Here’s my problem with the Blackpill



Mentally unstable.
Sep 14, 2023
Is too much imo.

The fact is that looks are only the tip of the iceberg, there’s the ethnic pill, dickpill, location pill, height pill, hair pill, body pill…

Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Idk if it’s me that i’m coping because this place rotted my brain so fucking much it doesn’t even make sense, but i believe it’s you pieces of shit that know how you will never amount to anything so you spend your time bringing down others.

The fact is that you autists think the goal and end of life comes with sex and that’s not true.

you think the only thing that matters is to be able to put your dick inside some dirty ugly whore that would give it away to anyone anyway.

or maybe “muh virgin stacy”, bro…be for fucking real. Even if you managed to take her virginity, what tells you she loves you or genuinely care for you? What tells you she doesn’t think she can get better in the back of her head?

See? and this the type of thing that cross your mind as a rotted autistic child.

Why not just live your fucking life and be happy and grateful for what you got you ugly piece of utter shit. Instead of spending your whole useless day in here insulting and gaslighting other literal children into suicide.

I really cannot deal with this deluded nonsense man, holy shit.

Some users are still sane after even years of being here, but hell…most of you need to take a deep look in the mirror and understand that bringing others down is unless and won’t affect your life in anyway.

I’m out bro
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lol don't take this shit too seriously
Some people are seriously mentally ill
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Is too much imo.

The fact is that looks are only the tip of the iceberg, there’s the ethnic pill, dickpill, location pill, height pill, hair pill, body pill…

Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Idk if it’s me that i’m coping because this place rotted my brain so fucking much it doesn’t even make sense, but i believe it’s you pieces of shit that know how you will never amount to anything so you spend your time bringing down others.

The fact is that you autists think the goal and end of life comes with sex and that’s not true.

you think the only thing that matters is to be able to put your dick inside some dirty ugly whore that would give it away to anyone anyway.

or maybe “muh virgin stacy”, bro…be for fucking real. Even if you managed to take her virginity, what tells you she loves you or genuinely care for you? What tells you she doesn’t think she can get better in the back of her head?

See? and this the type of thing that cross your mind as a rotted autistic child.

Why not just live your fucking life and be happy and grateful for what you got you ugly piece of utter shit. Instead of spending your whole useless day in here insulting and gaslighting other literal children into suicide.

I really cannot deal with this deluded nonsense man, holy shit.

Some users are still sane after even years of being here, but hell…most of you need to take a deep look in the mirror and understand that bringing others down is unless and won’t affect your life in anyway.

I’m out bro
This forum has taken a toll on my mental health

But idk I'm addicted

Maybe because it's free

Gambling booze smokes and hoes

All drains the wallet
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and PseudoMaxxer
I see so many blackpill exceptions irl it makes me question if we are all just deluding ourselves everyday but then some user posts ragebait and I get right back on track
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Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, mogstars, BootySniffer69 and 19 others
being gl is an advantage but blackpill is a meme irl obv. As long as you are nt low inhib and not giga under avg u will be fine looks are a bonus.
Being average is enough irl tbh you dont need to be gigachad like the autists here think
being giga below avg is a failo.
  • +1
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Reactions: triggr, mogstars, hardestmfintheroom and 7 others
lol don't take this shit too seriously
Some people are seriously mentally ill
It’s insane to go outside and see the opposite of what this losers talk about bro, this place is really a mental asylum
This forum has taken a toll on my mental health

But idk I'm addicted
Me too, and the fact is that i have a social life and job so my day is full of things to do.

But i just come here instead of going on insta when i have those 10 minutes of free time between work
I see so many blackpill exceptions irl it makes me question if we are all just deluding ourselves everyday but then some user posts ragebait and I get right back on track
Exactly, and coming from an OG like you makes even more sense.

