :bigbrain::Comfy:
94% white
  • JFL
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Reactions: sportsmogger, wishIwasSalludon, Bomber517 and 1 other person
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.org iq moment it’s a fake :lul:
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Reactions: sportsmogger, Sub5kang and Bomber517
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Reactions: Bomber517
You’re like one of the top 10 retards in this forum
🤦‍♂️If forum ruined by low iq people then high iq people viewed as retards same with people who called dumb scientist or enginners who made cars its same thing here .How offering diet that pretty much fix 95procent health problems makes me retard?I think its because sometimes im lazy so i dont use english translator .
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
You probably believed this video was real to right:forcedsmile:

Cope, there’s nothing inherently fake about OP’s vid, at most you can question why didn’t the cannibal jump out at a better moment
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  • JFL
Reactions: aesthetic beauty and wishIwasSalludon
Cope, there’s nothing inherently fake about OP’s vid, at most you can question why didn’t the cannibal jump out at a better moment
:feelsuhh: It’s pretty clearly fucking staged you retard
  • Hmm...
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🤦‍♂️If forum ruined by low iq people then high iq people viewed as retards same with people who called dumb scientist or enginners who made cars its same thing here .How offering diet that pretty much fix 95procent health problems makes me retard?I think its because sometimes im lazy so i dont use english translator .
You know what I’m sorry, you’re in the top 99% IQ
most normal niggers
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  • JFL
Reactions: lemonnz and Bomber517
Play your stupid who games with yourself .Then i have problems in life u look at others flaws .Now think what problems u have
You know what I’m sorry, you’re in the top 99% I
:feelsuhh: It’s pretty clearly fucking staged you retard
To answer my own question against the validity of the video of which that you couldn’t even provide one yourself, it could be that the cannibal didn’t expect to be hunting someone who frequently runs.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Bomber517 and wishIwasSalludon
Play your stupid who games with yourself .Then i have problems in life u look at others flaws .Now think what problems u have
You literally called me low IQ first retard
To answer my own question against the validity of the video of which that you couldn’t even provide one yourself, it could be that the cannibal didn’t expect to be hunting someone who frequently runs.
I can’t believe you’re this retarded:lul:

First off tribes hunt in groups not individually

Secondly why did he jump out so late lol it’s as if they wanted to stage a chase scene?

It’s fake you dumb fuck
  • JFL
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I can’t believe you’re this retarded:lul:

First off tribes hunt in groups not individually

Secondly why did he jump out so late lol it’s as if they wanted to stage a chase scene?

It’s fake you dumb fuck
Firstly, there is nothing barring a cannibal from hunting alone.

Secondly, I answered that question already, he probably didn’t expect a civilian to outrun him.

Thirdly, I am aware it can still be fake but considering it’s shown that he commonly vlogs his runs it could very well be real.
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Firstly, there is nothing barring a cannibal from hunting alone.
I never said it did you dumb fuck that’s like saying humans actually don’t have 5 fingers on a hand because some people are born with 6

Humans specifically evolved to hunt in groups they don’t do it alone

he probably didn’t expect a civilian to outrun him.
Are you retarded? Even if you didn’t expect it’s still better to catch him before given it a chance to run

If o were hunting a bunny rabbit I wouldn’t give it a chance to run I’d obviously want to save time and energy

it’s shown that he commonly vlogs his runs it could very well be real.
Or he’s just faking it for attention like 99% of things on the internet
  • JFL
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Cannibalism in Africa - Wikipedia

“The oldest firm evidence of archaic humans consuming each other dates to 1.45 million years ago in Kenya.”

Bro is quoting from a source talking about what happened over 1 million years ago?
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“The oldest firm evidence of archaic humans consuming each other dates to 1.45 million years ago in Kenya.”

Bro is quoting from a source talking about what happened over 1 million years ago?
Read further.
Cannibalism was also reported from north of the Congo Basin, extending up to the Central African Republic Civil War, which started in 2012. Jean-Bédel Bokassa, dictator of the Central African Republic, seems to have eaten the flesh of opponents and prisoners in the 1970s.
If you believe this is real you do
I didn't say it's real.
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  • JFL
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I never said it did you dumb fuck that’s like saying humans actually don’t have 5 fingers on a hand because some people are born with 6

Humans specifically evolved to hunt in groups they don’t do it alone
Yeah against big game like a fucking woolly mammoths, but a human or even deer doesn’t require many hunters
Are you retarded? Even if you didn’t expect it’s still better to catch him before given it a chance to run

If o were hunting a bunny rabbit I wouldn’t give it a chance to run I’d obviously want to save time and energy
Nothing is guaranteed you dumbass, it can also be that he didn’t have the time to hide before he came along, which means he would need to chase his prey
Or he’s just faking it for attention like 99% of things on the internet
That’s a valid claim but guess what, not everything is faked. Unless he has multiple videos like this on his page then you really have no evidence to call this fake
Yeah against big game like a fucking woolly mammoths, but a human or even deer doesn’t require many hunters
Are you really this dumb? Even wolves will stalk a single deer in a group let alone a human:feelsuhh:

And the dude isn’t even carrying a spear:forcedsmile:

didn’t have the time to hide before he came along
Are you retarded? What do you mean he didn’t have time to hide he was always in the bushes?

Nothing is guaranteed you dumbass
He easily could’ve jumped out earlier what do you mean not guaranteed? He could’ve done that easily he just chose not to

Unless he has multiple videos like this on his page
Seriously? Why would he post multiple of these same videos? The point of faking something is to make people think it’s real?
even deer doesn’t require many hunters
It’s easy to get gored by a dears antlers or get your skull caved in from a deers kick
That’s like saying cannibalism is common in America because Jeffery dahmer ate people and there are cults in America who eat people
The US never had a cannibalistic president or any politicians who are involved, neither the US military never engaged in cannibalism unlike in certain African countries.
If you even think it can be real I don’t know what say
Ok, it's not real broski :forcedsmile:
The US never had a cannibalistic president or any politicians who are involved
European nobles would literally eat Egyptians mummies

And how is this relevant? In both cases it’s still only 1 guy you entirely missed the point

neither the US military never engaged in cannibalism unlike in certain African countries.
There a reports of U.S soldiers raping women in Iraq and Vietnam does that mean it was common?
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proud to be native american

kill that nigger
thats an african tribal chasing some villager, fym native american

these niggas would denounce u and rape ur family

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