Hgh injections or Mk-667 for heightmaxxing.



Sep 14, 2022
Got my growth plates scanned, their still open (lifefuel) but i probably only have max 1 year to heightmaxx.

Which is more worth? Hgh injections or Mk-667 and other peptides. Obviously injections are better but exp af but i can afford it.

Thing is im probably gonna get like max 2 inches extra so idk if its worth spending so much on something im not 100% sure it'll work.

This will be coupled with aromatase inhibitors and other shit (prolly cope), so pls give me advice. Also the hgh imma get it at a legit place not some chinese scam
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How old are u?
17. Gotta try all copes asap since plates are still open
If ur a late bloomer they might not close until ur 19 if ur lucky but u better run motherfucker since this is the last amount of time to heightmax
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ipam + mod grf 129

cheapest, safest, non suppressive and most convenient way of raising IGF-1 levels

feel free to dm, I'm injecting
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hghmaxxxxxxxx with chinese hgh, 80 bucks for 150 ius
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ipam + mod grf 129

cheapest, safest, non suppressive and most convenient way of raising IGF-1 levels
don't you have to pin that a few times a day?
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don't you have to pin that a few times a day?
you can pin in the morning, or both in the morning and in the evening, or even 3 times, but pinning mid day seems like a hassle since you have to pin on empty stomach
If ur a late bloomer they might not close until ur 19 if ur lucky but u better run motherfucker since this is the last amount of time to heightmax
He isn't a late bloomer. His scan already said that he will be done growing soon.
17. Gotta try all copes asap since plates are still open
Take Arimidex or Aromasin. These will give you about one-two more year of open growth plates. Also lose body fat.

Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor that suppresses estrogen to undetectable levels. Estrogen is what causes growth plates to close. Reduction of estrogen and less body fat near joints with growth plates extend height window. An aromatase inhibitor would be the cheapest way to get taller in your case.
HGH and MK677 will only bring you to your maximum height faster, while Aromatase inhibitors allow you to grow taller than what you're genetically capable of. However, you have to be constantly on Aromatase inhibitors because once you hop off, estrogen returns to its normal state, and even having normal-low estrogen levels will cause growth plates to close.
You can use HGH/MK677 alongside Aromatase Inhibotrs for pretty good results, but I think there's a possibility that GH ages growth plates faster ( I don't really know).

Take 1mg of non-bunk Arimidex 3x a week and slowly increase to a maximum of Arimidex 5x a week, as Arimidex has a life of 2 days, you don't have to use it 7x a week. Don't stop using it until you feel like you've achieved the results you want and get blood tests to make sure your estrogen is low.

There's already an aromasin guide in this forum, just watch out if male-pattern baldness in your family, cause Aromasin is a steroid.
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Got my growth plates scanned, their still open (lifefuel) but i probably only have max 1 year to heightmaxx.

Which is more worth? Hgh injections or Mk-667 and other peptides. Obviously injections are better but exp af but i can afford it.

Thing is im probably gonna get like max 2 inches extra so idk if its worth spending so much on something im not 100% sure it'll work.

This will be coupled with aromatase inhibitors and other shit (prolly cope), so pls give me advice. Also the hgh imma get it at a legit place not some chinese scam
Aromatase inhibitors and HGH aren't cope, but people are misguided and expect too much. For example, people who complain about not getting results from HGH in 6-12 months are stupid since it takes multiple years for a child to grow off of growth hormones. Secondly, people will not suppress their estrogen enough and are shocked when they make no progress. I:e, taking Aromasin, a weaker Aromatase inhibitor that is commonly bunked, and not combing it with lower body fat percentage and non-estrogenic life style choices.
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HGH if you're rich and MK-667 otherwise. Human Growth Hormone won't work if you don't take a big dose for enough time.
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Aromatase inhibitors and HGH aren't cope, but people are misguided and expect too much. For example, people who complain about not getting results from HGH in 6-12 months are stupid since it takes multiple years for a child to grow off of growth hormones. Secondly, people will not suppress their estrogen enough and are shocked when they make no progress. I:e, taking Aromasin, a weaker Aromatase inhibitor that is commonly bunked, and not combing it with lower body fat percentage and non-estrogenic life style choices.
FUCK YES knowledgeable ass user im on that exact stack ATM and ive grown 4 inches and skull has grown twice as big dick got 2 inches bigger fingers frew from 5 to 9 inches shoe size went from 10 to 12 these peptides are a fucking LIFE CHANGER!
ipam + mod grf 129

cheapest, safest, non suppressive and most convenient way of raising IGF-1 levels

feel free to dm, I'm injecting
do you use also anything else with that? how much iu GH can i get from that if im injecting that 3 times a day 100mcg every one of them?

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