[HELP] How the fuck do I fix gut biome


Deleted member 5927

i am on the verge of suicide daily.

if i don't do nofap i get insanely depressed.

my life is shit it really is but i can just feel a WEIGHT on my mind idk what it is.

i think my gut biome is absolutely destroyed.

i can't take probiotics rn because it makes my cystic acne worse. im waiting on accutane prescription to get approved from dermatologist to fix acne, then blast probiotics. im aware that accutane also causes depression hopefully i don't rope but i think ill be ok as long as i am conscious of the reason why im feeling down.

idk why im always depressed. i have terrible, hilariously bad genetics. i feel like if my genetic code was opened up on a PowerPoint a bunch of scientists would have an entire day of laughing their asses off at how flawed and fucking retarded my genes are.

anyways after im on accutane what should i do.
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slay bc you're gl
“idk why im always depressed. i have terrible, hilariously bad genetics.”

you said you don’t know why your depressed, then you explain why in the next sentence jfl

also there may be a link between accurate and suicide so it’s usually not given to very mentally unstable people, be careful on it tbh
“idk why im always depressed. i have terrible, hilariously bad genetics.”

you said you don’t know why your depressed, then you explain why in the next sentence jfl

also there may be a link between accurate and suicide so it’s usually not given to very mentally unstable people, be careful on it tbh
fuck you, why do PSL users have to make everything a fucking argument? im just trying to feel normal suck a dick bro.
fuck you, why do PSL users have to make everything a fucking argument? im just trying to feel normal suck a dick bro.
how did i make it an argument you fucking autist? over for you and your dogshit genes
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how did i make it an argument you fucking autist? over for you and your dogshit genes
just lol @ you

imagine clicking the first depressed thread you see just to bully the fuck out of them for no reason.

wish ER shot you you utter fag
i don't understand how accutane could make you depressed, they say the same thing about fin like, nigger my depression would instead go away if i could be on fin
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i don't understand how accutane could make you depressed, they say the same thing about fin like, nigger my depression would instead go away if i could be on fin
It makes you depressed for some reason I don't really understand it but I've been on the exact dose of accutane I am about to take I can't remember since it was 2 years ago but I think it did make me depressed but FAR less depressed than I am right now like you just feel a little sad but right now I'm dreaming about roping for no reason jfl.

I can't tell if my life is shit or my gut biome is fucked. My life is shit but I shouldn't ever feel happy if that's the case but if I do NoFap I feel good for a few days then I get depressed again I don't really understand it.
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kissing or drinking from the same cup chad drank from
It makes you depressed for some reason I don't really understand it but I've been on the exact dose of accutane I am about to take I can't remember since it was 2 years ago but I think it did make me depressed but FAR less depressed than I am right now like you just feel a little sad but right now I'm dreaming about roping for no reason jfl.

I can't tell if my life is shit or my gut biome is fucked. My life is shit but I shouldn't ever feel happy if that's the case but if I do NoFap I feel good for a few days then I get depressed again I don't really understand it.
the strongest, best people always have it the hardest, i hope you and your acne gets better my friend<3
i wouldn't know since mine is utterly fucked
what I'm doing currently. keto feels pretty good ngl
i am on the verge of suicide daily.

if i don't do nofap i get insanely depressed.

my life is shit it really is but i can just feel a WEIGHT on my mind idk what it is.

i think my gut biome is absolutely destroyed.

i can't take probiotics rn because it makes my cystic acne worse. im waiting on accutane prescription to get approved from dermatologist to fix acne, then blast probiotics. im aware that accutane also causes depression hopefully i don't rope but i think ill be ok as long as i am conscious of the reason why im feeling down.

idk why im always depressed. i have terrible, hilariously bad genetics. i feel like if my genetic code was opened up on a PowerPoint a bunch of scientists would have an entire day of laughing their asses off at how flawed and fucking retarded my genes are.

anyways after im on accutane what should i do.

Fasting . Eat one meal a day. Make sure that meal is healthy and balanced
just do the carnivore diet like your mongolian ancestors
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Your post describes me, I'm also asian with a bad gut biome but all my acne ended up on my back ( full of bacne ) :lul:

What I'm going to do is nofap, eat food that people with ibs have https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/, lower stress, get quality sleep and get a blood test cuz I feel like my levels are fucked and workout

gl bro
Your post describes me, I'm also asian with a bad gut biome but all my acne ended up on my back ( full of bacne ) :lul:

What I'm going to do is nofap, eat food that people with ibs have https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/, lower stress, get quality sleep and get a blood test cuz I feel like my levels are fucked and workout

gl bro
thanks for your advice boss i workout today and im gonna eat healthy and shit no more BS, at best ill binge eat with fruit but no more processed trash.

i did blood work 2 weeks ago to get accutane I'll check results online in a bit
I remember being on accutane when I was younger and it was definitely the catalyst for all my mental illnesses so it’s probably that tbh. For gut biome just take probiotic for the good bacteria to colonize, and eat fiber (prebiotic) so they can have a good environment. Greek yogurt helps and so do bananas
Try L. Reuteri

Bbl with another good species
The depression comes from the gut biome making endotoxins from food like crazy which causes a shitton of serotonin which is the reason for feeling like shit
Taking anti serotonin drugs can help until you fix your gut if it's really that bad
How nourished are you? Got enough liver in your diet? How's your bile like? Noticed any worms? Generally avoid too much indigestible plant matter, liver herbs and resistant starches should be ok, try that out and how you feel afterwards
Also look that you eat high quality animal foods, no dairy tho, you prolly can't digest it
But overall try to eat single things slowly and see how you feel afterwards, if something makes you feel like absolute shit afterwards then just avoid it
A paleo type of diet should make it all better over time, takes a lot of time but it's a complex thing so thats why
High animal protein (gotta eat a lot of collagen) , high animal fat (grass fed) for some days, then you can slowly introduce single things, like one small piece of one particular fruit to see if you can digest it without problems
If not then continue wirhout those plant foods for some time while eating a big diversity of animal foods, various animals, fish, organ meats etc
And you've gotta stick to it, took me almost a year to achieve a state where I don't get new outbreaks anymore

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