heightmaxxing help



Aug 1, 2024
im 14 and im 5"10 maybe 5"11 in shoes
goal is 6"5
and heres what im currently doing to heightmaxx

4000+ calories per day of unprocessed food
heres what my diet mainly consists of:
1 gallon raw milk per day: 2400 Calories
1 dozen eggs per day: 858
0.5 of grass fed ground beef (usually 85 15): 525 calories
1 fruit smoothie per day: idk how many calories maybe 300-500
1 larabar per day (the 3 ingredient ones): 240 calories

1 hour of walking per day

4x sprinting per week
lifting 4x per week

lowering bodyfat to decrease estrogen (currently maybe 18% goal is 12%)

15k iu vitamin d3 + k2 per day
50mg zinc
200 mg magnesium
2400 mg fish oil omega 3
800mg ashwaganda after working out

1h+ sun per day

very low stress

9h+ sleep per night

what else do i need to do?
im not sure about taking any drugs like mk677 or anything
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im 14 and im 5"10 maybe 5"11 in shoes
goal is 6"5
and heres what im currently doing to heightmaxx

4000+ calories per day of unprocessed food
heres what my diet mainly consists of:
1 gallon raw milk per day: 2400 Calories
1 dozen eggs per day: 858
0.5 of grass fed ground beef (usually 85 15): 525 calories
1 fruit smoothie per day: idk how many calories maybe 300-500
1 larabar per day (the 3 ingredient ones): 240 calories

1 hour of walking per day

4x sprinting per week
lifting 4x per week

lowering bodyfat to decrease estrogen (currently maybe 18% goal is 12%)

15k iu vitamin d3 + k2 per day
50mg zinc
200 mg magnesium
2400 mg fish oil omega 3
800mg ashwaganda after working out

1h+ sun per day

very low stress

9h+ sleep per night

what else do i need to do?
im not sure about taking any drugs like mk677 or anything
how tf do you plan on doing ts
do you not go to school

also that diet lacks so many nutrients
how tf do you plan on doing ts
do you not go to school

also that diet lacks so many nutrients
yea i go to school lol
i get home from school at 2 then I work out until 4 if its not a rest day then I start eating as much food as possible
also what nutrients is it lacking eggs have every vitamin except vitamin c
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yea i go to school lol
i get home from school at 2 then I work out until 4 if its not a rest day then I start eating as much food as possible
also what nutrients is it lacking eggs have every vitamin except vitamin c
ok u get home at 2 thats why

i get home at 7pm :(
yea i go to school lol
i get home from school at 2 then I work out until 4 if its not a rest day then I start eating as much food as possible
also what nutrients is it lacking eggs have every vitamin except vitamin c
i mean if u do all this u will be atleast ur dads height but how do u have the money, do u cook for urself or smth
im 14 and im 5"10 maybe 5"11 in shoes
goal is 6"5
and heres what im currently doing to heightmaxx

4000+ calories per day of unprocessed food
heres what my diet mainly consists of:
1 gallon raw milk per day: 2400 Calories
1 dozen eggs per day: 858
0.5 of grass fed ground beef (usually 85 15): 525 calories
1 fruit smoothie per day: idk how many calories maybe 300-500
1 larabar per day (the 3 ingredient ones): 240 calories

1 hour of walking per day

4x sprinting per week
lifting 4x per week

lowering bodyfat to decrease estrogen (currently maybe 18% goal is 12%)

15k iu vitamin d3 + k2 per day
50mg zinc
200 mg magnesium
2400 mg fish oil omega 3
800mg ashwaganda after working out

