Here are some very understandable reasons to rope ( Funny read )

Deleted member 2632

Deleted member 2632

Jul 30, 2019
Roping is the #1 killer of men nowadays, and for good reason

The world has become extremely shallow due to technology with models, movies, and pictures ( selfies ) all right on our phone and beautiful, tall people have went from slightly benefitting from the halo effect to full on worshipped and ugly people ( men ) are ruthlessly spit on and hated

Atleast in the past you had things like tribes, or a certain race, or a certain pride in country, or religion, or something to help low value men feel they belong somewhere ( by hating another group )

Thanks to the acceptance of " everything " you can no longer openly hate on people who are foreigners, women of any kind, people of different skin color, people of a different religion, and people in poverty

This has made it to where short, ugly men are one of the few groups of people not PROTECTED by social media and the TV media, so they are the new bottom of society FOR EVERYONE TO STEP ON

Its no longer gays vs Christianity, whites vs blacks, americans vs russians, its all women and 90% of men shitting on incels and laughing

Women have also moved in status from beneath men in status and not taken serious, all the way to Goddess floating above us for all the non-Chad men, and yet men are still expected to bust ass and die in wars for them

Humans have ALWAYS needed two things in life

1. Someone to worship ( Chads and women )

2. Someone to hate ( Low SMV men )

It used to be God and the Devil ( and other religions )


Reasons to rope that people will " not understand why you did it " but instead "will wonder why you didnt do it sooner "

1. Being brown of any kind, or dark black. Only light colored skin is acceptable in this world and for good reason, monkeys and poo poo are black and brown, while white skin glows like gold

White is a sign of good living indoors and dark is a sign of working out in the sun like a peasant

2. Manlet, yes being a manlet is possibly the worst fate a male human can face

A mother would much prefer her son turn out to be a meth addicted junkie but 6'2, than an under 6' male who discovered the cure for cancer

As a manlet you can expect society to constantly laugh, belittle you, men will dominate you physically or verbally constantly, women will laugh at your existence, and you will forever feel a dark hole in your soul when a group of schoolgirls height mogs you

Manletism is the #1 trait I will never blame men for going out and shooting people ( in Call of Duty )

3. Balding, if you too late to finasteride max

Dear god I have nightmares of going bald, every bald man to ever exists knows the age ( possibly the month ) he started balding FOR GOOD REASON

Imagine anybody we worship on here going completely bald, Brad Pitt, David Gandy, Chico, Alain Delon, Jordan Alien Face

Even you would pity the PSL 7 guy who went bald

Balding is an unspeakable evil carried out by the cunt named Mother Nature, this one is brutal as it takes away something you had, imagine having a big penis or tall height and losing 5 inches by the time your 23, BRUTAL

4. Having an ugly face < PSL 4, if your face is truly ugly then you must struggle to leave the house

Children will be frightened of you and men will be openly hostile

Having a terrible face is something you can never fraud, there is no hair transplant, or height insoles, not even skin bleach

You can plastic surgery away some flaws but it will never be as good as SUPERIOR DNA, and if your face is too far gone then it is truly over, some flaws cant be fixed my modern science
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dr but rope is a valid option for some males nowadays. pretty sad now it came to that
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dr but rope is a valid option for some males nowadays. pretty sad now it came to that

In the past you would have fought in warzones instead, but atleast you had chance to ascension

Today you have best copes of all time

Pick your poison
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Roping is the #1 killer of men? Stats plz?
Roping is the #1 killer of men? Stats plz?

I also remember a study that stated men aged 20-40 died mostly from suicide, but I think somebody censored this topic as I only see it on archived web pages now, people have " updated " their posts

I also remember a study that stated men aged 20-40 died mostly from suicide, but I think somebody censored this topic as I only see it on archived web pages now, people have " updated " their posts

Yeah I know its a killer but its not the #1 killer.
We must stop lookism and the hatred for ugly men, why aren't there campaigns and people who advocate for equal rights just like they did for women, blacks, homosexuals?
we should nuke this world and take all the pain away for everyone.
Tenor 2
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We must stop lookism and the hatred for ugly men, why aren't there campaigns and people who advocate for equal rights just like they did for women, blacks, homosexuals?

Because lookism is very subconsious, people dont openly hate on ugly people or short people, they legit think the people have a creepy vibe or a bad personality, they really believe manlets have a Napolean complex and are unable to relate to others

Before I was blackpilled I definitely thought Chads were cool ass dudes, and incel looking guys were weird loser creeps
Great thread.
I am manlet and brown(biggest death sentences) but i still cope
legit im sub 4, why???

Nope, it was an exaggeration in this topic which is not 100% facts but instead an over the top observation of horrible situations

People cope with drugs and food more often than they rope

Example: HeedandSucceed ( Youtube guy )

But the suicide rates are extremely high nowadays, far more common than they have ever been

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