Help 14 year old (Muah) Gymcel



it’s easy to despise what you cannot have
May 21, 2020
Never lifted a weight in my life only have done calisthenics except dumbbells. I'm 6 ft 150, if you all need pics I'll post.

I already know all the exercises I should be doing.

Question 1# Should I focus on diet like bulking or cutting or just lift? And if I do lift without worrying about diet will that be enough to get stronger and progressive overload?

Question 2# Should I be upping my weight on lifts everyweek? And if yes what do I do if I'm not getting stronger every week?

I leaned down to 130 but I gained that shit back.

Appreciate it
Never lifted a weight in my life only have done calisthenics except dumbbells. I'm 6 ft 150, if you all need pics I'll post.

I already know all the exercises I should be doing.

Question 1# Should I focus on diet like bulking or cutting or just lift? And if I do lift without worrying about diet will that be enough to get stronger and progressive overload?

Question 2# Should I be upping my weight on lifts everyweek? And if yes what do I do if I'm not getting stronger every week?

I leaned down to 130 but I gained that shit back.

Appreciate it
Like I said should I just lift and not overthink it?
just lift. overthinking is bad in every aspect of life
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just lift. overthinking is bad in every aspect of life
One hundreed percent agree G. Thing is I don't to waste money nor time. If I'm going to do something I'm doing it right
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just lift. overthinking is bad in every aspect of life
Wiser word have never been spoken like this shit. Overthinking is a pain in the ass
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One hundreed percent agree G. Thing is I don't to waste money nor time. If I'm going to do something I'm doing it right
Overthinking is good in a way, but to much is so wrong. Just do it at the end of they day
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One hundreed percent agree G. Thing is I don't to waste money nor time. If I'm going to do something I'm doing it right
just eat high protein. but dont be autistic supplementer like muh creatine muh bcaa.
remember that you are 14

eat natural and high protein
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everyone should remember this truth ,
I know and I agree but seriously if I'm going to be lifting weights for months I want it to be optimal and make sure I'm actually doing that shit right and gaining muscle and not fat.
just eat high protein. but dont be autistic supplementer like muh creatine muh bcaa.
remember that you are 14

eat natural and high protein
High IQ :what: mirin
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I know and I agree but seriously if I'm going to be lifting weights for months I want it to be optimal and make sure I'm actually doing that shit right and gaining muscle and not fat.
Just eat the amount of protein 2 for every 1 kg. Around 120-140 for most people. Nattymax first and roidmaxx after you see your limit. Gl
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just eat high protein. but dont be autistic supplementer like muh creatine muh bcaa.
remember that you are 14

eat natural and high protein
my protegee is following my path, believing all supplements are bullshit. ive teached you good son 'mirin
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my only advantage in this life is my brain. thanks god to giving me at least high iq
I hope you're right. Will just start eating shit with hella protein that's natural. You have any body pics of yourself?
I hope you're right. Will just start eating shit with hella protein that's natural. You have any body pics of yourself?
no bro. i m not lifting at the moment cause of quarantine. we got lot of infected people.
so my body hasn't got antyhing special right now.

the thing is doing sport at young age. not playing video games all day.
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no bro. i m not lifting at the moment cause of quarantine. we got lot of infected people.
so my body hasn't got antyhing special right now.

the thing is doing sport at young age. not playing video games all day.
bremin bench barbell dumbel 50kg ağırlık al yeter
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Drop set everything ngl for Mass hypertrophy. I had a decent body after only like 5 months while working out 3 times a week with a bulking diet.
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  • Woah
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aga bisiklet alıcam şu sıralar paraya sıkışıcaz:D onu alıcam sonra ama evde yapmaya başlasam iyi olur
sikleti bimden alma amq 2 tane aldım ikiside götüme girdi hastanelik oluyrodm amq
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  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, imparatorluk and PYT is not the place for gym advice
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it is, but do you say that cause no one knows shit here?
You should go to, /fit/ or reddit fitness if you want actual good advice on gym

This forum is clueless when it comes to body
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Never lifted a weight in my life only have done calisthenics except dumbbells. I'm 6 ft 150, if you all need pics I'll post.