These guys are deluded, they live in their failures and try to get other people to give up on life too so they don’t feel like they have been left behind.
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being gl is an advantage but blackpill is a meme irl obv. As long as you are nt low inhib and not giga under avg u will be fine looks are a bonus.
Being average is enough irl tbh you dont need to be gigachad like the autists here think
being giga below avg is a failo.
the fact is that you can’t max everything out, there’s some things that you cannot change.
And this incels come at you with that thing and make you obsessed over it for no reason, imagine going around telling people you are bloated and ate too much salt the day before…it’s a fucking mental illness jfl
  • +1
Reactions: triggr, mogstars, BootySniffer69 and 1 other person
It’s insane to go outside and see the opposite of what this losers talk about bro, this place is really a mental asylum

Me too, and the fact is that i have a social life and job so my day is full of things to do.

But i just come here instead of going on insta when i have those 10 minutes of free time between work

Exactly, and coming from an OG like you makes even more sense.

These guys are deluded, they live in their failures and try to get other people to give up on life too so they don’t feel like they have been left behind.
It's a blackpill forum full of bitter autistic social outcast incels who would always find negative shit to say even if something good happened to you
What did you expect
Don't get it twisted though blackpill still exist not to the extent some users here exaggerate to be like
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Reactions: Skywalker, m0ss26, latincell95 and 6 others
Just accept it's over and rot
  • JFL
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the fact is that you can’t max everything out, there’s some things that you cannot change.
And this incels come at you with that thing and make you obsessed over it for no reason, imagine going around telling people you are bloated and ate too much salt the day before…it’s a fucking mental illness jfl
inhib and NT is all that ACTUALLY matters btw im not even kidding. Without that people see you as a weirdo, while in my experience seeing outside ugly people have no problem getting partners or at least friends
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Reactions: deadmanwalking, latincell95, Deleted member 46727 and 2 others
Truth does not care about your feelings. :bigbrain:
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Reactions: Deleted member 42566 and Skywalker
Is too much imo.

The fact is that looks are only the tip of the iceberg, there’s the ethnic pill, dickpill, location pill, height pill, hair pill, body pill…

Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Idk if it’s me that i’m coping because this place rotted my brain so fucking much it doesn’t even make sense, but i believe it’s you pieces of shit that know how you will never amount to anything so you spend your time bringing down others.

The fact is that you autists think the goal and end of life comes with sex and that’s not true.

you think the only thing that matters is to be able to put your dick inside some dirty ugly whore that would give it away to anyone anyway.

or maybe “muh virgin stacy”, bro…be for fucking real. Even if you managed to take her virginity, what tells you she loves you or genuinely care for you? What tells you she doesn’t think she can get better in the back of her head?

See? and this the type of thing that cross your mind as a rotted autistic child.

Why not just live your fucking life and be happy and grateful for what you got you ugly piece of utter shit. Instead of spending your whole useless day in here insulting and gaslighting other literal children into suicide.

I really cannot deal with this deluded nonsense man, holy shit.

Some users are still sane after even years of being here, but hell…most of you need to take a deep look in the mirror and understand that bringing others down is unless and won’t affect your life in anyway.

I’m out bro
real but the virgin stacy part is true ascension not fucking ugly tinder bimbos
  • +1
Reactions: deadmanwalking
It’s insane to go outside and see the opposite of what this losers talk about bro, this place is really a mental asylum

Me too, and the fact is that i have a social life and job so my day is full of things to do.

But i just come here instead of going on insta when i have those 10 minutes of free time between work

Exactly, and coming from an OG like you makes even more sense.

