HGH for Skull growth??


Deleted member 1588

Apr 25, 2019
Hi guys i have decided i cannot cope anymore with my small skull it is barely 22 inches when i am bald(I just got a fully bald haircut to measure it accurately Jfl i am fucked in the head)..I am 5.8"ft tall and i am barely 21.88 when i press the tape measure into my skull as hard as i can, honestly how tight should i measure becuase i maesure so hard and tight that i got a mark on forehead off the inchtape being pressed so tightly..
Fuck fuck fuck i cannot cope anymore please can amyone give me a guide on HGH usage i have nothing to lose money is not an issue..
My mind is fucked i measure my head every hour please help on how to use HGH i am begging you..😔😔
I'm also a peanut head :forcedsmile:
I'm also a peanut head :forcedsmile:
Can you believe i got fully bald just to masrue my head and i am fucked now tbh and my head has marks of being measured so tightly tbh ngl
Have you tried skull smashing
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Im 6'5 and have a small skull. You cant fix it boy.
Im 6'5 and have a small skull. You cant fix it boy.
What is your circumference brah?
Also girls have liked me in the past and i am going on a date with a new girl this sunday but i only go for shorter girls 5.2 and so so that i skull and height mog them..
But i feel so sad and depressed that if my skull would have been bigger i would have been more attractive tbh ngl
What is your circumference brah?
Also girls have liked me in the past and i am going on a date with a new girl this sunday but i only go for shorter girls 5.2 and so so that i skull and height mog them..
But i feel so sad and depressed that if my skull would have been bigger i would have been more attractive tbh ngl
22.8-23 inches circumference and 7.3 inches in height. I just need 1 inch height and half inch circumference to look somewhat proportional.
Right now im going to heroic proportionsmax
Cover it up with hair
Cover it up with hair
Yeah this is what i have always done tbh ngl and my skull looks small in group pictures just slightly smaller than other guys and no one has commented or noticed it till now
I look like an incel version of Tyler1 when bald and with my skull being too small
I look like an incel version of Tyler1 when bald and with my skull being too small
Tbh long and thick hair theory is very legit for small skullcels like us i look retarted with short hair and quite decent with long and thick hair..
Circumference doesn't mean shit, it's about splanchnocranium.

How wide are your zygos? How tall is your chin? Facial height? Eye distance?

It's about how big your face is, and from what I have seen irl there is only a very mild corelation between neurocranium size and splanchnocranium size
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Honestly ask your doctor
Circumference doesn't mean shit, it's about splanchnocranium.

How wide are your zygos? How tall is your chin? Facial height? Eye distance?

It's about how big your face is, and from what I have seen irl there is only a very mild corelation between neurocranium size and splanchnocranium size
My face length from hairline ti chin 7.6 inches but i do not know how to.measure width or zygos and yeah i know i have a small head but i am a manlet so it does not look too small on my body brah..
Its just sad something like height or skull size which is not in your control can fuck you up so bad tbh ngl.
And frame is also in that regard but tbh u can improve your frame by gymcelling but a small skull has no solution
Honestly ask your doctor
I am 21 and my doctor wont do shit in this third world shithole and he will say its fine its all in my head blah blah i look like a teenager due to my skull that is all and jbs seem to be interested in me but i do not want to go jail so i know i am fucked

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