Here's why too high/super high androgens or testosterone is cope AF


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
Not saying low T is good but too many idiots here just push for every fucking guy to be jumping on insanely exogenous/supraphysiological hormones as if just simply changing one hormone changes every entire aspect surrounding your whole existence JFL copers (I've used hormones myself btw inb4 someone says I'm a low T bitch as I've experimented with shit & can confidently say it's cope for self-aware and/or uglier dudes)

Some guys may benefit from it, but all certainly won't for a few reasons:

1. The guys who benefit well from super high T are lower IQ -- a high IQ, sperg-tier intellect guy will never feel that good with high T unless he sacrifices his IQ for it. You cannot be a big, burly monster of muscle while also being a big intellectual ... It's not logical at all and anybody who isn't stupid can realize this.

2. High T doesn't fit the personality/structure of every dude -- some guys do better normal T, slightly high T, but not gigahigh exogenous T year-round just for the sake of it/for no specific purpose

3. Some guys can have health issues due to aromatization EVEN WITH ESTROGEN BLOCKERS/AROMASIN/ETC. so some guys would harm themselves going high on gear. This is not cope, too many idiots just believe any guy can permablast insane roids and be 100% perfect just cuz muh estrogen blocking, lol morons

4. Not every guy is gonna turn his life around/find a solution to his suffering with muh high T. Sure, some guys might be not every guy will reach some sort of epiphany in his life just because he has high androgens, a sizeable portion of dudes will just get angry, go to prison and spend heir lives in turmoil

5. Taking steroids doesn't fix past abuse nor fix longstanding health problems of all sorts -- so it's like a mental bandaid. It doesn't erase your failures, your insecurities always, it's just sometimes a heavy aid kit to ride along but never necessarily fixes your innate, past problems & traumas, just somtimes deludes u

6. Steroids don't benefit every guy in all circumstances. Sometimes you start roiding and it digs you a deeper hole, everything isn't always about rash decisions sometimes your problem is you need to find a better place in life before considering blasting gear, else you're just on a deathwish/self destructive

7. You'll never compare to a naturally high T/healthier raised guy with the growth/years of development he had. You cannot replicate a great upbringing with just one hormone, that's retarded. So you will never be the type of man you think you will be mentally if you didn't grow up with the right father, environment, etc. It's BS. Testosterone won't replace a good father, parenting, environment, good quality life/looks, etc. You're deluded

8. Testosterone won't make you rich or successful -- in fact most high T, manual labor workers/blue collar guys are the poorest in life, while lower T, faggy men like Gates, Musk, Bezos, etc. are the richest in the world. How does it feel knowing you're injecting tons of exogenous hormones you feel improve your life/make you more "mascmaxxed" when the richest men/elites of the world are low T faggots who probably have hypogonadism?

9. High T men simp harder than low T, you just ignore that. Muh "high T men get pussy handed to them" cope when lots of niggers are higher T and simp harder than any man. They are unironically so high T they start acting low T, desperate for a whiff of pussy, pandering to women, pedestalizing them, etc. Also many high T guys love cars, call their cars their "women" and develop weird quirks. All in all the high T physiology isn't all just goods, there are drawbacks -- simping for chicks, desperate for pussy, obsession with lower intellect tools, stuck in right-wing/conservative views, etc. In some ways lower T is good -- it balances out extremes so if every nigga just blasts like a retard roidmonkey everything falls apart. TL;DR high T doesn't only have pros, but cons