These guys are deluded, they live in their failures and try to get other people to give up on life too so they don’t feel like they have been left behind.
mirin the mindset change.

i think we need to take a break from this forum, i have also noticed the negative impact this site has on my mental health and personal life.

we as humans tend to create our own idea of reality in our minds rather than see it as it is.

another problem is: most of us know what to improve in our lives and looks and sitting on org is actually counterproductive, rather than taking action we mentally masturbate and rot on here.
  • +1
Reactions: mogstars, Melly and PseudoMaxxer
Lots of water here

You can easily tell who is trolling and baiting and which shizos actually think this way

the latter are to be laughed at and ignored, theyre basement dwellers with no IRL experience

id advice you to not take anything someone posts serious in general, the standard is shitposting on this site

if you can handle the ragebait and like to shitpost, stay

if you cant, leave, youll ruin your life

this forum is a comedy show, a clown website, using it for something else is retarded

come laugh at the schizos with me
  • +1
Reactions: latincell95, Melly, Mainstream and 2 others
mirin the mindset change.

i think we need to take a break from this forum, i have also noticed the negative impact this site has on my mental health and personal life.

we as humans tend to create our own idea of reality in our minds rather than see it as it is.

another problem is: most of us know what to improve in our lives and looks and sitting on org is actually counterproductive, rather than taking action we mentally masturbate and rot on here.
fr bro, like you want to reach perfection but obviously is impossible.

Even i had an insane ascension but im nowhere near perfect yet and im working on it, but these fucking losers will bring you down and find new ways to make you feel bad about yourself every single day.

These deranged dalits will even tell you the dog pill is why you are incel, like wtf?

I’m gonna continue to ascend and become better but fuck i’m getting out of this shithole i put myself in, i’m just gonna take the information and move forward with my life.
  • JFL
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Reactions: bloomercel and polishcel
Lots of water here

You can easily tell who is trolling and baiting and which shizos actually think this way

the latter are to be laughed at and ignored, theyre basement dwellers with no IRL experience

id advice you to not take anything someone posts serious in general, the standard is shitposting on this site

if you can handle the ragebait and like to shitpost, stay

if you cant, leave, youll ruin your life

this forum is a comedy show, a clown website, using it for something else is retarded

come laugh at the schizos with me
yeah i came to this conclusion a couple days ago and that’s why i made this thread.

This fucking schizos made my brain rot to the point i was fucking a whore and i was analyzing her face and bone structure and i got soft because i couldn’t focus on the moment.

Fuck this schizos, this place is a fucking zoo with autistic monkey in it and i’m just gonna laugh at them from now on.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 42566, Deleted member 52404, latincell95 and 2 others
yeah i came to this conclusion a couple days ago and that’s why i made this thread.

This fucking schizos made my brain rot to the point i was fucking a whore and i was analyzing her face and bone structure and i got soft because i couldn’t focus on the moment.
brutal i cant have a conversation with someone without analyzing their ratios and bone structure, its literally impossible for me to ignore it

i hate when my brain makes me do this to people I love like family, makes me feel gigashit afterwards

rotting here definitely makes you a shitty person
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 42566, RichardSpencel, Melly and 2 others
I see so many blackpill exceptions irl it makes me question if we are all just deluding ourselves everyday but then some user posts ragebait and I get right back on track
I think its related to trauma , none of my friends have thta mog mentality except me and i knew it since childhood that my brain or needs are dofferent
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Reactions: mogstars, RichardSpencel, bluemcdonalds and 2 others
fr bro, like you want to reach perfection but obviously is impossible.

Even i had an insane ascension but im nowhere near perfect yet and im working on it, but these fucking losers will bring you down and find new ways to make you feel bad about yourself every single day.

These deranged dalits will even tell you the dog pill is why you are incel, like wtf?

I’m gonna continue to ascend and become better but fuck i’m getting out of this shithole i put myself in, i’m just gonna take the information and move forward with my life.
btw i bought a lipo gel you were interested in i will test it out after some time i'll tag or dm u
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  • Hmm...
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Reactions: bluemcdonalds and PseudoMaxxer
This forum is tragic and satirical. The blackpill is true to an extent, but the effects of overdosing on it are FAR more more detrimental to your life than being somewhat unattractive.