1h+ sun per day

very low stress

9h+ sleep per night

what else do i need to do?
im not sure about taking any drugs like mk677 or anything
take more magniesum, around 400mg. take ashwaganda in the eveinng, doesn't have to be right after a workout. take only 5-10K IU of vitamin D especially if you already get in the sun. don't overdoes and depelte your other vitamins. How tf r u gonna pay for 1 gallon of raw milk and 12 eggs a day tf. Don't lift that much if your already sprinting 4x a week. Try masai jumping too.
ok u get home at 2 thats why

i get home at 7pm :(
i mean if u do all this u will be atleast ur dads height but how do u have the money, do u cook for urself or smth
why do you get home at 7? I dont have a job which I probably should get one

I hope im slightly shorter than my dad at most I would want to be his height past that is too much

but my dads makes a lot of money around €300,000 but hes currently in the hospital and my mom relies on the child support and she uses his card alot to buy food and stuff for me and hes fine with it because he knows its only going to help me get better at life and get healthier
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why do you get home at 7? I dont have a job which I probably should get one

I hope im slightly shorter than my dad at most I would want to be his height past that is too much

but my dads makes a lot of money around €300,000 but hes currently in the hospital and my mom relies on the child support and she uses his card alot to buy food and stuff for me and hes fine with it because he knows its only going to help me get better at life and get healthier
damn bros rich im sorry he's in hospital

yeah if u can do that everyday you will be mogger but tbh even if u don't ur height will be good in my opinion 6'4 is the sweet spot past that you stand out like a sore thumb

what are you facially?
take more magniesum, around 400mg. take ashwaganda in the eveinng, doesn't have to be right after a workout. take only 5-10K IU of vitamin D especially if you already get in the sun. don't overdoes and depelte your other vitamins. How tf r u gonna pay for 1 gallon of raw milk and 12 eggs a day tf. Don't lift that much if your already sprinting 4x a week. Try masai jumping too.
i usually only take 15k-20k if its a rainy or cloudy day
and my parents pay for all the food since my dad makes a lot of money
i forgot to mention I already do massai jumping which I do maybe 2x per week Ill probably just start doing on the days I do sprints
but since football practice is starting up soon we have mandatory workouts monday - thursday so I dont have a choice
what tanner stage are you bhai? that will be a big indicator of how much growth left you have
damn bros rich im sorry he's in hospital

yeah if u can do that everyday you will be mogger but tbh even if u don't ur height will be good in my opinion 6'4 is the sweet spot past that you stand out like a sore thumb

what are you facially?
i got rated high mtn by a few people that I know once in real life it feels like im low htn facially idk if lens distortion is real or not tbh but I need to get a palate expander + braces since I still have a missing tooth waiting to come in which lowkey descends me hard whenever I smile but thatll be fixed soon and also whenever im older ill probably get rhino not because my nose looks bad its just crooked and is decently deviated and also ill get canthoplasty
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what is tanner stage
its a thing this doctor invented for determining which stage of puberty youre in. Its based on like how uhc pubic hair you have and where it is, facial hair, how muhc youve grown in the last year, ball/dick size etc etc look it up on google and you can determine which stage youre in
i usually only take 15k-20k if its a rainy or cloudy day
and my parents pay for all the food since my dad makes a lot of money
i forgot to mention I already do massai jumping which I do maybe 2x per week Ill probably just start doing on the days I do sprints
but since football practice is starting up soon we have mandatory workouts monday - thursday so I dont have a choice
take 15 K vitamin D max bro, don't take too much caues it;ll deplete otehr vitamind
how do u know what tanner stage
it just comes up with penis photos and says above 4.5 inches

i am 8.5 so am i tanner 5
not necesarily, do you have pubic hair that connects to you belly button from your crotch area? then youre tanner 5
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not necesarily, do you have pubic hair that connects to you belly button from your crotch area? then youre tanner 5
shit i hope im not almost done growing but theres a slight gap between the happy trail and the pubic hair
not necesarily, do you have pubic hair that connects to you belly button from your crotch area? then youre tanner 5
ok i am tanner 5 but its not extremely thick hair like my friends just hair

can u help me predict my height
not necesarily, do you have pubic hair that connects to you belly button from your crotch area? then youre tanner 5
theres also a gap

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