10. The insistence and attitude of high T men doesn't bode well for some things. If you're not a man who can handle that physiology by nature, what moron assumes any guy will just take on said physiological state with gusto/aid? Some guys try gear and really fuck themselves up even with safety measures in place simply because it's not in the cards for every walking nigga with a dick and balls to have 3,000+ ng/dl, plus it's not natural and in no way, shape or form sustainable or beneficial in the long term either. Too many niggas who talk so high of roids are not even 30+ yet and are fuckin' kids lol you will get a reality check soon when you're worn, old and ugly as shit looking at 35+ assuming you aren't ugly and worn to begin wtih & coping that. DAMN. HARD. LOL
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  • JFL
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didnt read
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I blasted tren, slayed, got a lifetime of repented anger out of my system and realized I had to change or I'd end up a complete psycho
I then returned to shitty natty T levels and developed a clear mind and stopped doing absolutely anything in the name of slaying new pussy as I had been doing before
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  • JFL
Reactions: alriodai, TrestIsBest and Deleted member 20704
Anybody reading what you post can quite clearly see how much of a faggot you are, you are a meek low form of human. What is the talk of 'muh IQ' as if you are an intellectual, talking of logical sense and intellectual narcissism yet you have no academic accomplishments. Neurotic nerds have meddeling intelligence, there is no true form of intelligence. What about mishima, junger, BAP, ancient greeks, nietzsche, schopenhaur, etc?

>Any smart person with muh logic can understand you can't embody virtue through the body and be smart!!
you're so far gone it's laughable, if you looked at many ancient cultures (greeks, japanese, etc.) you'd see the necessity of blood and ink.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Dystopian, szolliontaraelis, alriodai and 3 others
Ignored. Irrelevant. @decadouche57
  • JFL
  • +1
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I blasted tren, slayed, got a lifetime of repented anger out of my system and realized I had to change or I'd end up a complete psycho
I then returned to shitty natty T levels and developed a clear mind and stopped doing absolutely anything in the name of slaying new pussy as I had been doing before

If you had to "do anything" to get laid you were never truly Chad/desirable to begin with so it is cope

Chad or death, roids are a false sense of security that acts as a wrench in the natural process of looks

Plus you're 6'4" faggot stop pretending roids do all of the work

Would you have slayed at 5'4" on tren? Fuck no. Too many roiders have good bases, you never hear of the 5'2" balding Indian janitor nigga becoming a pussygetter when he blasts tren so stop overvaluing it

And slaying is overrated anyways you realize you are fucking whores and nasty bitches 99% while needing to be a fucking lab experiment cocktail of drugs.

6'4" is your blessing and normie face, roids were just your drive

And if you didn't reproduce spawn then the slaying was worthless as the poont og fucking girls is to impregnate and pass on your genes, not bang drunk and retarded sub 5 sloots like this is a badge of honor past the first few

The problem is too many guys on roids become deluded nuts and lose focus on reality and sense
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  • JFL
Reactions: alriodai
Anybody reading what you post can quite clearly see how much of a faggot you are, you are a meek low form of human. What is the talk of 'muh IQ' as if you are an intellectual, talking of logical sense and intellectual narcissism yet you have no academic accomplishments. Neurotic nerds have meddeling intelligence, there is no true form of intelligence. What about mishima, junger, BAP, ancient greeks, nietzsche, schopenhaur, etc?

>Any smart person with muh logic can understand you can't embody virtue through the body and be smart!!
you're so far gone it's laughable, if you looked at many ancient cultures (greeks, japanese, etc.) you'd see the necessity of blood and ink.

Niggas now thinking roids make them higher forms of life and beings wtf

Delusion off the fuggin charts here, niggers.

If you roiding niggas are higher forms of life then go to Mars or something and go fuck each other's butts dere

Leave the human men here to fuck the jbs instead and advance civilization
Coming from a natty all of these are COPE except number 9. You obv sound jealous as fuk

The biggest and only reason to stay natty is rapid AGING. And that’s the only reason period

There are also ways to not age with sarms and estrogen(I might give my natty card for this soon) but you’ll feel like shit from being suppressed and on exogenous estrogen. But there is ways

Also depends what you do on how if it’s rapid aging(dtren) or just slightly increased aging
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Reactions: GigaAscender and Deleted member 20704
Coming from a natty all of these are COPE except number 9. You obv sound jealous as fuk

