HGH, stacks and procedures for SIZE.



Soy todo lo que es bueno en este mundo
Jun 19, 2023
Im 17 almost 18 and I cant complain, I got good general genetics, height, frame, etc, but (venting warning, so you can skip this): still EVEN after my fucking retarded parents made my childhood a REAL living hell (Untreated health, hormonal conditions, jaw dislocation, allergies, EXTREME stress, toxic envieroment, etc) i got lucky for the grace of god, and slightly before I was about to become an incel forever, I started to implement good habits and meds, so the reason that I'm still here its because my fucking face bones.
I have improved, but i still suffer from like fucking almost NO zygos, no ramus, weird ass eye area bones, and im not going to talk about my palate, BUT somehow ended up with a great harmony, its just the lack of calcium mass cucks me by far, (my family has good features even my little sister) and i know I have potential because i look completely DIFFERENT when i morph myself with a 1 mm extra of solid milk on my features, and I know im not the only one here.

But if it only was just that... because my wrists skull and cock size were compromised, you see, the last one its not small, but its like it stunted before time, even now its about 6.5"-7" but its fucking random head proportions makes it look like a smashed soda can and its not even that thick.

But now, what solutions can we find?
Well, aside for surgeries, if you wanted to increase it all, I wanted to know if or what hormones, peptides, excersises or any chemical shit that can make a difference at this age, as far as I know, some people say its cope, others state that HGH, for example, can be a huge mistake because you cant control what is going to grow, and I dont want to save for another rhinoplasty, still theres some doubt about frame, hands, wrist and skull because they dont fuse too fast, and there are reported cases of bodybuilders who completely changed their bone structure and they did it when they were old, but sadly it seems like its just result of DECADES of risking and dancing with the death. same happens with cock excersises, like Kegel and all that, honestly for me it sounds like bullshit, cause there arent honest awnsers for that.

If that is not a possibility, what about some knifework?
Im going to get MSE and MSDO, then (or before) some implants, issue is that, theres so little info about them, and you end up with analysis paralisis, so you dont really know what are the risks, which material is the best, not only that, what about other surgeries if they exist, are there for height or frame, even face, and how recommended they are, etc.

I want to open a brainstorm and maybe provide solutions for some other fags that could be in the same boat as me. Im going to be updating about my case (improvements, procedures) in the future.

didnt read GIF
  • JFL
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MSE and MSDO will probably make you look worse
I have a narrow palate, im a real case of someone that needs it and not a retard that just wants to because muh health or teeth
Regardless, it has negative effects on the soft tissue of your midface
If your problem is narrow smile just get surgery
no, the problem with most of the mse cases is that usually the people that perform them doesnt take their features in mind, when you expand the maxilla you also expand the zygos (something i really lack) because both are the midface, bad results are often normal people that get gorilla look due to expanding too much. Also wym with soft tissue of the midface
You got no idea what ur talking about bro believe me I went down the MSE pipeline
Yeah i got my doubts, i also need it for health (speaking, etc), but what attracted me the most is the fact that it can accentuate zygos and chin (msdo) it looks like a nice deal, if it wasnt that most of the cases are just ogremaxxing procedures, do you recommend something, or i should go straight up to implants.
It cannot. It barely does anything to the zygos

No jfl.

What do you need?
As i said im kinda boneless, mainly zygos, ramus, chin width, and undereye support, the rest of my face its almost perfect, just slightly recessed
Yea just slap some implants / small osteotomies in that bitch
implants look like a better bet, do you recommend chin wings implants or osteo for zygos? you got any idea if there are other ways to expand maxilla just a little?
Chin filler and an orbital implant.
fillers are shit, about infraorbital implants heard they are really agresive, are there other options to reduce lower eye exposure?
fillers are shit, about infraorbital implants heard they are really agresive, are there other options to reduce lower eye exposure?
You could try coping with vollufoline or other research substances.

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