High IQ - i fugured it out UFO propulsion



Jun 8, 2019
Listen up boyos this is how aliens travel to the stars they use two engines

1) they eliminate the Higgs field. The Higgs field causes particles to acquire mass. If you eliminate this reaching the speed of light becomes a piece of cake. Then they use their antigravity drive to travel within the solar system at lightspeed or sublightspeed

2) outside the solar system- their are routes that are mapped out where FTL can be used. The FTL engine runs on dark matter or negative matter. Matter that works instead of attracting things it the opposite it’s repulses and pull things apart.

seti instead of larping around with radio signals should find a way to look for FTL signature once we find a particle that can travel faster then the speed of light this can be used to look across space for FTL signatures.
Wouldn't it be better to focus research on the wormhole method instead of FTL?
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Ok Gandy
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  • JFL
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Wouldn't it be better to focus research on the wormhole method instead of FTL?
No because worm wholes aren’t being used my ET they require such a huge energy output we would have them by now.
No because worm wholes aren’t being used my ET they require such a huge energy output we would have them by now. FTL is the only way possible for aliens to travel around interstellar space. I bet as some as we find evidence that some matter of particles can travel FTL we can use it look for evidence in space of this. Kind of like gravitational lensing
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Nice observation. What was the alien's psl rating? 11?
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Humans would rate them PSL 2. They would probably rate us the same
So are the goodlooking aliens just bait for semen collection?
So are the goodlooking aliens just bait for semen collection?
They look so different then us we wouldn’t consider them GL. JFL if you think they care about primitive looks
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They look so different then us we wouldn’t consider them GL. JFL if you think they care about primitive looks
Blue pill aliens.
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wormholes are easier
wormholes are easier
It’s harder because they are more unstable and the fact we haven’t found a single shred of evidence of them I believe they don’t exist. There only one black hole that could be worn whole ands that supper massive black hole in the middle of the galaxy. You have keep in mind aliens if they visiting now or in the past are millions of years more adv then us
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  • Hmm...
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  • WTF
  • JFL
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Element 115
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It’s harder because they are more unstable and the fact we haven’t found a single shred of evidence of them I believe they don’t exist. There only one black hole that could be worn whole ands that supper massive black hole in the middle of the galaxy. You have keep in mind aliens if they visiting now or in the past are millions of years more adv then us
You need dark matter/negative mass to keep them open and youre telling me that aliens have harnessed it and built an engine out of it jfl. Plus how do they eliminate the higgs in every single particle on their ship because if even one single particle still has the higgs, its going to become infinitely massive and destroy the ship.
You need dark matter/negative mass to keep them open and youre telling me that aliens have harnessed it and built an engine out of it jfl. Plus how do they eliminate the higgs in every single particle on their ship because if even one single particle still has the higgs, its going to become infinitely massive and destroy the ship.
By turning it off. If you reverse the effect of the Higgs boson you can get the craft weightless. Dark matter already exists , Migueal Alcuberrie drive says that you can use negative matter to bend space towards you and expand behind thus creating FTL.
keep larping retard

space isnt real
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jfl at this @reptiles alt
1) it's very hard to travel through the speed of light and will have a lot of effects on the body of the ET

2) I don't have much info on dark matter
It’s harder because they are more unstable and the fact we haven’t found a single shred of evidence of them I believe they don’t exist. There only one black hole that could be worn whole ands that supper massive black hole in the middle of the galaxy. You have keep in mind aliens if they visiting now or in the past are millions of years more adv then us
this 100%, if we went back in time 300 years people would think we were magic, now imagine a species that gained sentience (or the closest alien thing to it) a billion years before us
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When I was 12 I had life figured out. I would save a million or two dollars then live off the interest.
aliens aren’t real
  • WTF
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Do you study science? you are indian so i wouldn’t be surprised, u smart little curry ;)
  • JFL
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Do you study science? you are indian so i wouldn’t be surprised, u smart little curry ;)
Yeah, my major, is health administration with a concentration in data analytics, I always been fascinated by UFOlogy. The evidence keeps on piling up
Yeah, my major, is health administration with a concentration in data analytics, I always been fascinated by UFOlogy. The evidence keeps on piling up
What do you think the government is hiding from us with their extra terrestial
knowledge hmm??
1) it's very hard to travel through the speed of light and will have a lot of effects on the body of the ET

2) I don't have much info on dark matter
That's why I said you need to cancel out the Higgs field to get to light speed. JFL if you think aliens are using infinity mass to travel at light speed. They make their craft weight nothing to achieve light speed. Observation of UFO that is believed to be operated by aliens show doing manuvers in space and the atmosphere that deft physique and are not biologically possible which supports the evidence of an interia cancelling device as well
What do you think the government is hiding from us with their extra terrestial
knowledge hmm??
Advanced propulsion knowledge
Possible star systems where they originate from
advanced energy weapons

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