The biggest and only reason to stay natty is rapid AGING. And that’s the only reason period

There are also ways to not age with sarms and estrogen(I might give my natty card for this soon) but you’ll feel like shit from being suppressed and on exogenous estrogen. But there is ways

Also depends what you do on how if it’s rapid aging(dtren) or just slightly increased aging

True I am mad because test fucked me up earlier this year

But I don't worry since I will get more girls natty anyways

And I will actually have kids and be a father

Not some nasty thotslaying roidcel but impregnating jbs and roasties alike

My sperm will be the gift to the world, not muh slaying bullshit copes.

I will have at least 5 baby mamas as a natty, mark my words
I blasted tren, slayed, got a lifetime of repented anger out of my system and realized I had to change or I'd end up a complete psycho
I then returned to shitty natty T levels and developed a clear mind and stopped doing absolutely anything in the name of slaying new pussy as I had been doing before
Any hair loss from tren?
True I am mad because test fucked me up earlier this year

But I don't worry since I will get more girls natty anyways

And I will actually have kids and be a father

Not some nasty thotslaying roidcel but impregnating jbs and roasties alike

My sperm will be the gift to the world, not muh slaying bullshit copes.

I will have at least 5 baby mamas as a natty, mark my words
Nattys are like peasants and AAS users are like kings
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20704
so have you tried testosterone?
Whats your
Not saying low T is good but too many idiots here just push for every fucking guy to be jumping on insanely exogenous/supraphysiological hormones as if just simply changing one hormone changes every entire aspect surrounding your whole existence JFL copers (I've used hormones myself btw inb4 someone says I'm a low T bitch as I've experimented with shit & can confidently say it's cope for self-aware and/or uglier dudes)

Some guys may benefit from it, but all certainly won't for a few reasons:

1. The guys who benefit well from super high T are lower IQ -- a high IQ, sperg-tier intellect guy will never feel that good with high T unless he sacrifices his IQ for it. You cannot be a big, burly monster of muscle while also being a big intellectual ... It's not logical at all and anybody who isn't stupid can realize this.

2. High T doesn't fit the personality/structure of every dude -- some guys do better normal T, slightly high T, but not gigahigh exogenous T year-round just for the sake of it/for no specific purpose

3. Some guys can have health issues due to aromatization EVEN WITH ESTROGEN BLOCKERS/AROMASIN/ETC. so some guys would harm themselves going high on gear. This is not cope, too many idiots just believe any guy can permablast insane roids and be 100% perfect just cuz muh estrogen blocking, lol morons

4. Not every guy is gonna turn his life around/find a solution to his suffering with muh high T. Sure, some guys might be not every guy will reach some sort of epiphany in his life just because he has high androgens, a sizeable portion of dudes will just get angry, go to prison and spend heir lives in turmoil

5. Taking steroids doesn't fix past abuse nor fix longstanding health problems of all sorts -- so it's like a mental bandaid. It doesn't erase your failures, your insecurities always, it's just sometimes a heavy aid kit to ride along but never necessarily fixes your innate, past problems & traumas, just somtimes deludes u

6. Steroids don't benefit every guy in all circumstances. Sometimes you start roiding and it digs you a deeper hole, everything isn't always about rash decisions sometimes your problem is you need to find a better place in life before considering blasting gear, else you're just on a deathwish/self destructive

7. You'll never compare to a naturally high T/healthier raised guy with the growth/years of development he had. You cannot replicate a great upbringing with just one hormone, that's retarded. So you will never be the type of man you think you will be mentally if you didn't grow up with the right father, environment, etc. It's BS. Testosterone won't replace a good father, parenting, environment, good quality life/looks, etc. You're deluded

8. Testosterone won't make you rich or successful -- in fact most high T, manual labor workers/blue collar guys are the poorest in life, while lower T, faggy men like Gates, Musk, Bezos, etc. are the richest in the world. How does it feel knowing you're injecting tons of exogenous hormones you feel improve your life/make you more "mascmaxxed" when the richest men/elites of the world are low T faggots who probably have hypogonadism?