I already know all the exercises I should be doing.

Question 1# Should I focus on diet like bulking or cutting or just lift? And if I do lift without worrying about diet will that be enough to get stronger and progressive overload?

Question 2# Should I be upping my weight on lifts everyweek? And if yes what do I do if I'm not getting stronger every week?

I leaned down to 130 but I gained that shit back.

Appreciate it
1-If you should bulk/cut depends on your current bodyfat %, if you are already at least 15% then "main-gain" (keep bf% the same and train).
2-What i do, and works for me, is: i have a range of reps, for ex 8-12, and when i reach the upper limit i increase the weight.
If i can't do 8 reps the weight is to heavy and if i can do more than 12 it's too light.
Also take in consideration your form, whenever it breaks down stop the set.
Hope this was helpful :)
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You should go to, /fit/ or reddit fitness if you want actual good advice on gym

This forum is clueless when it comes to body
everybody is clueless when it comes to bodybuilding, most faggots think there is some magical rep range or set range, and you have to do gigatons of exercises take supplements. in reality its all lifting and progressive overload jfl
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  • JFL
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it is, but do you say that cause no one knows shit here?
this forum is only for teorical knowledge. no one really does shit only talks about doing.
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1-If you should bulk/cut depends on your current bodyfat %, if you are already at least 15% then "main-gain" (keep bf% the same and train).
2-What i do, and works for me, is: i have a range of reps, for ex 8-12, and when i reach the upper limit i increase the weight.
If i can't do 8 reps the weight is to heavy and if i can do more than 12 it's too light.
Also take in consideration your form, whenever it breaks down stop the set.
Hope this was helpful :)
Thank you of course it was helpful
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So pretty much just eat proteins, sleep, lift, progressive overload and repeat?
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So pretty much just eat proteins, sleep, lift, progressive overload and repeat?
Yes that's what it all comes down to: the results in your muscle gains depends largerly on your muscle insertions and your genetic potential, which you'll know by 2 years of consistent training.
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Yes that's what it all comes down to: the results in your muscle gains depends largerly on your muscle insertions and your genetic potential, which you'll know by 2 years of consistent training.
I should be good by a year right?
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I should be good by a year right?
Depends on what you mean by good.
Watch the video for more info on natural muscle potential:
Hope you don't mind about him screaming lol, he has valuable information, use his channel to learn everything you need.
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Depends on what you mean by good.
Watch the video for more info on natural muscle potential:
Hope you don't mind about him screaming lol, he has valuable information, use his channel to learn everything you need.

I meant decent muscles at least. I don't expect to be absolutely ripped first year but like good atleast
I meant decent muscles at least. I don't expect to be absolutely ripped first year but like good atleast
I can't answer because i don't know either your frame or how naturally muscular you are, honestly just train and see for yourself.
You're gonna gain the most the first year, about half of your total gains if i'm not mistaken.
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I can't answer because i don't know either your frame or how naturally muscular you are, honestly just train and see for yourself.
You're gonna gain the most the first year, about half of your total gains if i'm not mistaken.
oh so imma be straight. you got any body pics you can pm me no homo?

what your body looks like. no homo
My body looks like horseshit lol.
I'm knowledgeable but i don't have resources to improve my lifestyle, my body wants me to stay fat from childhood, i have been battling with it for life, i just re-started going to the gym and i am still fat.
I even have gyno from being fat through puberty fml.
Eat 2grs+ of protein per kg of weight and don't worry about the rest, if you are losing weight then add whatever foods you need, but unlikely.
8+ hours of sleep.
3-4 days of gym, for example Dorian Yates program, 1 hour and you are done with it. Train to failure and help yourself with your other arm in exercises you can do one arm on dumbells so you exaust yourself on the excentric also, or use a friend for help.

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