Blackpill iceberg
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Reactions: Big White Cuck, bluemcdonalds, PseudoMaxxer and 1 other person
The problem is you’re already decent looking from looksmaxxing and life is going well for you. So like blackpill works in your favour. There’s not much left but to quit this forum and live your life.
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Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and wsada
Everything is over over exaggerated here
  • +1
Reactions: Big White Cuck and PseudoMaxxer
It's definitely important to stay in touch with reality and normie society, this place may have some truths normies are too naive or bluepilled to understand but it's still a bubble and so subject to stuff like groupthink, confirmation bias, and ofc there's some really bad or mentally damaged people here that have very little irl experience. Like, people that will even reject actual published studies on female preferences as "bluepill cope" cause they're so ideologically invested in believing that things are as bad as possible and those studies are too optimistic for them. It's like the horse shoe theory, you think of the blue pill as rejecting reality and harsh truths cause they don't fit with your naive ignorant ideology, the black pill as being logical and tough enough to accept those truths, but then you develop such an extreme interpretation of that ideology that you end up rejecting truths cause they don't fit with it.

I'm 6'0 and yesterday I talked with two Dutch friends of mine (one also 6'0, the other one 6'3) about the height pill, how I'm worrying about height affecting my social or dating life there etc. and they were both baffled and shocked, the idea was completely foreign to them and they couldn't believe I'm worried about my height at 6'0. Is that them being blue pilled and ignorant of the height pill or just sane and closer to reality than the black pill? You need irl experience to be able to tell, combining the knowledge of both this place and normie reality.
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Reactions: Deleted member 58285, Deleted member 27066, ZaC and 3 others
Yeah I can't be on this site anymore. My brain is finished
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
the same women who constantly brag on social media about what salaries, heights and dick sizes they expect from men? Who openly talk about how they would love to be fucked by bad boys like Nate Jacobs and Meeks even if they know they're bad people? Those women?
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
the same women who constantly brag on social media about what salaries, heights and dick sizes they expect from men? Who openly talk about how they would love to be fucked by bad boys like Nate Jacobs and Meeks even if they know they're bad people? Those women?
Literally chronically online, do the same as orb, piss off to wherever they want you, if you feel so strongly about kys lol
  • JFL
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Reactions: RichardSpencel and PseudoMaxxer
So women will openly talk about their inflated and unreasonable preferences on social media, but will lie about them in studies? Why?
Yes. Social media is their meat market. They're there to get tall big dick thugs. Imagine going to the store and buying something you hate. That's what it would be like if they lied there.
Is too much imo.

The fact is that looks are only the tip of the iceberg, there’s the ethnic pill, dickpill, location pill, height pill, hair pill, body pill…

Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Idk if it’s me that i’m coping because this place rotted my brain so fucking much it doesn’t even make sense, but i believe it’s you pieces of shit that know how you will never amount to anything so you spend your time bringing down others.

The fact is that you autists think the goal and end of life comes with sex and that’s not true.

you think the only thing that matters is to be able to put your dick inside some dirty ugly whore that would give it away to anyone anyway.

or maybe “muh virgin stacy”, bro…be for fucking real. Even if you managed to take her virginity, what tells you she loves you or genuinely care for you? What tells you she doesn’t think she can get better in the back of her head?

See? and this the type of thing that cross your mind as a rotted autistic child.

Why not just live your fucking life and be happy and grateful for what you got you ugly piece of utter shit. Instead of spending your whole useless day in here insulting and gaslighting other literal children into suicide.

I really cannot deal with this deluded nonsense man, holy shit.

Some users are still sane after even years of being here, but hell…most of you need to take a deep look in the mirror and understand that bringing others down is unless and won’t affect your life in anyway.

I’m out bro
Change this forum to
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: deadmanwalking, bloomercel and PseudoMaxxer
No matter what happens outside, it's best regardless to cover all the aspects of redpill than worry about black when you have the power to change it. Or don't. It doesn't stop subhumans or whoever garbage from trying their luck, but they're just living for the moment, surviving. Instead of having a sense of direction and purpose.
  • +1
Reactions: kanderior, latincell95 and PseudoMaxxer
Is too much imo.