9. High T men simp harder than low T, you just ignore that. Muh "high T men get pussy handed to them" cope when lots of niggers are higher T and simp harder than any man. They are unironically so high T they start acting low T, desperate for a whiff of pussy, pandering to women, pedestalizing them, etc. Also many high T guys love cars, call their cars their "women" and develop weird quirks. All in all the high T physiology isn't all just goods, there are drawbacks -- simping for chicks, desperate for pussy, obsession with lower intellect tools, stuck in right-wing/conservative views, etc. In some ways lower T is good -- it balances out extremes so if every nigga just blasts like a retard roidmonkey everything falls apart. TL;DR high T doesn't only have pros, but cons

10. The insistence and attitude of high T men doesn't bode well for some things. If you're not a man who can handle that physiology by nature, what moron assumes any guy will just take on said physiological state with gusto/aid? Some guys try gear and really fuck themselves up even with safety measures in place simply because it's not in the cards for every walking nigga with a dick and balls to have 3,000+ ng/dl, plus it's not natural and in no way, shape or form sustainable or beneficial in the long term either. Too many niggas who talk so high of roids are not even 30+ yet and are fuckin' kids lol you will get a reality check soon when you're worn, old and ugly as shit looking at 35+ assuming you aren't ugly and worn to begin wtih & coping that. DAMN. HARD. LOL
Whats typ3 of Intellectuallism U dumbass? You seriously thought any type of muh "higher education" academics have any worth in Cosmos? Either living all animalistic or being a master at Physics, Mathemathics,Philosophy? Dont see a difference if you are happy whats the matter?

Even tho lets say u choose academic fields being hight T would only benefit you with better cognitive performance and much sharper clearer mind.
Roids worked for me the only issue is ball shrinkage it shrank my nuts too much lol.

Otherwise everything else was good but it messed up my nuts that's for sure. Also you can't tell anyone about roids either they will rat you out if you used to be ugly.

Just my 2 cents
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Reactions: GigaAscender
Highest T member on looksmax
Ok I'll tell you guys the truth. Roids will help from 18-25 after that it's just cope after 25 girls care about status and money and they prefer lean guys not bodybuilding monsters.
This dudes trynna gate keep lol
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Reactions: Deleted member 20704, Deleted member 22126 and 6ft4
What has IQ got to do with anything?
Terrible thread
11. No testosterone for your long face
Any hair loss from tren?
Yeah I noticed loss of hair on the hairline when I ran 280mg tren Ace, 210mg test prop and 140mg superdrol per week
I dropped down to just cruise dose test when I noticed this
Months later I came off completely and the hairline restored itself
Retarded users like you are the worst tbh

Steroids+HCG+HGH+brainmaxxing=peak human
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Reactions: chawaje, Dystopian and Deleted member 2268
Let me guess, your surname ends on “berg” or “stein”
Niggas now thinking roids make them higher forms of life and beings wtf

Delusion off the fuggin charts here, niggers.

If you roiding niggas are higher forms of life then go to Mars or something and go fuck each other's butts dere

Leave the human men here to fuck the jbs instead and advance civilization
Address the points and authors provided, historical examples, etc.

This reply isn't very 'logical' of you or emotionally rational, is it?
Not saying low T is good but too many idiots here just push for every fucking guy to be jumping on insanely exogenous/supraphysiological hormones as if just simply changing one hormone changes every entire aspect surrounding your whole existence JFL copers (I've used hormones myself btw inb4 someone says I'm a low T bitch as I've experimented with shit & can confidently say it's cope for self-aware and/or uglier dudes)

Some guys may benefit from it, but all certainly won't for a few reasons:

1. The guys who benefit well from super high T are lower IQ -- a high IQ, sperg-tier intellect guy will never feel that good with high T unless he sacrifices his IQ for it. You cannot be a big, burly monster of muscle while also being a big intellectual ... It's not logical at all and anybody who isn't stupid can realize this.

