Heightpill and framepill debunked. They are cope. NT and face is everything



Oct 17, 2021
My <5'5 HTN framecel NT friend scored a 5'7 blonde nordic STACY ive been crushing on for MONTHS

They are a couple now and fuck all the time.

Its so fucking over for my horrible face and aspergers syndrome :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
My <5'5 HTN framecel NT friend scored a 5'7 blonde nordic STACY ive been crushing on for MONTHS

They are a couple now and fuck all the time.

Its so fucking over for my horrible face and aspergers syndrome :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
bruh deadass? pm her face???
On tinder, having height in bio and a pic mogging a manlet by 10 inches only gains attention from tall foids who have their height in their bio and say they're looking for someone tall
I have never felt desired solely for my face
All attractive girls go for face and NT pics
On tinder, having height in bio and a pic mogging a manlet by 10 inches only gains attention from tall foids who have their height in their bio and say they're looking for someone tall
I have never felt desired solely for my face
All attractive girls go for face and NT pics
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Reactions: datboijj
Individual anecdotes don't diminish the objective beauty standards there are in the world, this doesn't ''debunk'' anything. It just shows there are exceptions to rules, which is all present where rules are set. He simply got lucky, something most (if not all) manlets can't say in regards to dating.
blackpillers tend to forget real life isnt autism and theres a lot of girls who like average height good face than tall normie

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