help me with my crush

Shave to moustache quick
nobody commented on it today at school but when i asked them about it they said they didnt even notice i had a moustache but they noticed i was growing a beard
SO, this is about my crush.

im so desperate to know if she likes me or not, because i dont want to waste my time obsessing over someone thats into someone else.

she does things like give me homemade bracelets, is perfectly fine with me touching her, and today she called my haircut really beautiful.
(about this part, basically anything from
touching her normally and sometimes even her breasts when we play catch (small touches, like a finger. but thats unintentional.)

all the things ive noticed is:
looks down right after looking at my eyes, not today tho she was having eye contact for a while longer.

shes super kind to me, but gets mad easily at me.

the energy she gives off is usually good, but sometimes i can feel she doesnt tolerate me.

she never looks at me randomly, maybe she does but deffo not in class and break cause she goes with her gorlock friend to the store

also she has 2 main friends, some random dude hes like 3 years or 2 older than me, hes not that attractive at all but she acts so happy and has so many expressions with him, theyre like a couple sometimes if left alone.

then theres her fat obese annoying gorlock friend who looks like a caveman. shes so annoying and always asks me or someone else to call madalina (my crushes name) over. she also beat one of my short classmates and when he defended himself she cried to all the teachers.

shes pretty tall, just really annoying. one time our teacher talked about her friend and madalina said that since mirela (the gorlocks name) has no other friends she hangs out with her unwillingly.

maybe madalina is really good at acting, but she acts happy from the times i barely see her at break.

if i were to describe my crush, she is relatively tall like 5'7 maybe, im 5'10. idk exact height but i have to look down at her.

shes chubby, not fat but chubby,

she has beautiful eyes and is funny, i love her to death and to be honest
shes not that pretty, but to me shes pretty. idk how to explain but i can tell others find her ugly.

im not that ugly tbh, i consider myself a low mtn.
definitely not the right time to talk about my looks tho, im 13 and still developing quickly. i have a broad face and my jaw noticeably has broadened recently.
i do have hunter eyes but doesnt match my face that well tbh cuz my lips are fem i think

plz help me.

also i do have a good frame, but im fat cuz i ate frozen pizza throughout growing up mostly, a lot of it. ive been losing weight a bit and im starting to exercise to gain muscle since im skinny fat but im fixing it quickly
if you truly loved her you would inject HGH and roidmax then leanmax if you truly loved her you would stop being a fatcel and start your starvemaxxing journey and that is what this forum is for everything else is cope DO NOT JESTERMAX just leanmax my advice.
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if you truly loved her you would inject HGH and roidmax then leanmax if you truly loved her you would stop being a fatcel and start your starvemaxxing journey and that is what this forum is for everything else is cope DO NOT JESTERMAX just leanmax my advice.
hope ur sarcastic and not recommending hgh and roids to a kid that may fuck up his development
listen bro, go the NT way, no junk foods, gym, get a hobby(chicks dig guitars), get an iphone cuz samsung sucks for selfies(personally traded a fold5 for a 16 and its day and night)
just watch ur diet and wait till at least 24 for anything else
while roids, if taken correctly, may give u fast improvments, its extremely risky, and it ages you extremely fast and u don't want to look like a 30 year old man when your 18
i did swimming for 5 years and then muay thay for another 5 without any gym or diet or sleep and i had a pretty decent body, girls look mostly for abs, veins and lean looking face

roidmaxxing is literally mostly for dudes, but it helps if u wanna speed the process, BUT ONLY AFTER 20....

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