2. High T doesn't fit the personality/structure of every dude -- some guys do better normal T, slightly high T, but not gigahigh exogenous T year-round just for the sake of it/for no specific purpose

3. Some guys can have health issues due to aromatization EVEN WITH ESTROGEN BLOCKERS/AROMASIN/ETC. so some guys would harm themselves going high on gear. This is not cope, too many idiots just believe any guy can permablast insane roids and be 100% perfect just cuz muh estrogen blocking, lol morons

4. Not every guy is gonna turn his life around/find a solution to his suffering with muh high T. Sure, some guys might be not every guy will reach some sort of epiphany in his life just because he has high androgens, a sizeable portion of dudes will just get angry, go to prison and spend heir lives in turmoil

5. Taking steroids doesn't fix past abuse nor fix longstanding health problems of all sorts -- so it's like a mental bandaid. It doesn't erase your failures, your insecurities always, it's just sometimes a heavy aid kit to ride along but never necessarily fixes your innate, past problems & traumas, just somtimes deludes u

6. Steroids don't benefit every guy in all circumstances. Sometimes you start roiding and it digs you a deeper hole, everything isn't always about rash decisions sometimes your problem is you need to find a better place in life before considering blasting gear, else you're just on a deathwish/self destructive

7. You'll never compare to a naturally high T/healthier raised guy with the growth/years of development he had. You cannot replicate a great upbringing with just one hormone, that's retarded. So you will never be the type of man you think you will be mentally if you didn't grow up with the right father, environment, etc. It's BS. Testosterone won't replace a good father, parenting, environment, good quality life/looks, etc. You're deluded

8. Testosterone won't make you rich or successful -- in fact most high T, manual labor workers/blue collar guys are the poorest in life, while lower T, faggy men like Gates, Musk, Bezos, etc. are the richest in the world. How does it feel knowing you're injecting tons of exogenous hormones you feel improve your life/make you more "mascmaxxed" when the richest men/elites of the world are low T faggots who probably have hypogonadism?

9. High T men simp harder than low T, you just ignore that. Muh "high T men get pussy handed to them" cope when lots of niggers are higher T and simp harder than any man. They are unironically so high T they start acting low T, desperate for a whiff of pussy, pandering to women, pedestalizing them, etc. Also many high T guys love cars, call their cars their "women" and develop weird quirks. All in all the high T physiology isn't all just goods, there are drawbacks -- simping for chicks, desperate for pussy, obsession with lower intellect tools, stuck in right-wing/conservative views, etc. In some ways lower T is good -- it balances out extremes so if every nigga just blasts like a retard roidmonkey everything falls apart. TL;DR high T doesn't only have pros, but cons

10. The insistence and attitude of high T men doesn't bode well for some things. If you're not a man who can handle that physiology by nature, what moron assumes any guy will just take on said physiological state with gusto/aid? Some guys try gear and really fuck themselves up even with safety measures in place simply because it's not in the cards for every walking nigga with a dick and balls to have 3,000+ ng/dl, plus it's not natural and in no way, shape or form sustainable or beneficial in the long term either. Too many niggas who talk so high of roids are not even 30+ yet and are fuckin' kids lol you will get a reality check soon when you're worn, old and ugly as shit looking at 35+ assuming you aren't ugly and worn to begin wtih & coping that. DAMN. HARD. LOL
I'm an intellectual and High T: I do think it's possible but you have to be natural and designed by God to be this way...

The problem is that, like you said, injecting steroids is unnatural and will mess with your biochemistry aka personality...

I do feel dumber when I'm higher T than usual tho.

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