Help me fix my Grinch tier lower third



Sep 15, 2023
So I want to do some sort of jaw surgery, to slightly bring forward my jaw + swing it up somehow because it’s downswung (lefort 3 would be ideal because my upper maxilla is recessed, but I’m not sure if it’s even an option) but I know fine well that if I were to go as I am right now I would get dog-maxed so hard.

I have biomaxillary protrusion (don’t know if it’s genetic, or improper dento-facial development; I sucked pacificers until I was 5 years old rip, so that probably flared my teeth forward, but I noticed my grandmother also has it, so I prob inherited it from her) now it’s not severe, but if I want to reach the highest potential aesthetic result, I need to find a way to push that area back.

I’ve heard that a common way to fix it is to do extractions, which I really don’t want to do. I know that extractions practically make your face cave in, and although my mom let me suck a pacifier, she also breastfed me, so my teeth are pretty straight and never needed dental work 🙏why mess with them now??

Are there any other options to fix gorilla mouth? Can Invisalign help? I also have an issue with my occlusion plane; it’s tilted forward which is disgusting. I have quite a good smile, get compliments on it often, about 8 teeth, still have buccal corridors or however they’re called, so Invisalign can help with that as well- at least so I’ve heard.

I don’t think pallet expansion would be necessary, as I just need a slight widening of the pallet, and from what I’ve seen, pallet expansion gorilla-max’s people by widening the mouth etc

Step 1= fix biomaxillary protrusion (pulling the mouth area back somehow, which would initially make me look worse, as my biomaxillary protrusion sort of frauds forward growth, hides how recessed I am)
Step 2= bring the lower 3rd forward + ccw, fixing the downward tilt of my teeth (occlusion plane) + jaw, and if possible to do bring forward + upward the lefort 3 area, if not I can just get a midface implant later
Step 3= fix my giga-long Phil trim by getting a lip lift. This will have a major impact on my face I believe, as my main flaw is long midface. I want to flatten the mouth area (fix biomaxillary protrusion) first though, because idk it seems like a bad idea to do a lip lift on an already 'bulky' philtrum.

Please help me escape from Whooville bros 🙏
  • +1
Reactions: jefty and NZb6Air
No photos and you already wrote your own plan... Graycel...

Take a pictures: fromt, 3/4 and side according to the guide in that thread and then we can talk better

Otherwise ask a dentist for help, i think you are not that bad since you are getting compliments

Your thread is probably just autistic ramblings and braces would fix those teeth
  • +1
Reactions: Roquefort and mhd_79
No photos and you already wrote your own plan... Graycel...

Take a pictures: fromt, 3/4 and side according to the guide in that thread and then we can talk better

Otherwise ask a dentist for help, i think you are not that bad since you are getting compliments

Your thread is probably just autistic ramblings and braces would fix those teeth
Yeah man sorry, I had to let my autism out somewhere 😂

I know that without photos it’s really hard to help, but I hope you can understand why I am not about to post my face on here…

So braces don’t totally mess up your face then?
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that's your answer, no/not enough breastfeeding = non strengthened tongue that can't hold the palate thus the maxilla and guide its growth - weak tongue makes you suck your thumb/pacifiers

I hope it’s possible.

Yeah, my face is sort of a mixed bag. Using pacifier probably got me used to having my mouth open + soft diet and bad general body posture growing up led to bad facial development. My teeth are good though and I was breastfed.

Why is a lip lift useless?
i said not enough

the osteotomy will fix that ratio lol
Yeah, how long should babies be breastfed for? I want to have kids one day but I don’t know how I will convince my wife to breastfeed until they’re like 5 years old 😂

Oh that’s good, so I won’t need to get lip lift then. Anyways, it would be after the jaw surgery so I’d be able to review my face after and see if it would be necessary.
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air
Yeah, how long should babies be breastfed for? I want to have kids one day but I don’t know how I will convince my wife to breastfeed until they’re like 5 years old 😂

Oh that’s good, so I won’t need to get lip lift then. Anyways, it would be after the jaw surgery so I’d be able to review my face after and see if it would be necessary.
5 years
  • +1
  • JFL
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i'll address in my genetics thread
it will be 99% shit that doesn't matter like what you said, but it might have good points
? like what wtf are u saying nigguh
im saying the stuff that you say to do in childhood doesn't apply to chads of today
im saying the stuff that you say to do in childhood doesn't apply to chads of today
doesn't mean anything, you can't be chad on baby bottle, there's studies on it, you can't say cope
doesn't mean anything, you can't be chad on baby bottle, there's studies on it, you can't say cope
there's studies that say the incel movement is wrong aswell
  • Ugh..
Reactions: NZb6Air
So I want to do some sort of jaw surgery, to slightly bring forward my jaw + swing it up somehow because it’s downswung (lefort 3 would be ideal because my upper maxilla is recessed, but I’m not sure if it’s even an option) but I know fine well that if I were to go as I am right now I would get dog-maxed so hard.

I have biomaxillary protrusion (don’t know if it’s genetic, or improper dento-facial development; I sucked pacificers until I was 5 years old rip, so that probably flared my teeth forward, but I noticed my grandmother also has it, so I prob inherited it from her) now it’s not severe, but if I want to reach the highest potential aesthetic result, I need to find a way to push that area back.

I’ve heard that a common way to fix it is to do extractions, which I really don’t want to do. I know that extractions practically make your face cave in, and although my mom let me suck a pacifier, she also breastfed me, so my teeth are pretty straight and never needed dental work 🙏why mess with them now??

Are there any other options to fix gorilla mouth? Can Invisalign help? I also have an issue with my occlusion plane; it’s tilted forward which is disgusting. I have quite a good smile, get compliments on it often, about 8 teeth, still have buccal corridors or however they’re called, so Invisalign can help with that as well- at least so I’ve heard.

I don’t think pallet expansion would be necessary, as I just need a slight widening of the pallet, and from what I’ve seen, pallet expansion gorilla-max’s people by widening the mouth etc

Step 1= fix biomaxillary protrusion (pulling the mouth area back somehow, which would initially make me look worse, as my biomaxillary protrusion sort of frauds forward growth, hides how recessed I am)
Step 2= bring the lower 3rd forward + ccw, fixing the downward tilt of my teeth (occlusion plane) + jaw, and if possible to do bring forward + upward the lefort 3 area, if not I can just get a midface implant later
Step 3= fix my giga-long Phil trim by getting a lip lift. This will have a major impact on my face I believe, as my main flaw is long midface. I want to flatten the mouth area (fix biomaxillary protrusion) first though, because idk it seems like a bad idea to do a lip lift on an already 'bulky' philtrum.

Please help me escape from Whooville bros 🙏

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