Heightmaxxing proper starts in a few weeks



Iron Enthusiast
May 20, 2023
50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 51465
I'll definitely keep this in mind. thanks fr
  • +1
Reactions: Cointoss/Chad/Incel
I'll definitely keep this in mind. thanks fr

50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
GABA is cope. The rest is good
50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
50000 IU!??!?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Feza and Deleted member 52452
Not a bad stack and GABA isn't cope. Guy above me is a noob.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: dood, mathis, Cointoss/Chad/Incel and 1 other person
50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
Why so much letro bruh your going to crash your estrogen
Arginine is far more intresting because it increase hgh for more time.
i want to learn more. could you link the studies?
i want to learn more. could you link the studies?
I can if you want but it would be a better idea to do the rechearch by yourself. Just go on google "arginine and his effect on hgh studies"
  • +1
Reactions: Cointoss/Chad/Incel
Not a bad stack and GABA isn't cope. Guy above me is a noob.
GABA supplements cannot pass the blood-brain barrier, so it won't do much regarding his hgh levels, especially considering that any increase will be modest compared to other HGH secretagogues/peptides and very short-lived (just like the increase in HGH that you would get after a resistance training session).
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GABA supplements cannot pass the blood-brain barrier, so it won't do much regarding his hgh levels, especially considering that any increase will be modest compared to other HGH secretagogues/peptides and very short-lived (just like the increase in HGH that you would get after a resistance training session).
GABA powder makes me calm af
Conclusion :soy::soy:
Daily oral intake of vitamin D3 ranging from 5000 IU/d to 60,000 IU/d for several years was well tolerated and safe in both our patients and staff. The mean 25OHD blood levels in our patients appear to take around 12 months to plateau on 5000 IU/d and 10,000 IU/d. The average 25OHD values we observed in patients taking 10,000 IU/d at 12 months (96 ng/ml) and 16 months (97 ng/ml) are almost identical to what is currently considered to be the upper limit of normal (100 ng/ml) and are approximately 50% higher than those observed in our patients taking 5000 IU/d for the same period of time. Serum 25OHD levels above 100ng/ml, ranging to as high as 202 ng/ml, were commonly observed in patients on prolonged daily oral dosing with 10,000 IU. Serum 25OHD blood levels over 200 ng/ml, ranging as high as 384 ng/ml, were also observed in several individuals taking vitamin D doses > 10,000 IU/d. However none of these 25OHD blood levels were associated with hypercalcemia, nephrolithiasis, or any other adverse health effects in our study population. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPTEstimates of 25OHD blood levels associated with toxicity from hypercalcemia have varied over time (1, 27, 33, 36, 38, 40, 42, 48), with recent evidence suggesting that 25OHD blood levels up to 400 ng/ml are safe (33).
Side Note:

(based on two people who massively overdosed and under treatment they stabilized calcium levels)
It's safe bro
Our data are consistent with this value.

(based on 4 people)
The use of doses ranging from 25,000 IU/d to 60,000 IU/d was associated with remarkable clinical benefits in several individuals with psoriasis, asthma and skin cancer, without the development of hypercalcemia or clinical toxicity.


x2 botherline clinical hypercalcemia in d3 group, same for 10.4-10.7 but percentage is higher and I wonder why they choose 10.7, probably they want a 0 in both groups that's why and 0 is really not really 0 it normally is around 1 or less (could be more) but sample sizes are too small to have such cases

These case findings are consistent with case reports on pancreatic cancer in 2016 (74), Parkinson’s disease in 1997 (78, 82), and psoriasis in the 2000s (57), and clinical trials with psoriasis in the 1930s (14), 1980s (54-55), and 1990s (56, 58), asthma in the 1930s (15), rheumatoid arthritis in the 1930s and 1940s (16-17), tuberculosis in the 1940s (19-24, 79), rickets (5, 18), and epilepsy in the 1970s (80) and 2000s (81). Both the baseline, and on treatment median and range of 25OHD blood levels in our 10,000 IU/d group of patients after 1 to 4 months were very similar to those observed in both the NB-UVB phototherapy study reported by Ryan in 2010 (43), which were obtained at the time of complete clearing of psoriasis skin lesions, as well as in the 10,000 IU/d group of patients reported by Stamp in 1977 (25), who were supplemented daily for at least 4 months before a follow-up 25OHD level was obtained. Contrary of the assertions of the Institute of Medicine that sunshine should be avoided due to the risk of developing skin cancer (47-48, 77), sunshine and phototherapy have been shown to be safe and effective treatments for rickets (5, 13), tuberculosis (6-12, 24), and psoriasis (43, 51), and are currently recommended for the treatment of psoriasis (52-53).

(Increasing sun exposure is related to skin cancers, they dispute that but not really because they don't present a counter argument they just mention benefites of sun exposure and/or higher vit d levels)

Clinical trials using doses of vitamin D within the range of amounts estimated to be made in the body from sun exposure to the skin, i.e. 10,000 IU/d to 25,000 IU/d (1-3, 25-28, 36, 38-40), and up to 50,000 IU/d appear to be warranted. These studies are likely to be both safe and clinically effective for a number of disease states. If toxicity from hypercalcemia were to occur, it is not life threatening, and is easily reversible with cessation of vitamin D supplementation (17, 33, 79).

(not life threatening but it could be, really depends on your condition, also you can get a bad batch and take much more than advertised, if you don't do blood work you can't know unless you have symptoms and then it's life threatening

Consideration should also be given to revising the UL to 10,000 IU/d, as has been previously advocated (39-40).
(I agree here)

I spend 45 min to basically conclude what I said previously
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50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
WIth 50 000 iu you will build tolerance too fast. You need to cycle it 3 month in 1 month of
50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
lmao at 50k iu of d3
50000 IU Vitamin D3 1000 Vitamin K2
2,5mg Letrozole
2g protein per kg bodyweight
10x2min Tadasana pose
10x2min each side reaching upwards per side
20mg Tadalafil

Shoutout to FreakeForLife for the stretches.
This stack probably isn't the best but I don't have that much money to spend (yet).
Enjoy 3> estrogen levels. Also wtf, no hgh or ghrh lol?

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