here are the fields im trying to make progress in: (i focus on all of them)



Jul 15, 2022
1. IQ/Knowledge: im trying to become smarter, cuz i enjoy it and in order to take over the universe
2. Money - Im trying to find ways to make money, its self-explaining how important money is
3. Crime - Im trying to find ways of profiting through crime
4. Singularity - I want to accelerate the technological singularity, because i want to experience a futuristic world where i can truly become god and singularity has the potential to eliminate all my flaws, pain and suffering.
5. Destroy humanity - i want to accelerate the destruction of humanity, because i would feel good when everything gets destroyed, sounds contradictionary, but destruction of humanity is also a win condition for me, i feel good when other people suffer, i love reading bad news of horrible things happening in the world, and destroy humanity as a revenge for all the suffering that was inflictet upon me

these are the big 5. I Use all approaches.

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lost me at 4 and 5

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