The fact is that looks are only the tip of the iceberg, there’s the ethnic pill, dickpill, location pill, height pill, hair pill, body pill…

Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Idk if it’s me that i’m coping because this place rotted my brain so fucking much it doesn’t even make sense, but i believe it’s you pieces of shit that know how you will never amount to anything so you spend your time bringing down others.

The fact is that you autists think the goal and end of life comes with sex and that’s not true.

you think the only thing that matters is to be able to put your dick inside some dirty ugly whore that would give it away to anyone anyway.

or maybe “muh virgin stacy”, bro…be for fucking real. Even if you managed to take her virginity, what tells you she loves you or genuinely care for you? What tells you she doesn’t think she can get better in the back of her head?

See? and this the type of thing that cross your mind as a rotted autistic child.

Why not just live your fucking life and be happy and grateful for what you got you ugly piece of utter shit. Instead of spending your whole useless day in here insulting and gaslighting other literal children into suicide.

I really cannot deal with this deluded nonsense man, holy shit.

Some users are still sane after even years of being here, but hell…most of you need to take a deep look in the mirror and understand that bringing others down is unless and won’t affect your life in anyway.

I’m out bro
its truth, i even ask myself who am i listening to, its pretty much losers
  • +1
Reactions: kanderior and PseudoMaxxer
mirin the mindset change.

i think we need to take a break from this forum, i have also noticed the negative impact this site has on my mental health and personal life.

we as humans tend to create our own idea of reality in our minds rather than see it as it is.

another problem is: most of us know what to improve in our lives and looks and sitting on org is actually counterproductive, rather than taking action we mentally masturbate and rot on here.
exactly dude, i have thought about taking break but i always come back
  • +1
Reactions: polishcel and PseudoMaxxer
Like it’s a never ending cycle of fucking dispair, and the fact is that if any of you meet a real life chad you will ALWAYS find a way to tell him that it’s over:

You’re 6’1 instead of 6’4? over.
You’re 6x4.5 instead of 8x6? over.
Your eyes are A30 instead of A10? over.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Correct version of blackpill:
  • You’re 5'6" instead of 5'10"? over.
  • You’re 4.5x4.5 instead of 6.5x5.5? over.
  • Your eyes are T50 instead of D10? over.
  • Your midface ratio is 0.82 instead of 1.0? over.
  • Your IPD is 55 mm instead of 65 mm? over.
All of the above are true for me.
  • +1
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: RichardSpencel, Big White Cuck, latincell95 and 1 other person
i feel like most of us tend to forget that everyone is unique tbh. the only bluepilled saying that i agree with
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  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer

once you are in you can never leave
  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte, RichardSpencel and PseudoMaxxer
there's no way that all these niggas care about is looks and female attraction like there's more to life than sex unironically
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Reactions: Deleted member 46727, Acridax and PseudoMaxxer
Truth does not care about your feelings. :bigbrain:
You don’t know the truth you don’t go outside and you definitely don’t interact with others jfl
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit and PseudoMaxxer
This forum is tragic and satirical. The blackpill is true to an extent, but the effects of overdosing on it are FAR more more detrimental to your life than being somewhat unattractive.

View attachment 2665742
Fuck me im too deep into that shit its never began PLS
You don’t know the truth you don’t go outside and you definitely don’t interact with others jfl
Me or you buddy boyo? :lul: :lul::feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
a lot of blackpill posts are extremely detached from reality and people who post them are eiither trolling or legit never left ther basment. a 6psl, 6' guy is not gonna be an incel no matter where he is from. simple as that
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel and PseudoMaxxer
i might just leave after a year here, all the goddamn autists talking how i will get mogged at parties and shit never happened, all the things discussed here that it works like this irl never works like that
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Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Too much text, try grammarly next time
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