Help me with diet - calories and protein daily intake?



Ascended with roids & ltr
Sep 26, 2019
Continuing this thread:

So what I actually realised is that I will get free personal trainer for starter who'll show me how to do my thang and also they will give me FBW plan for noobs (2 days I think) so I got most important shit covered by my gym.

Now the other important shit is that I am not sure about my caloric intake because: every calculator tells me different amount, and also outside gym I will LDAR until I find a job.

  1. So is 2300-2500kcal a day good for 66kg/177cm with no outside activity?
  2. How many proteins a day should I eat? 1.8g x 66kg = 118.8g is enough?

When it comes down to food: i dont know how the fuck do I calculate all meals to get perfect 2300 calories? Is there any good smartphone app for this kind of thing?
I will eat 3 boiled eggs a day and 1 chicken breast+rice for sure. Add to that: carrots, cottage cheese, bananas, radish, apples, IS PEANUT BUTTER GOOD FOOD?, toasts with butter yellow cheese and some meat, milk, I think that's pretty much it.
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1. it depends. u cant knoww for sure beforehand and you will have to experiment / adjust on the spot. but diet in the beginning is almost irrelevant. adjusting to training and training hard as fuck is more important in the beginning, you will grow and become strogner almost no matter what. as you go further and further in your natty journey, diet becomes more and more crucial for progress
2. 118g is enough

myfitnesspal is good for kcal tracking

peanut butter good food. also good pre-workout meal. 1-2 PB jelly sandwhich and some pre workout formula and you'll be strong
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Very simple:
Carbs 1.8g per 1kg bodyweight
Protein 2.0g per 1kg bodyweight
Just eat a lot of calories and exercise a lot
but diet in the beginning is almost irrelevant.
So should I not bother with packing up all the chickens in my mouth for the first month and basically just eat like I eat now?
you will grow and become strogner almost no matter what.
Is this so called phenomenon "newbie gains" you are talking about? So even if I dont min-max ideal calories and proteins I will still grow fast?
So should I not bother with packing up all the chickens in my mouth for the first month and basically just eat like I eat now?

Is this so called phenomenon "newbie gains" you are talking about? So even if I dont min-max ideal calories and proteins I will still grow fast?
its good if u dont eat like shit but u dont have to minmaxx diet whatsoever. it really doesnt matter for the first year or so. pay attention to overall kcal and protein intake

and hit the gym HARD. thats most important for now
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its good if u dont eat like shit but u dont have to minmaxx diet whatsoever. it really doesnt matter for the first year or so. pay attention to overall kcal and protein intake

and hit the gym HARD. thats most important for now
Ok then I will just mainly focus on recieving some good amount of proteins every day and dont under/overeat and alongside that no chips no chocolate, just vegetables and generally healthy stuff.

I asked my friend who goes to gym for 4 years and he told me Chico body is easy mode in 4-5 months so that's my perfect aim, I dont want to go big boy.
I asked my friend who goes to gym for 4 years and he told me Chico body is easy mode in 4-5 months so that's my perfect aim, I dont want to go big boy.
when you get there, u will want more
Hehe it's really that addicting?
i mean its not about addiction

if u get there ajd you can become stronger,bigger, more intimidating further more you will want to do so
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i mean its not about addiction

if u get there ajd you can become stronger,bigger, more intimidating further more you will want to do so
I think there is a diminishing return after certain point when it comes down to body. I just want to go gym because I want to look good for women and myself. Just to increase my SMV, leanmaxxing is biggest looksmax possible and my top priority is to get 10-12% BF so I will never be bloated on the face, and have toned male model proportions (37cm biceps with chest 97-99cm).

I consider this type of body to be perfect balance:
SmartSelect 20191024 154810 Firefox
Lean as fuck, not too small not too big.

There is no gym for my face unfortunately :feelscry: small ogre, lean toned ogre, big intimidating ogre, no difference.
I think there is a diminishing return after certain point when it comes down to body. I just want to go gym because I want to look good for women and myself. Just to increase my SMV, leanmaxxing is biggest looksmax possible and my top priority is to get 10-12% BF so I will never be bloated on the face, and have toned male model proportions (37cm biceps with chest 97-99cm).

I consider this type of body to be perfect balance:
View attachment 146641 Lean as fuck, not too small not too big.

There is no gym for my face unfortunately :feelscry: small ogre, lean toned ogre, big intimidating ogre, no difference.
theres 3 things you need to consider

1. you are not walking around shirt off. these physique look skinny/unimpressive when ur in clothes
2. these physiques are getting halod by face extremely hard. what looks good on chico face will look unimpressive on 4 psl face, you will see what im talking about once ur there
3. there is no such thing as too big when u dont inject. u will always be more attractive version of urself at higher BMI given equal or less bodyfat%
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theres 3 things you need to consider

1. you are not walking around shirt off. these physique look skinny/unimpressive when ur in clothes
2. these physiques are getting halod by face extremely hard. what looks good on chico face will look unimpressive on 4 psl face, you will see what im talking about once ur there
3. there is no such thing as too big when u dont inject. u will always be more attractive version of urself at higher BMI given equal or less bodyfat%
What'd be your dream physique that would look optimal in clothes? Brad Pitt in Troy?
What'd be your dream physique that would look optimal in clothes? Brad Pitt in Troy?
david laid. peak of natty potential
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